The Homecoming

Ok, so I lied. It wasn’t this weekend, it was actually sooner. I doubt you’ll hold it against me for very long. Here’s Episode 13 of Season 2 of The Leet World, Army of One, available for your review.

In this episode, we continue to build up to the explosive series finale, which will be a rather exciting conclusion, if I do say so myself. Some guys argue, the Producer spills the beans, there are some cyborgs and perhaps a big surprise by the end. Re: the surprise, allow me to be the first to say it… Served.

To check out the high res version of the episode, mosey over to the TLW premiere page. Or just hit the jump to see the regular version if you’re not feeling up to its awesomeness.

I say it all the time, but Jace Ford is a titan among men. He is a Goliath on the music front. A shagohod, if you will. Simple machinima videos are not worthy of his tunes. If you can’t tell, I think his music for this episode is just over in the badass category.

The series finale should be out sometime in August, hopefully around the middle of the month. We’ve got a lot of stuff going down between now and then, so we’ll see what happens.

Remember that all comments go directly into moderation now. So if it’s just a worthless pile of letters in Player lingo, it’s gone. I feel little to no remorse about ejecting nonsense back into the ether from which it spawned.


88 thoughts on “The Homecoming

  1. miesniexLV

    deem ! fu****G amazing episode!
    and WTF in the end ??? i hope part 2 is comming soon ..

  2. domi693

    Woosh! Awesome!

    lol Can’t wait until the finale, hope its full of bountiful explosions and gunfire.


    Wooooo!!! Great episode. Can’t wait to part 2. Can’t believe only one more episode left of The Leet World in it’s current format ๐Ÿ™

  4. SoundWave

    Totally awesome I can not wait for the other part! So F***ing amazing!! Can’t belive what U jsut Saw!!!!



  5. thewind32

    OMG at the ending!!! If he’s who I think he is, you guys just made my day! =D This episode’s a great one, keep it up! although there’s not long left ๐Ÿ™

  6. d3f4ul7

    Damn:| Great Episode:D:D:D!
    was that Ahmad in the end? When Player & Chet “warped home” ?

  7. nevertell

    Atlast, an episode that is really great. The season 2 was pretty much BS until this came out.

  8. Ganoosh


    Its the return of the NOOB! LOL the only thing he could muster to say was ‘awesome!’ lmao. <3 Amhad (i forget how 2 spell it lol)

    Amazing music Jace, really loving ur work man <33

    Great ep as always SFF, not to much longer now till finale!!! =D


  9. PrO-bOy

    oh dear lord…
    i can’t believe it…
    either ahmad is not dead, and never was…
    or he was turned into a cyborg.
    first option makes more sense.
    but what makes sense now,anyway? ๐Ÿ™‚

  10. Nabsuh

    Amazing ๐Ÿ˜€

    I did not see that end bit coming, but I’m just glad that the crew is back =D

    Can’t wait to see the finale, but you didn’t leave it on some lame cliff-hanger, you actually ended it with a proper one ๐Ÿ˜›

  11. TheDutchMANBEARPIG

    Agh bloody Cache, i have to clear it every single time I come on here now, never used to have a problem. I got about 1 minute into episode 12 before I realised there was no flashback sequence, it was just loading the wrong ep!

    Amazing episode, I won’t write any spoilers.. It’s come to a point where you know there will be a big reveal or a big twist at the end, but it ALWAYS catches me off guard. I love/hate the way you guys always end episodes right when our jaw drops, about a fraction of a second before you can go WTF.

    I’d say you might have outdone yourselves on this one, but that’d be a lie because this is the standard you’ve been setting.

    Great job, thanks for being a lil more specific with the next one, and I didn’t care at all that you released before you said you would!

  12. No0b-0-rAmA

    I can’t explain the episode in words. It’s so perfect in every single way. At first I thought bringing back ahmad would just be a horrible idea and ruin the story, but you guys did it so fluidly and made it so awsome. I am truly sad you guys are ending this series but I’m sure there will be as amazing or if not better stuff to come. I’m happy the episode came out today, as if it came out in the weekend, I would have had to wait until tuesday to watch =P. This is literally, without any exageration, the best stuff I’ve seen on the internet or the televison.

