We now present Episode 8 of Season 2 of The Leet World, Hide and Sneak. This episode starts to get the ball rolling for the second half of the season, which is about to pick up like a freight train. A freight train made of win.
In this episode, we see the house operating under some new dynamics, and the effects of Leeroy’s departure from several sides. Also, there are lulz. Anywho, check the TLW Premiere page to see a high-res version of the episode. Clear your browser cache if you’re still getting the old video.
See the new ep after the jump!
I’d like to give a special shout out to our webmaster Jeff (better known as JJ around these parts) for writing this episode. As I’ve said before, we divided this Season into 4 distinct arcs, each consisting of 3-4 episodes apiece. We are now on the third arc of the show, which Jeff is lending his expert penmanship to. He also wrote episodes 9 and 13 of Season One.
Also, as always, thanks to Jace (AKA Damn Dangerous) for the killer tunes. He always surprises me with each song, and seriously, listening to the music is one of the most exciting parts of each episode before we release it. We’ve easily got the best music in a machinima series. By a mile. Give him props and double props, plz.
AWesome guys! Great work!
I love you guys
Drunk Westy? haha that was classic right there!
OMGWTFBBQ?! ENDING?! ZOMGZZZ!!! soooo awesome. the second half is about to rock my face off SO hard! really excited for the epic rest of this season!
What’s up with Chet’s voice in the beginning there?
Once again it pays off to stay up past 2am woot! Seriously though another masterfully done episode. Music,dialogue, directing and the comedy was great. I really felt bad for Westy (He’s always been one of my favorite characters). Oh those Comrades….Did not see that one coming. I wonder what will happen with player now. The story just keeps getting better! Cant wait for the next episode.
Holy frickin crap!!! That was incredible!
BTW asher is a russain cyborg/robot thing woot!
8th woot, and good episode!
9th end = awesome
Player is a cyborg? I KNEW IT =P
Ever since we learnt that the hostages were actualy robots I had a feeling that the scientist conversation on the 1st season finale had something to do with someone beeing a robot (Asher was too obvious, just listen to him talk).
Anyway awsome episode as usual, will we be seeing a Asher vs. Player showdown? =D
WoW player is a cyborg never thought of it i thought he can’t talk bcuz of his mask thats new ^^ Awesome episode anyway =) im really excited the nxt episode Hope for the best
I saw that whole thing between player and asher coming miles away. Epic episode. Epicsode.
Seemed a bit shorter than the last two.
Awesome episode! Gawd, I want to see the rest of the season so-o-o bad right now, lol!
“One day they will have secrets… One day they will have dreams…”
I love that line.
Well anyway, Player and Asher being cyborgs are interesting. I’m seeing a epic cyborg battle coming up, heh.
and lol, The comrads were still alive! I thought the T’s “Took care of them”
I KNEW player and asher were cyborgs! kinda sad players dad died although atleast he get to talk with him in a high tech recorded projector. also in the ending trouble’s coming…
and remember: in russia, vodka drinks you!
[quote comment=”15046″]I saw that whole thing between player and asher coming miles away. Epic episode. Epicsode.
Seemed a bit shorter than the last two.[/quote]
Ha. Next to Episode 7, it’s the longest of the season.
[quote comment=”15049″]”One day they will have secrets… One day they will have dreams…”
I love that line.
Well anyway, Player and Asher being cyborgs are interesting. I’m seeing a epic cyborg battle coming up, heh.
and lol, The comrads were still alive! I thought the T’s “Took care of them”[/quote]
Maybe they were cyborgs to? They could just have made them so they could come in after the Terrorists
This is why you should do all the episodes at once and release like one a day for 2 weeks Dx
Hate waiting, but love the show
Keep up the great work guys <3
Great work guys, another fantastic episode
[quote comment=”15057″]OMFG
This is why you should do all the episodes at once and release like one a day for 2 weeks Dx
I’m not sure everyone else would agree that 7-8 month waits are better than 2 week waits. Just enjoy the show for what it is. The format isn’t going to change, especially since there’s only a few months left for the show, anyway.
Also, you may not realize this but part of what keeps the guys going is the fan response to each episode. Having to hold on to the episodes for 7-8 months without releasing them wouldn’t be very fun for them at all.
