I’m seeing lots of people with little ghost faces next to their names here, so I figured it was time for another update on how to add pictures to your profile at SmoothFewFilms.
The process is easy. Just go to Gravatar and register for an account with the same e-mail address you used for this site, and you’re good to go. Add a picture to your account there, and it should show up here and any other site that uses Gravatar. It’s seriously the easiest sign up process ever in the history of dude-kind.
It’d be nice to see some shiny new avatars for all of those comments on Season 2, Episode 4 of TLW, which will be here within the next couple of days.
Go forth and register, and be ye anonymous no more.
ok, done.
Mmmm…no. See Edddy, for some of us, sometimes simple things like this just don’t want to work. Like when I tried to make an account with EVERY fucking name I could think of and it said it was taken. Or how EVERY fucking password I tried to make wouldn’t be accepted.
Oh ho, gravatar, won’t make an account you say? Good day then…worthless…
Admittedly, this little ghostly guy next to my name is kind of bland =/
” AlphaHawkp said:
January 29th, 2009 on 1:22 pm Quote
Mmmm…no. See Edddy, for some of us, sometimes simple things like this just don’t want to work. Like when I tried to make an account with EVERY fucking name I could think of and it said it was taken. Or how EVERY fucking password I tried to make wouldn’t be accepted.
Oh ho, gravatar, won’t make an account you say? Good day then…worthless…
Admittedly, this little ghostly guy next to my name is kind of bland =/”
Mmmm… Yes. While making an account remember the following. For User Names it says: No capitol letters, no underscores, no special characters, no spaces. And your password must have at least 8 characters, a little letter, A BIG LETTER, and a a special character (&*%$D#@)
More sites should use gravatar, I think.
[quote comment=”13496″]Admittedly, this little ghostly guy next to my name is kind of bland =/[/quote]
Well hey, look at it this way- when everyone else has an avatar, the ghost dude will be unique.
[quote comment=”13499″]More sites should use gravatar, I think.[/quote]
I concur. It’s nice to have a universally recognized avatar.
Yeah, I really like Gravatar. It makes having icons for your account so much easier, instead of having tons of websites that all use different sizes, file types, whatever. I wonder if I could get my clan’s forum to use Gravatar. ^^
awesome finally it works!
why didnt it work I used the same email
sweet my gravatar works
[quote comment=”13505″]sweet my gravatar works[/quote]
Not only does it work, but it is also incredible.
[quote comment=”13497″]
Mmmm… Yes. While making an account remember the following. For User Names it says: No capitol letters, no underscores, no special characters, no spaces. And your password must have at least 8 characters, a little letter, A BIG LETTER, and a a special character (&*%$D#@)[/quote]
All of which I followed, only to still be told in those annoying ass red letters “Unavailable.”
thanks for the info, keep up the good work in the leet world and web zeroes.
dose my gravatar work?
[edit] yay it doses
I’ve noticed changing my avatar doesn’t quite work, though it works on other sites… maybe its a bug but when I first got my avatar it took a few days only this time, it’s been much longer…
Try re-uploading to Gravatar and then editing a post.
I think Gtar is kinda pointless. I’ll still upload a avatar when I get time But I dunno about the Gtar.
Edit: Definitely looks better then the white one ^_^
Never seems to work for mine. 😐
sweet! gravitar is working now. thanks for tellin us “stupidos” how to do it.
Yeah, I see you got it going. It takes creating a new post or reuploading to gravatar sometimes.
Edit: Wahwahwahwawawawawa
my pic didn’t change… wierd…
It’s showing the one i want when i edit it, but not any other place… weird
P.S. burst of randomness time… NEON FlASHY FLASHY!!!!!
double check
Edit: I’ll give it the twenty-four hour rule…
btw, I like every1’s new gravatars of those who got them working
LOL!It works!
wow, i tried an other avatar, and that worked >.<
nother test… hope it works this time…
EDIT: nope damn… can anyone tell me what you see as my avitar? i am seeing 2 different things… anyone?
wait lol, i swear i changed it this time…
I have an account for wordpress to this site, yet I don’t have an account for gravatar, and it won’t let me make one because I have an account for wordpress, rather confusing, rather annoing.
Plus on wordpress I can’t find anywhere to add a avatar.
never mind I got mine to work, loving all the new avatars too 🙂
Gravatar FTW!
Well fine. It half worked for me.
Test? Still dont work
Re-uploaded several times 😐
Can’t Wait Til The Next Episode 😀
does this work?
no it doesnt
howd u do it?
why hasn’t my gravitar changed?!?!?!