  13. mrdougan / Andrew C

    Part of me wants to scream OMG that the story arc is coming to a close, but the final sequence has me most excited

    I guess I will no longer need to hold a silent vigil for the former noob

  14. benign1

    Awesome! So worth being late to work. Phenomenal soundrack as always. Can’t wait to see what happens with the “new” arrival!

  15. Vladislav

    …………….. What?!
    Holy shiznits that was, in the words of Ahmad, “AWESOME!”
    Player’s freeeeeeee! Yay! And go Chet.
    P.S. Holy shiz.

  16. Hyperkultra


    Westy tells Wolf to **** himself,
    Ahmad comes back,
    And just watch, the Terrorists are gonna come riding in on some giant car and flatten like, 20 PlayBots.

  17. thewind32

    Hmm… Cortez said to Westheimer ‘we may not make it to finish the fight that we started, but we can make sure that they live on to do so.’ Is this a foreshadow of what’s to come? Oh nooooooo……….

  18. GreaseMonkey

    Yay Ahmad is back! It’s a cliffhanger but I think it’s better that the other’s you’ve been doing since it’s a nice break in the action.

    I think player’s best lines throughout the series are “HALP.”

    Can’t wait for a soundtrack to come out for this.

  19. SK Beans

    Very good, and has a big Saving Private Ryan feel. Something tells me Cortez and Westy aren’t going to both come out alive.

  20. DonWalrus

    A. MA. ZING. This series is fucking brilliant. I love it how everything finally came together. You guys deserve awards for this. *stands up and starts slow clap*

  21. FKim


    2 things happened today…
    1-first time playar speak in the show…
    2-Ahmad is not dead…..about that i think i know why ahmad apears in the final scene…but I’m not going to ruin this suspense (cuz maybe I’m right or wrong)

    Great job Eddy, Nick and Daniel.

  22. DownloadFailed

    hoooolllyyyy crap! Best episode yet! Player talk,s unfortunately only one line, Ahmad returns, and Chet and Player are going to find the Producer! Man at the ending my mouth was agape, I was partly squealing and could hardly take in all that had just happened in a matter of 2 seconds. Incredibly work you guys. Hope you enjoy your vacation time!

  23. fattymicfat


    you guys are just the best XD XD XD

    and what was the music at the end? cause it was sweeeeeeeet.

    to bad we have to wait for the next ep, i wish i can fast forward to the future XD

  24. hypnotek

    to that ending, all i can say is what the fuuuuckkk!!?? I just knew you’d have to bring him back.

  25. Denman_HG

    I’m torn between who I think will make the ultimate sacrifice, Cortez or Westy. Although, considering the Prodigal Noob’s return, maybe neither of them will.

    Awesome episode, epic music. Two thumbs up, Jace.

    “We have reconsidered and decided that you are a dead man.” Lol at the irony. ‘Cuz…y’know…he’s a dead man…literally…

    Also, I think that was the first time I’ve heard a weapon called by its name in the whole series.

    All in all, the pieces are in place for an awesome finish to the series.

    From what I understand, only a certain amount of cast members can exist outside the death room at a time now. Leeroy came back when Ahmad died, and Ahmad came back when Chet and Player left. Although the former could be coincidence. Either way, I’m excited to see what will be done with the final chapter of the series.

  26. Yendor GGB

    Amazing episod

    like alwasy u never disapoint
    I was thinking that you should make a dvd of all episods, all the soundtracks, and specials when all the seasons are done. I would be the first one to buy it and i think alot of others would want it too.

    Thx for the amazing series.

  27. Eclipse1337

    Yendor, they would if they were able to, but they can’t due to copyrights by Valve for Counter Strike.

  28. _CracKeD

    Ah.. yet another amazing episode. Disappointment is never brought upon us, you guys are perfect.

    Can’t wait for part two.

  29. Cortez

    nice work,, if ahamd become alive than mendoza should to well you wont put it but it would be intresting

  30. f1xie

    Nice work guys,, again!

    Tho predictable that Ahmad would rejoin, just as it was the case with Leeroy. This show just isn’t the same without each character in it.

    Keep it up ๐Ÿ˜€

  31. forestxqf

    Probably one of the most powerful episodes I have ever seen from the LeetWorld yet.

