Author Archives: Jeff

Well, Shit. Ten Years?

So, here’s the thing: I fully intended to post something here commemorating the tenth anniversary of the original Leet World trailer, first released on June 21st, 2007, but I have to admit that life got in the way and I lost track of time, so this post is a little late.

Can you believe it’s been that long since the guys first released a dumb video on YouTube?

Let’s all watch it again and remember more innocent times:

What else is going on with us, you may ask?

Well, despite all appearances to the contrary, we’re actually still working on season three. Hard to believe at this point, I know, but it’s true.

Hopefully we’ll have an update to share with you guys soon. For now, everything that Daniel says in last year’s update is still true.

Thanks for being fans all these many years.

May Update and Some Frequently Asked Questions

Hello friends! Jeff here. I know it’s been quiet around here recently (unless you’ve been following the comments on Eddy’s most recent post), but today we’ve got a quick video update for you as well as answers to some Frequently Asked Questions.

First up, here’s the video:

Now that you’ve watched that, I’m sure you’re just bursting with questions, so I’ve answered some of the most frequently asked after the jump.

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Daniel’s New Short: NBCSI, Episode 101

We occasionally get questions asking what we’ve all been up to recently, so I’m happy to share NBCSI, a short that Daniel wrote and directed:

Nick edited it, and Jace did the music. The short was created as a submission for Channel 101, but unfortunately didn’t get selected for the April session.

If you aren’t familiar with Channel 101, it’s a monthly event created by Dan Harmon, who also created Community. Every month, ten five-minute episodes of independent shows are screened for an audience.

Audience members vote for the five shows they liked the best, and whichever shows get picked are required to create another episode for the next month. The longest-running current show is called Car Jumper, which should give you an idea of the kinds of absurdity that tend to flourish in that setting.

Bobby King Does Stand-Up Comedy

In the clips below, Bobby King’s mustache-free alter-ego, Ty Mahany, runs through a few stand-up routines. You may also recognize Ty as the voice of Asher and Mendoza. Check out his routines, maybe subscribe to his channel, and enjoy! You can also find Ty on twitter @tmahany. He likes to play hashtag games.

New Site, Old Content!


You may have noticed that the site was down for a few months. Sorry about that! Basically what happens is that when you leave a WordPress site largely unattended for a few years, it tends to get hacked EVEN IF you keep the install up-to-date. Those hackers are wily!

In any case, we started having trouble with both GamerSushi and Smooth Few Films getting filled with malicious spam, so I decided to take down this site for a while under the assumption I would take the time to create a streamlined non-Wordpress version without much trouble.

Several months passed, and I realized that I wasn’t going to get off my ass and make a whole new site from the ground up any time soon, so I’ve gone ahead and reactivated the WordPress site with a new theme and some minor changes here and there.

Now, before you get excited, this post doesn’t mean the guys are working on any new stuff. Don’t take this as an opportunity to ask if they’ll be making season three of The Leet World, because it’s not going to happen. We know you guys loved The Leet World, but it came to a natural end more than four years ago!

Your friendly webmaster, signing off!

SMOOTH FEW FILMS, 2007 – 2010

Where’s the “Undo” Button On This Thing?

facepalmHi folks. Just a quick post to let you know that we’ve had a loss of data and the downloads are not currently available. The culprit here was a tinkering webmaster (me) and and a crappy WordPress plugin that decided to delete a folder without telling me what it was doing. It’s possible our hosting company can restore the domain from a backup, but I’m not going to count on it.

We have backups of almost everything, and I’m going to begin the process of getting those re-uploaded onto the site as soon as I can, but the main thing that we don’t have consistent backups of are the HD versions of season 1.

If you or anyone else you know has all of season 1 in the HD format, I’d appreciate it if you could upload them somewhere like FileFront and email me a link to the file(s) at No need to post the links in the comments, but if you want to “claim” which episodes you are uploading, that might help prevent folks from doubling up on the same episodes. Thanks!

UPDATE: Lucky for us, it looks like I actually jumped the gun here. When I started downloading a backup of the remaining folders on the site, it was a much bigger download than I was expecting. I dug around a bit and it turns out that the stupid plugin had just moved the missing folder about three deep inside a few other folders. Needless to say, I’m both relieved and in the process of making a giant backup of the entire site. You can return to previously scheduled programming now.

Growing Pains

As you may have heard, a vast army of elves is currently toiling 24/7 to bring you a brand-new Smooth Few Films website.

In the process of doing this, the existing Leet World website may start misbehaving or looking funny, and there will definitely be an unknown period of time where both sites will be down while I have to do a bit of behind-the-scenes magic and make sure everything is in working order before we open it back up to the public. Hopefully the downtime won’t take too long.

This is just a friendly note to let everyone know that you shouldn’t freak out if our site is down / broken / etc. today and tomorrow. We hope to have everything back to regularly scheduled programming on Monday (September 8th).

NOTE: Kirk Cameron not included.