EDIT:it works on edits… why not normally?…
I don’t even have that pic on gravitar anymore… why it still show up?
Bring us the episode!
Okay, my gravatar works, so I’m not too sure why I should be posting, except I’ve made a life changing discovery.
You guys named Montrose and Westie after streets in Houston, didn’t you?
Looks like I saw through your clever ruse…
ok ok 3rd times the charm, i registered lol
yes, they did name westie and montrose after houston street names… at least i think they did… if they didn’t, it would be a very big coincidence
EDIT: and my gravitar is still not working
i ave had mine for a while now lolz
btw: ellis ftw
Testing…. Hope it worked!
On The Origins of my Gravatar: I’m a 3D animator (uhh, not yet, but i self-taught myself a hell of a lot of stuff so i’m good enough to be considered one) And my web series is called “Doomschip” – the gravatar is almost like a sort of teaser image for it 😀
What do you guys think? 😀
The only problem with my web series is that its really hard to find voice actors, i’m about to ask some of my friends to help and I hope they say yes 😀
Just testing to see if my new picture worked:
May I make a request: It would also be interesting to see a script of an already released episode, just to see what you awesome dudes work with 😀
He, I’m envying the new gravatars. I might change mine in the future. With my leet skills with Microsoft Paint.
To the dudes that are still waiting for their avatar to show up
You hav to wait about 20 min or so for the pic to show up. So, jus watch season 1 of TLW again and wait 🙂
Well, I don’t post often enough so hopefully it wont matter :).
Edit: One last test, couldn’t help it. xD
[quote comment=”13565″]To the dudes that are still waiting for their avatar to show up
You hav to wait about 20 min or so for the pic to show up. So, jus watch season 1 of TLW again and wait :)[/quote]
Or, just watch the finale! hehe
thnks for link to Gtar
I’ve never had a problem using Gravatars. Good to see more than half the page has Avatars other than the ghost.
It’s gonna be totally awesome when you can see that everybone are using Gravatars. I <3 mine xD!
TeSTIS 1-2…
well, waitin for tha gravatar 2 show up, lol.
bring us episode 4, btw Web Zeroes (thumbs up)
ghost 4 the win 🙂
Hey Nick, btw quick question.
If you shaved your beard, how long would it take for it
to grow back to i’ts normal size that you have now?
And, I also <3 Smooth Few Films!
W00T!!!! xD
Well atleast now i havd get it bat email dint send to me bat now it worked 🙂
SSweet guys… nice….keep up amazing work…
Can’t waiiiit
testing to see if its working yet….
Dangit, its not. BTW, why were my posts deleted…?
Agh, dangit, they werent deleted, they were just further up :S
I’ve gotta look more next time, ‘cus i just PWNT myself XD
EDIT: The reason why those two posts (or these ones, for that matter) weren’t together is because they were outside of the editing time frame 🙂 )
Because you made like 4 comments in a row, dude.
I have a Gravatar!
Well I went ahead and added a Gravatar image. Hopefully I won’t be a retard in the future and make test comments before waiting a few minutes.
with a bit of luck my mug-sot should be next to this post
[quote comment=”13581″]Because you made like 4 comments in a row, dude.[/quote]
Ture dat. Next time i gotta try saying all i gotta say in one post 😛
EDIT: Just re-upping my gravatar again to see if that will work 🙂
im a little teapot
Loving all the new avatars.
:O So THAT’S how people got icons. Thanks for sharing. 😀
Now, to see if this icon works…
EDIT: AWESOME. It totally did. :DD
it worked
[quote comment=”13574″]Hey Nick, btw quick question.
If you shaved your beard, how long would it take for it
to grow back to i’ts normal size that you have now?[/quote]
Well it’s actually pretty long right now (the last ep of WZ was shot over a month ago), so to get back to this point would probably take a few months. I can’t give you an exact because I haven’t been clean shaven in almost 7½ years.
Woo finally the stupied thing works lol
go ahead and delete my other post’s if need be
I haz nao a GRAVATAR 🙂
my gravatar works woot
2 days later…… :-Z
Hasn’t changed yet… sry for spamming so much
delete if necesary
-have deleted all gravs (even this <– one)
-have re-added new one
-have cleared cashe
is there a step i missed?
i got my gravatar. its nice. i might go on to your server when i get my laptop in the mail along with a copy of counter strike source. the laptop im getting is able to run css. i want to play against kerry.
*(insert deathwish here)*
EDIT: Awesome-er
I love this site so much I finally managed to register and get a gravatar 😀
mine’s not showing up yet, and i just uploaded a image there 2 days ago…weird… :\
sweet :]