    P.S. Ahmad coming back was really unexpected.

  32. Nafets

    Look this is what can happen not a spoiler…..Nobody knows if Ahmad’s hax has worn off and i thnk that he was prbably in death room or producer had him becuz he somehow held him not sure.

    by the way SFF best yet…..””” 100000000/10

  33. El Kibblez

    Freaking amazing episode.
    I did not see the Ahmad thing coming. He really was just in the death room…

  34. sgtpepper

    Wow guys you really have done it, i wasnt too sure where this finale was going but it is all set and ready to be one of the best finale im sure i will ever see!!

    Brilliant story structure and build up! Im really gonna miss TLW!!! ๐Ÿ™

  35. AIB

    u may hear this alot but this is awesomeness at its peak, this ep ending is a something i was thinking alot about since the last season ended, lets just say all we need is for mendoza to come back and life will be perfect….. after all he did ยจdieยจ after leeroy finished the challange at the house in the last season finale, so the deathroom should reset, right? so theres a chance that mendoza should still be alive, or at the deathroom at least… ah too many thoughts for now, good luck with the last ep and gentlemen, it was a fun ride.

  36. CounterPillow

    Holy shit. This Episode was great. ๐Ÿ˜ฎ
    But yh, that Ahmad thing was kinda… expected?

  37. MartyrMachine

    This episode compelled me to create an account just so I could leave a comment.

    Guys, the script in this episode was brilliant, I loved it. Everything was so smooth and flowed perfectly. Also, the camera work was exceptional. It’s been really really cool for us as fans to watch how the quality of the episodes has evolved over the two seasons.

    And as usual, Jace Ford kicked ass.

  38. hexplode11

    The Best Episode. Its funny how during the last post we were talking about our favorite episode when all of the sudden this new episode showed up. Just amazing. This will be a great finale for a great series.

  39. nyttyn

    Great episode, but aren’t all the preparations pointless? Since the entire show is just one big preparation for the “Player” super soldier, shouldn’t the producer know their hand exactly? He is seeing all we are seeing, and then some, thanks to the cameras or whatever he uses to record.

  40. pl0xman123

    HOLY SH*T!

    I love you guys for bringing back Ahmad. You sure know how to entertain people, SFF. *tear*


  41. SargentPikachu

    In the words of Ahmad, that episode was “awesome!”

    Lol at the computer (“…when they attack, you will be so f*&cked”; whose voice is the computer’s anyways?) and Westy when he requested for his “last lifeline”. So much for the lifelines, they were mostly useless throughout the season. [SPOILER ALERT!] And at the end when Ahmad respawned, my reaction was like, “Whoa! F*&K!” Pretty much the same reaction when Player talked and Chet and Player disappeared into the box teleporter thing. My predictions were way off from the last entry with the screenshots.

    To continue from that entry, now that you guys know more, what do you think will happen in TLW: The Movie based on what you know so far and what you predict in the next episode?

  42. Kuilui

    Fantastic episode as always. However one thing caught my eye that I haven’t seen before. When player and Chet were talking I got a Final Fantasy 7 vibe. Like Player was Cloud and Chet was, Kind of doing the dialogue for Tifa. Even the music seemed to feel FF7ish for that scene. I loved it. Can’t wait for the next one.

  43. DisCounTed

    The episode was great, but when people talked, their movement was either too late or too soon. By that I mean the way they move their heads. Bringing back Ahmad, well that kind of over does it. It was fine when you brought back Leeroy, he wasn’t really dead, but when your brought back Ahmad it kind of felt like your trying to keep this show around the rating “G” It kind of takes the realism out and for me, kind of ruins the storyline.
    It would be really great if at the end they honor the dead after the battle, and talk about Ahmad. I really liked the episode though, can’t wait for the next one.

  44. SargentPikachu

    I was gonna ask, “Wait, why is this episode called ‘The Army of One’?”, but then realized. It’s a whole army comprised of clones of one person (err, robot), so it’s a whole “Army of” clones of “One”.

    The cleaverest title I’ve ever seen on a YouTube video, or in my life!

  45. -M4V3R1CK-

    Hey Eddy, wanna explain how Westy got a M4A1 after he gave Leeroy his? He couldnt have got it from the table of weapons since it didnt have a M4A1.