A regular cycle of production and release gives them the constant satisfaction of fan comments, which keeps them motivated to produce the next episode.
Now that I have watched this episode three times, it suddenly hit me how young Player is. I get the feeling that he’s a little kid asking his dad questions in this episode. That was a very emotional scene, and the music sets it off perfectly.
“Dont sneak up on a man with a gun when he’s talking to himself”
That was an awesome line, my favorite!
All I want to say is just awesome guys, pure awesome. You are some of the best media makers i’ve ever seen. I feel blessed to have been with The Leet World since the beginning, and I’m proud to be with it straight through to the end.
Episode 7 of Season 2 was pretty hard to top, but you guys did it here, the music in this episode is completely awesome, there is no challenge, it is just hands down the best in any machinima, ehll, it beats all of the music use you’ll see on the Big Screen. Excellent story, very well written; Jeff, you are the man mate!
Only thing I think would have made this episode a little bit better would have been putting music into the garage scene, without the music background the clipped voice cues were a little bit obvious.
Keep going guys, we’re blessed to have guys like you around who do these things because they like it and are good at it!
I’ve watched from the start and was amazed at how impressive and incredible the series has been.
I just wanted to thank all of you for everything you’ve put into this show. It’s hard to accept that the show will come to and end, but that day is still a long way off, and there’s much more to come. Thank you once again for your hard work and dedication. It really shows.
Spoiler, but why would you be reading the comments if you haven’t watched it already?
Robots, normally I would say that this is where a show is jumping the shark, but I think if anyone could pull this off it would be you guys.
If Player was built to learn, you think he would have taken some English classes by this point.
So, in Episode 7, it was revealed to us that the Scientist is dead, but he’s still talking to Player through the box…Interesting.
Great episode, I’m really looking forward to seeing how this all plays out!
Rubut? NUUUUUUUU. this isnt sci-fi ): this is going to require 2 truck loads of epicness in the next post to make this story work
[quote comment=”15069″]Rubut? NUUUUUUUU. this isnt sci-fi ): this is going to require 2 truck loads of epicness in the next post to make this story work[/quote]
So an invisible Domination Man, a guy zipping around with super speed on hax, a dead producer, and OTHER robots (the hosties) fit into this story, but this newest development exceeds believability? That’s actually really hilarious.
[quote comment=”15071″][quote comment=”15069″]Rubut? NUUUUUUUU. this isnt sci-fi ): this is going to require 2 truck loads of epicness in the next post to make this story work[/quote]
So an invisible Domination Man and a guy zipping around with super speed on hax fit into this story, but an artificial human (which we’ve already said existed because of the hosties) doesn’t? That’s actually really hilarious.[/quote]
Shhh… don’t tell him, but… Lost is sci-fi, too!
OMIGOD Player’s a robot!?Cool!SUPER ROBO PLAYER!!!YAY…Great work guys!!!
[quote comment=”15072″][quote comment=”15071″][quote comment=”15069″]Rubut? NUUUUUUUU. this isnt sci-fi ): this is going to require 2 truck loads of epicness in the next post to make this story work[/quote]
So an invisible Domination Man and a guy zipping around with super speed on hax fit into this story, but an artificial human (which we’ve already said existed because of the hosties) doesn’t? That’s actually really hilarious.[/quote]
Shhh… don’t tell him, but… Lost is sci-fi, too![/quote]
Ow. man, Ow. D:
Srsly… really ….. Damn.. that is quite the epic twist!!
Well done again guys… that is something else that I know as a Leet fan.. didnt see coming!!
10/10 again!!
[quote comment=”15076″]
Ow. man, Ow. D:[/quote]
Ha, no hard feelings dude.
Thanks to everyone for taking the time to watch and comment.
Taking time? More like making time!
dude! that was EPIC! i knew player was a robot from when asher told him about the hosties… i can’t wait for the rest of the season! keep up the good work guys. but i wonder, if player came before asher, then why is he better made… what happened?
this is best of the best if there be
a voting of TLW i woud rate it
This episode was epic, but one of the photos you guys uploaded that “was” suppose to be in the episode, wasn’t. The picture of Chet laying on the ground, what went wrong there?
