Tag Archives: mgs

The Valentine’s Day Trailer

It’s not quite candy and flowers, but it will have to do.

We try to deliver when we say that there are going to be some nice extras, so I bring a gift: a trailer for Episode Ten of The Leet World. Work on the episode is going well, with the bulk of shooting now complete. It should be out at some point next week, barring some calamity of the heavens. Which, if you’ve been around our “studio”, can (and frequently does) happen. In the meantime, there will be plenty of treats for you guys between now and then- our new short is on its way rather soon.

In addition, here’s some gaming news from the week: Is BioWare making a new KOTOR game, Zero Punctuation assembles some SimCity stuff, Pandemic supposedly making a Battlefield/LOTR style game, a ridiculous MGS 3 video, and a huge TF2 Valentine from Valve.