Tag Archives: csgo

April’s Super Punctual Leet World Update

So I’ve had a bit of a Sarlacc monster dropped onto my life in the form of a brand new fledgling human, which has limited my ability to post any meaningful updates. When faced with the choice of talking to you fine folks, working on Leet World, playing CSGO or sleeping in my “free” time, you can guess which of these I choose (Counter-Strike, duh).

Production is moving along, but has had its share of bumps over the last month. We’re not as far into the season as we’d hoped we would be at this point, and we’ve had to have some discussions about scope, workflow, etc., but everything is still in a good spot. It turns out there’s a reason that nearly every major SFM project has abandoned SFM in the middle of its use, because SFM is hard. Go figure.

Right now we’re making a push to finish out the first two episodes, and we’re working on getting episode 3 up and running at the same time while writing episode 4. We’ve gotten some great help recently from some amazing volunteers, and now the whole project is hitting an awesome stride.

Which means we’ve got things to show you soon. There’s a new teaser coming along any week now, and with it we’ll have a way for you guys to help us get the word out and possibly help us with production as well. I’ll post more about that later this week!

And now for a question: how many of you Smooth fellas and ladies would be interested in some eSports CSGO content? Nick and I in particular have become fanatics (pun intended) about competitive CS lately, and we’re wondering about turning it into something we can do regularly and post here. Obviously we’d only do this if it didn’t conflict with our Leet World schedule. Thoughts?