The Wonderful (Leet) World of Television

oldtvWe here at Smooth Few Films are huge television fans, if you haven’t been able to gather that from podcasts, comments, or even bits and pieces of content you’ve seen in our videos. Personally, I gobble up TV shows like nobody’s business, and I’m following way too many to keep track of at the moment. My DVR is swollen and burning with righteous indignation at the suffering I’ve put it through recording Lost, House, 24 and Battlestar Galactica, to name a few.

Anywho, I say all of that because our love for TV no doubt reflects in The Leet World. Apparently, some very observant viewer thought enough of the show to put up a Leet World page on TV Tropes. Listed in the article are several recurring themes from the wide terrain of television that have made their way into our goofy Counter-Strike:Source machinima. They range from the “Big No” to the “Handicapped Badass” themes that we use.

The funny thing is, most of these are intentional on our parts, but some of them actually aren’t, which just means that they’ve been ingrained into our psyche as creative TV watchers. Anywho, it’s a really cool analysis of The Leet World, and if you click on each of the tropes, you can find more specific examples and analysis given about the show more in-depth.

This is probably one of the coolest things a fan has written about what we make, and it really made our day to see it. It’s cool to see someone recognize all the layers that are actually going on with the characters. We really do put a lot of effort into that. So to whoever did it, lots of thanks.

In other news, we’ve got a TLW short coming next week that I think you guys will dig. Stay tuned! By the way, what are your favorite TV shows?

22 thoughts on “The Wonderful (Leet) World of Television

  1. Mr Leet

    Lost, Heroes, More Lost, Uhummm… Stargate SG-1, Stargate Atlantis, Fringe etc. Anything with much epicness is good for me πŸ˜‰

  2. Mindhack

    Can’t wait for the new episode! Btw when are there gunna be some more webzeros out? because i really like the show πŸ˜›

    Favorite shows hmm… Chuck, Heros, Lost, Supernatural, How i met your mother, reaper, two and a half men and rome.

    Sorry for my english if i made a few mistakes (I’m Danish!) xD

  3. Boxin

    That is epic! Its really interesting to see all the cool things in TV shows that I never really thought had a name.

    But I really only follow 2 TV shows right now. House and (more importantly) Burn Notice.

  4. Teh_meaty

    I’m a huge Stargate SG-1 and Atlantis Fan and Supernatural. Other than those three, I just watch whatever is on Adult Swim or G4.

  5. HEV Bucket

    Awesome stuff guys.

    My favorite show of all time has got to be Burn Notice. You just cant get any better than a badass ex spy like him. Hes like a non-blind non-mexican Cortez but with cooler glasses. XD

    And to Mr. Leet, Mindhack, and sveilleux, thanks alot, i just LOST the game.

  6. Fornicator

    Nice of whoever that was to put that much effort into analyzing your work. I’d be pretty flattered.

    Favorite shows currently:

    Family Guy (Always)
    Big Love
    Flight of the Conchords
    United States of Tara
    World’s Dumbest Criminals(The B-List commentators are funny)

    Ive got a few more, but those are the ones that stick out right now.

  7. talbogerz

    weeee next week cant wait

    my favourite shows are 24, Prison Break, Simpsons, Harry Hill’s Tv Burps, Lost and i think thats about it

  8. Mr. Web

    [quote comment=”14049″]Can’t wait for the new episode! Btw when are there gunna be some more webzeros out? because i really like the show πŸ˜›

    Favorite shows hmm… Chuck, Heros, Lost, Supernatural, How i met your mother, reaper, two and a half men and rome.

    Sorry for my english if i made a few mistakes (I’m Danish!) xD[/quote]
    Dude you can sure about you using English better than most of people from here. πŸ™‚ Btw i’m Turkish.

  9. endplanets

    Everyone should add stuff to TV tropes if it is true. I must have added around 5 tropes to Outlaw Star.
    For example, today I put in Gratuitous Spanish and Cool Old Guy for Leet World, but I did not put in how Leeroy uses LOL and OMG in normal conversations (PLA3r us3s leet speek which is different from AOL talk)since I could not find the trope and didn’t want it to be incorrect.
    There are tons of tropes that I do not know about that you probably do.

    Favorite shows
    Code Geass, Deathnote

    And thanks for the awsome vids.

  10. Weissberv

    Xanatos’ new machinima has Cortez in it! I checked around to see if you posted anything up about this but I’ve either missed it or you guys haven’t posted it up. πŸ˜›

  11. 5aga-m4n

    [quote comment=”14053″]Lost, Heroes, Family Guy, Life on Mars, 24, Scrubs[/quote]
    Lol, hey that’s my list!
    I really haven’t given Life on Mars much of a chance thought. The pilot was good, i’ll probably get back into it eventually.

    ps: Oh wait, Chuck too.

  12. deathraidermmt

    My fav show has got to be trailer park boys lol.
    And i lol’ed at source wars

  13. imxnormalxtj

    I like to watch House and Scrubs mostly. Smallville did have some pretty bad dips, but the few that I’ve seen lately have been pretty interesting. I don’t really have time to watch TV because of school, but if I did I would watch 24, maybe some Fringe, Lost and the shows I mentioned above.

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