    Also, I think we will understand what the title for the episode means in part 2. It probably has something to do with player and him owning everyone.

  46. joshuamancao

    [quote comment=”16493″]
    From what I understand, only a certain amount of cast members can exist outside the death room at a time now. Leeroy came back when Ahmad died, and Ahmad came back when Chet and Player left. Although the former could be coincidence. Either way, I’m excited to see what will be done with the final chapter of the series.[/quote]
    ur right…i think that something is up with that….

  47. TheDutchMANBEARPIG

    [quote comment=”16538″]Bringing back Ahmad, well that kind of over does it. It was fine when you brought back Leeroy, he wasn’t really dead, but when your brought back Ahmad it kind of felt like your trying to keep this show around the rating “G” It kind of takes the realism out and for me, kind of ruins the storyline.
    It would be really great if at the end they honor the dead after the battle, and talk about Ahmad. I really liked the episode though, can’t wait for the next one.[/quote]

    First off, if you really liked it, then why so many complaints?
    Secondly, I too thought that if Ahmad was brought back it would ruin it. But they did it in a spectacular way that you didn’t see coming. They waited a good 3 episodes or so, made it seem like an absolute fact that Ahmad wouldn’t be back (they even told us that the actor quit coz he wanted more time with his newborn) and then out of nowhere he pops up when Player and Chet were leaving, and says his signature: AAAWesome line.

    Tbh it caught me off guard because I was wondering how C&P would get to the death room, wasn’t expecting the nubito to pop out of nowhere.

    And SargentPikachu, perhaps the title is also foreshadowing something..

  48. sameertulshyan

    loved the episode it was legendary. and can you please put up the downloads? thanks

  49. Eddy

    [quote comment=”16546″]Hey Eddy, wanna explain how Westy got a M4A1 after he gave Leeroy his? He couldnt have got it from the table of weapons since it didnt have a M4A1.

    Also, I think we will understand what the title for the episode means in part 2. It probably has something to do with player and him owning everyone.[/quote]

    Ha, dang some of you guys are picky. If you look carefully, Westy has the gun on his back during the table scene, so presumably he got it between giving his to Leeroy and getting the other guns together.

  50. nyttyn

    Aww, the music was cut off at the end ๐Ÿ™ That was such a awesome tune, think you can release the entire tune as a download or something?

  51. Dustin

    The title, I’m guessing, is either from the fact that each person is a ‘teacher’ to Player, and that, all factors added together equals one super-badass. Either that or the clone theory.

    In any case, my guess as to the Ahmad coming back part is that de_nuke represented a challenge, in which the death room was active. (Or, just the death room was active.) Since their never really was a beginning to the challenge, it didn’t have an end, so Ahmad was unable to come back. The box was a teleporter to the death room, of course, as that’s where the Producer is. The box, though, served as a two-way teleporter. When it became active, it teleported both Player and Chet there, and Ahmad back.

    Anyways, that’s just how I’m thinking it works. Either that or Smooth Few Films will come up with some other illogical shit that will end up turning logical in the end anyways.

  52. - Anonymous -

    Oh my god. That was amazing. Good job on the ep SFF, and great music as always.

    Ahmad, I just don’t know how he’s alive. Maybe he never died? At first I was thinking it could’ve been a comrade, but no one comes close to Ahmad’s ‘Awesome!’

    I never liked westheimer that much, but know, he’s not such a douche.

    **One thing, Ahmad came back, how bout Mendoza? I don’t think he ever died. I think him and the producer have a trick up their sleeve. But I could be wrong.

    and player ftw by the way.

  53. SargentPikachu

    [quote]*One thing, Ahmad came back, how bout Mendoza? I donโ€™t think he ever died. I think him and the producer have a trick up their sleeve. But I could be wrong.[/quote]

    I don’t think he will come back. The challenge was completely deactivated by the time he was killed, and it would be really cheesy and too coincidental that he does come back because i.e. challenge malfunctioned, he wasn’t completetly killed… Anyways, it just doesn’t feel right to put him back in after Asher was disguised like him. It just doesn’t feel right for some reason.

    Why no one ansering my question?!?!

    What is your favorite line from Player?

