Grab a Highway Gear

That’s not a Speed Racer reference, but maybe it should be. I don’t even know what that phrase means, but Daniel loves it. He’s a catastrophe in man-shape. It seemed apt though, since tomorrow we’re ditching Houston for a brief road trip up to Austin for the weekend.

Before that, though, we’ll be releasing Episode 13. It should be here tonight or tomorrow morning, eagerly awaiting your viewing.

Since I know some of you will act like velociraptors systematically testing your browser’s refresh buttons, remember that we have jobs. So if you’re reading this at 5 pm central, wondering where the episode is… we’re still at work. Doing works.

58 thoughts on “Grab a Highway Gear

  1. British Aaron

    You don’t have jobs, admit it. It’s just another excuse for you to procrastinate. I bet you’re really passing your time by filming monkeys doing kung fu. If you’re not though, that’d be totally sweet.

  2. backb0ne_uk


    Blasted BST
    [quote comment=”5451″]Can’t wait!
    Is the ep.14 end of this season? :P[/quote]
    And yes Eps 14 is the end of season 1!

  3. thunderBird

    I can not wait to view Episode 13! I have been eagerly awaiting it’s arrival ever since my discover of TLW on YouTube. Now, I have alot of my friends watching and enjoying TLW’s Episodes! Good work guys, keep it up! I as well live in Houston, and I know how tough she can be, so take your time with the episodes (but not too much time!)

  4. Buttercup

    Great news! can’t w8 to see the episode…. i’ve recently discovered TLW …and i must say i’ve become addicted to it…after the first episode…
    you guys are doing a great job with this and i admire that! ….. keep up the good work! ;;)

  5. Gaines

    Damn Straight. You guys work hard, some people are selfish and all they do is nag at someone for an episode when they need to realize that you have lifes.

  6. chess

    Why u guys coming to Austin? A friend graduating from UT?

    R u guys gonna give autographs? That’s where I live btw. šŸ˜€

  7. duda

    I have the feeling this will be a great one..keep kiking some ass…..WILL U KEEP THE CHARACTERS INTO SEASON 2. Awesome ppl

  8. Mr. Munchlax

    Wow, I didn’t know you guys were in Texas. I live up in North East Texas kind of near Dallas but I’m about two hours away from the metroplex area. I’m actually closer to Hugo in Oklahoma than I am Dallas though.

  9. Sean

    WOOT, ep 13 can’t wait. Was there any internet issues on the site yesterday because I couldn’t get on the site and it said something bout internal server or something.

  10. Player

    [quote comment=”5469″]Comming out already? I wasn’t done with my computer yet. :O[/quote]

    W0rk oN youR ComPuter L8er šŸ˜›

  11. Zetra

    I shall be waiting like a good boy for the awesomeness that is to come from the gods of the video game movie series :3

  12. Pwnrich

    When can the episode be expected? Its 1:00am here, and i wont wait longer than untill 3am. Should i just sleep or wait?

  13. Psylantwuff

    Yes! Finally a night where I can stay up until the release! …so long as Auto-CAD decides to work and I get the cross section I need done um… done. lol

  14. an angry fan

    lol im gona stay awake all night just so i can watch a new episode of the leet world which is 8-10 minutes, im such a retard lol, but still worht it

  15. Cheezville

    COME ON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    (Dear JJ and Eddy,
    I am a sane gentleman, i just cant wait…any longer)

  16. Zyconis

    It’s 10pm here and I have school in the morning.
    I’m fighting between sleep and TLW.

    Is it a bad thing that TLW is winning?

  17. Zetra

    Jeeze, setal down a bit people. you know it wont kill you to wait till the moarning. No matter what, your gonna set it. So leave the guys alone and let them work. They rushing it enough as it is. They dont need the extra pressure of crazyed fans yelling at them.

  18. JJ

    [quote comment=”5488″]Why is my comment awaiting moderation?[/quote]

    Because WordPress hates you. šŸ˜‰

    I dunno, actually, it puts comments in moderation for no apparent reason sometimes. It’s supposed to only moderate offensive comments, but sometimes it queues ones that are perfectly reasonable.

  19. Mr. Munchlax

    WordPress is evil, but these wonderful, wonderful comments couldn’t exist without it so we have no choice but to give in to its demands.

  20. Mr Saito

    YUSH YUSH YUSH, Release the 2nd final episode, lol, have fun in Austin Texas, you guys deserve to take a break from your hard work =D

  21. JJ

    [quote comment=”5502″]Wordpress is evil, but these wonderful, wonderful comments couldn’t exist without it so we have no choice but to give in to its demands.[/quote]

    Considering I’m one of the laziest web designers ever, I think it’s safe to say that this site wouldn’t exist without WordPress and its ridiculously easy setup process and plugin system.

  22. Andrew

    Well, its 9:30 here, I got 2 hours to wait (West Coast USA FTW)

    I have school tomorrow, so please, have it out in at least 2 hours so I can brag to my friend that I saw it the night it was released, and he waited till morning

  23. WhenYouLeave,MyColorsFadeToGray

    i enjoy fine cheeses, but i enjoy Leet World more. im gonna watch it tommarrow morning, i gotta go to sleep. oh and fish need water to move. Why the hell am I typing this? ….Leet World, yeah!!

  24. RAC91790

    You can’t trick me, Leet World! You’re just waiting until I fall asleep to post episode 13. But it won’t work. I’ll never sleep, NEVER! Oh…wait. I have finals tomorrow. Well this sucks.

    Hope the people that click refresh a bunch enjoy it tonight. I suppose I’ll see it tomorrow if I wake up in time. Or after my evil Bio-Chemistry Final.

  25. Murph

    i dont think they are posting it, its later than 2:00 central time :(( i guess illl refresh a little bit longer before i call it a night..

  26. Greek(Romania)

    hey guys im not quite a rean fan but i still love the leet wolrd if I had to make an episode in real life I’d love to be Chet! GO Chet!!!

  27. KI113R

    Oh, curd… I’m in GMT +8:00 …

    Refresh! … Nope …
    I estimate by the time it comes out I’ll be asleep… Gahh… Must have coffee…

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