Category Archives: Extras

The Standoff: Leet World Season 3 Screenshot

Another screenshot from The Leet World Season 3. This time, Montrose finds himself in a rather precarious situation. Who are these masked CSGO baddies? What do they want? And just how is Montrose going to get out of this predicament? Perhaps his boots will have some part to play.

The world may never know. *

*The world will totally actually know, when the episode featuring this scene is released.

leet world season 3 screenshot montrose

“You think you can take on four men… all by yourself?”

The Leet World Season 3 VLOG: Going Big Time

We’ve got a big announcement. Season 3 is going big time, since everyone is super famous and in Hollywood now.

OK, that’s not really the announcement, however, the live action animator reference files are SERIOUSLY going to make for some of the best special features ever. Nick and Daniel hilariously act out every scene of the show between the two of them, and it’s some of my favorite stuff ever. You guys are going to love them as our between-episode special features.

Stay smooth, everyone.

Leet World Season 3: The Bros Are Back



We got a new screenshot for you, this time of everyone’s favorite bros. The first two* episodes of the season are appropriately titled “Reunion,” as they primarily deal with getting The Leet World cast back together to deal with <secrets>. I still get kind of giddy seeing the characters together again. In some ways it’s like they never left that weird spot in my brain reserved for Leet World.

Hope you all feel the same when you see it.

Leet World Season 3: Chet and Player

The Bros Are Back

More to come.

*episodes subject to change because reasons

The Trio: Leet World Season 3 Screenshot

Here we go, ladies and gents. Another Leet World Season 3 screenshot. This one is actually from Episode 2, and shows a gathering of more than one character you might recognize. One of them is a sassypants, and the other loves burros.

Leet World Season 3 Episode 2

Things are still progressing, although a bit slowly at the moment since my wife and I (hi, Diane) just had our second little girl and Daniel is off in Japan having samurai sword fights. We hope to have a bit of a teaser ready for you guys in the near future, where you can actually see some of these guys both walking and/or talking. Maybe even both at the same time!


The Leet World VLOG: Motion Capture

In the newest edition of the TLW VLOG, we give a little preview of how we’re utilizing motion capture in season 3 of Leet World. While most of what we’re doing amounts to the homiest of home brews, we also had the opportunity to travel to Austin recently to work on a fight scene that happens early on in the season.

No doubt many of you have heard by now that one of Rooster Teeth’s staff, Monty Oum, passed away last week. Monty was the creator of RWBY, one of the heads of Rooster Teeth’s animation department, and an all around great human being, without whom we wouldn’t have been able to complete our motion capture when we visited in December. He took time out of his Saturday to make sure that we had everything we needed, and constantly came in to help us troubleshoot any issues we were having. It was a very kind gesture for someone who had no stake in our project whatsoever.

While I didn’t know Monty well, I’ve worked on a couple of things here and there with him throughout my time of contract writing for Rooster Teeth. I’ve always been amazed at his drive, his creativity and the way his mind worked. One of the highlights of my life was seeing my words brought to life with Monty’s animation in season 10 of Red Vs. Blue. It was a special memory that is only possible because of the many gifts he gave his fans and viewers.

Rest in peace, Monty. Thanks for pouring yourself into your work.

First Look: Leet World Season 3 Screenshot

It’s been a long time since I’ve posted a screenshot of an upcoming episode of The Leet World. We’ve been keeping mum on the show as much as we can since it’s still quite a ways out, but we’re starting to hit that point where we can give you guys a few glimpses and teases. Part of that is due to the nature of working in a new medium — we’re still trying to work out some of the kinks of Source Filmmaker. And part of that is we want to do as much as we can to make the show still feel like Leet World even though the characters are capable of new things, like karate chops.

Speaking of. Episode 1’s got a few familiar faces in it, and Leeroy just happens to be one of them. He’s mighty concerned about something.

Leet World Season 3 Episode 1: Leeroy

The Leet World VLOG: In the Audio Booth

We’ve got a new VLOG up for you guys to enjoy. Here’s Nick recording some Chet lines for Season 3 of The Leet World.

It’s been so long since we’ve used these voices, you can tell that it takes a bit of time to work into that Chet groove. We’ve said it before, but we really can’t wait for you guys to see some of this stuff coming together. Stay tuned for more.

Stay smooth.