  54. Unseen9

    Been wondering about it since Ahmad died… since before than really… since it first happened. The challenge program. If Leeroy could recreate it couldn’t he have somehow told his computer how to do it. I suppose anything is theoretically possible. Maybe he told Ahmad what he knew on how to do it so far and Ahmad figured it out.

    What I’m guessing is that Ahmad activated the challenge program before he went to kill Asher. Also the hax man, they’re from Noonian aren’t they? What if they’re special hax that don’t let you die? You just respawn in the death room?

    As per the episode, definitely a nice pick me up-got me excited for the next part!

  55. SargentPikachu

    [quote]Ha, dang some of you guys are picky.[/quote]
    Well, we have to be. Things in this series are not as they seem.

    Just a couple of questions (yes, again):

    What happened to the “Know About It” PSAs? Will there be more during the hiatus between the last episode and TLW: The Movie (Christmas, Thanksgiving…)?

    What will happen in post-TLW SFF? Can you give just a hint or two? Even a hint in code at least? PLEASE?!

    I’ve seen a couple of comments saying that they’re outside of America. So on behalf on them, can there be subtitles? Ross Scott from Accursed Farms (another machinimator group)also does this with his videos.

    1. Eddy

      A couple of answers for Mr. Pikachu:

      For questions 1 and 2, we’ve given all the info we can give at this time. There should be more coming soon. And as to number 3, no, we’re not interested in spending our free time subtitling the episodes. Not because we don’t love our international fans (we certainly do), we just don’t have the time to do all of that.

  56. Untitled

    I’m from Finland (check the map if you dont know where it is >:| ) And I dont think that theres really need for subtitles, because I understand everything what the chars say.

    I’ve started watching TLW since ep. 4 and I think it is best Machinimas out there. You guys have done great job!

  57. SNOWMAN7

    [quote comment=”16589″]Unseen9 if Ahmad activated the challenge program, then Asher is still alive as well.[/quote]

    hmmm, but Asher being a robot might effect on that. PLAYER on the other hand is a cyborg, not a robot, so he can go to the death room.

    but I hope Asher won’t come back. I hated that jerk XD

  58. pinatafreak

    If you guys are looking for ideas to do after the leet world is over, i think you guys should do a show with an RPG game, like World of Warcraft or something, that would be cool…

  59. - Anonymous -

    Asher wasn’t a cyborg? Oh. Guess I forgot :S

    I stick with the idea that they should do an episode of what “Law and Order: Css” woulda been like.

  60. JJ

    [quote comment=”16595″]If you guys are looking for ideas to do after the leet world is over, i think you guys should do a show with an RPG game, like World of Warcraft or something, that would be cool…[/quote]

    Trust me, we are absolutely full to the brim with our own quite shiny ideas. It’s how the creative brain works. You just can’t help but come up with new ideas all the time. To be quite honest, this is also one of the reasons we don’t want people to share their ideas with us. We’ve got plenty of our own that we are quite fond of.

    …And no, I’m not talking about specific projects, I’m just talking about ideas in general.

  61. Unseen9

    Yeah what I was saying Snowman was that if Ahmad activated the program he can die. Asher didn’t die, he was destroyed. Ahmad died.

  62. BenBn

    Surely even if the death room is deactivated it still exists otherwise mr wolf and nunian would fail to exist meaning that it is very possible there is more than the 2 ways of accessing the death room that we dont know about, the fact that it is possible to escape the death room without it being activated could be part of this or i could be completely wrong and i probably am, but oh well it was something to think about ๐Ÿ˜€

    Anyway, amazing episode SFF, i have been watching leet world since the first episode and you never fail to suprise me with your brilliance not only in production but in creativity and effort, you never put less than 100% into each episode and it definately shows when you put the leet world next to other machinimas out there, also Jace’s music add a huge amount to the leet world and it needs to be mentioned that it is awesome, the change in the story line from season 1 to season 2 has been very nice to watch, the first season was awesome and possibly the greatest machinima ever created, however you then started season 2 and it was instantly apparent that it would be even better than season 1 and it has been by far better and i beleive that season 2 of the leet world is the greatest machinima created to date, can’t wait for the final episode as it will hold the answers to all questions that people have asked and will surely be an amazing finish to a truly amazing series.

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