Things to Come…

So in two weeks, Daniel and I will be flying out to Seattle to partake in PAX. For those of you don’t know, PAX is the Penny Arcade Expo and it is a glorious celebration in gaming and gamers. There will be a number of awesome things to do, including seeing Rooster Teeth, Jonathan Coulton, a bevy of unreleased games and hours of other fine entertainments. To check out the full line up of the nerdery, click here. Looks wild.

Anywho, we’re busy fist-pumping about that, and excited to get out there and say hey to some folks. Other things we’re excited about include Web Zeroes, which is now getting closer to completion. In addition, we’re nearing the launch of our new site(s) as well as the trailer for GRIEF, part of which was filmed tonight.

Much thanks to all you dudes who participated. Some screenies:

36 thoughts on “Things to Come…

  1. zeke (AUSTRALIA)

    Looks good. A question, how did you make this with 8 players? Don’t you run out of xbox’s? Or people to control the master chiefs?

  2. DeadFable

    Didn’t know anything was happening in Seattle I would of looked things up and might come.. and I keep getting logged out every time I came to this page.

  3. James Blond

    I wanna go…
    Hey Eddy, can I hide in your luggage?

    Too bad Nick’s not with you, I could hide in his beard…

    EDIT: Ha! I edited a post! W00t!

  4. CrazyFAN

    CAN’T WAIT !
    Eddy in the next season u guys could like when there’s the theme song put like pictures of the characters in game and pictures of you guys responsible for their voices 🙂
    For the guys that don’t know wich of u guys give voices to some characters 😉

  5. Eddy

    [quote comment=”10719″]Looks good. A question, how did you make this with 8 players? Don’t you run out of xbox’s? Or people to control the master chiefs?[/quote]

    We did this particular series of shots over XBox Live, with some friendly extras.

    [quote comment=”10736″]Am Ok meaby im idiot but are you doing still TLW yes?[/quote]

    Yup- the answer to that question is right below the comment box and all over the website, too. However, we spent nearly a year straight working on TLW, and we need a short break from it, so we’re doing other things in the meantime that’ll help refresh our creative palettes.

  6. WILLIAM013

    You guys are going to PAX? Great! I hope you have an awesome time! (WHY CAN’T IT BE ME?!?) Anyways, if you see the guys from Roosterteeth, remember to ask them about my idea to see if they’d be willing to volunteer to do any voice-acting for season two of “The Leet World” or any of your other projects, OK?

    PLEASE TELL THEM ABOUT MY IDEA! If they ask, my profile is RVBFAN 314!

    sry. I’m a huge RT fan.

  7. adamiantor1

    [quote comment=”10750″]What’s the url for your new website?[/quote]

    I Don’t think there up, because if they were, then they would have told us 😉

  8. HN_S4mur41

    lol guys.
    i hope you enjoy the pax, don’t step into hax, or else you may pay a tax, but if you do send me a fax, and hurry, the clock tic tax. LOL

    update us when u get back.
    Smooth Few Films is rocketing up!

  9. wargeragon

    [quote comment=”10753″][quote comment=”10750″]What’s the url for your new website?[/quote]

    I Don’t think there up, because if they were, then they would have told us ;)[/quote]

    yah, i was just wondering wat they would name their url after.

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