16 thoughts on “The Wonderful World of FAQs

  1. John

    Great idea! But it bumped your title down…up top, the “The Leet World” is out of the orange now. πŸ™

  2. JJ

    [quote comment=”1825″]Great idea! But it bumped your title down…up top, the “The Leet World” is out of the orange now. :([/quote]

    You may need to clear your cache and reload the site. I updated the stylesheet after I posted so that everything would fit.

  3. dustin

    dude guys, daniels bro mike showed me this site, and its hilarious. guys keep it up, im sure im not the only one dying to see the next episode.

  4. JJ

    [quote comment=”1848″]ROFLCOPTER!!![/quote]

    Really? I would not have pegged the FAQ page as comedy material.

  5. Amps

    I can’t send in my questions! The grass is purple, 10-5=-105, snow is red, but it always says that I’m wrong! I don’t know what planet you live on, but this must be fixed!

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