[quote comment=”15084″]This episode was epic, but one of the photos you guys uploaded that “was” suppose to be in the episode, wasn’t. The picture of Chet laying on the ground, what went wrong there?[/quote]
We ended up taking out that scene, because the episode was too long by a few seconds for YouTube. We hope to put it up on the site sometime soon.
[quote comment=”15085″][quote comment=”15084″]This episode was epic, but one of the photos you guys uploaded that “was” suppose to be in the episode, wasn’t. The picture of Chet laying on the ground, what went wrong there?[/quote]
We ended up taking out that scene, because the episode was too long by a few seconds for YouTube. We hope to put it up on the site sometime soon.[/quote]
Was thinking you guys couldn’t add it, we’re always waiting lol
Haha, great job, man. I couldn’t help but notice the beginnning tune sounds a little like Muse’s ‘Knights of Cydonia’. Your work keeps getting better and better, man. Keep it up.
As for you other dudes, this is a real wind-down after the last two episodes. Content-heavy, cliffhangers, well written… I can tell Jeff’s been working on this one.
Good job, dudes. Waiting for EP9.
As requested, props and double props to Jace. Seriously, dude…you make great music!
To the rest of SFF…I hate you First, I envy you guys’ writing talent. You all do such a good job on episodes, and I wish I had your talent. Second…way too many cliffhangers!! They’re great, but, man…I feel like a junkie waitin’ to get his next fix! As always, great stuff, guys. Look forward to Episode 9, the rest of the season, and the movie.
Player is robut?
Asher is robut?
Westy’s redeeming himself!
An excellent episode. Great plot and music, as always. When can we expect a character bio of Asher, if any? Guess there isn’t much to say about him since he was ‘created’ only recently.
Also, weren’t the Comrades “incapacitated” at the beginning of the season?
So awesome. Dr. Soong’s voice sounded more gravelly this time.
0.o !!!
Shocking work, was cool to see another of JJ’s scripts… didn’t realize it the first time. I guess he gets the episodes after the mid-season breaks, huh?
Anyway, keep the series going strong guys while it still has breath left in it.
[quote comment=”15095″]0.o !!!
Shocking work, was cool to see another of JJ’s scripts… didn’t realize it the first time. I guess he gets the episodes after the mid-season breaks, huh?
Anyway, keep the series going strong guys while it still has breath left in it.[/quote]
Hehe yup… for some idiot reason I’ve volunteered twice now to write the episodes that come right after a break and some really epic developments.
Anyways, thanks for the feedback! It’s been incredibly exciting working on this arc, and I’m really looking forward to everyone’s reactions to the next two episodes…
[quote comment=”15059″]I’m not sure everyone else would agree that 7-8 month waits are better than 2 week waits. Just enjoy the show for what it is. The format isn’t going to change, especially since there’s only a few months left for the show, anyway.[/quote]
No, I meant do them all in a week xD
Nah guys I know it takes ages for you to do them, and the amount of work you put into each and every moment of the series really does shine through. There isn’t really a lot of really GOOD machinima out right now, and updating regularly – and I’d say TLW is right on top of the pile.
And then a few hundred light years higher up <3
I may be wrong, but I thought cyborgs were part human (Like Master Chief or Megaman) and part machine. The scientist claimed he built him. Does he mean like hwo you build a bike or reviving a dying kid and naming him Player?
Double Post:
Lvoe the series. keeps you guessing since you can never see what’s coming up. Great job on making quotes that will be remembered liek the man in a bathroom with a gun. You guys really make me look forward to the constant refreshing of my browser for the next episode!
“In Russia, vodka drinks you”
I’m russian and I still think it’s funny xDD
good ep keep it up.
Great episode! It’s another platter filled with your favorite show, the leet world with a side order of epicness. Also doesn’t the opening music sound just like The Four Horsemen by Metallica?
I think you guys take story plot from original Half Life. I’ll replay Half Life game, with Opposing Force and Blue SHift mod, I think yhe story is some kind make sense. I dunno.
Ahaha. This is one of my favorite episodes to date. The music is excellent, Jace really knows what he’s doing.
Also wasn’t that the short “Day in the Life of a Turret” that Player was watching when Chet comes in and turns off the TV? I laughed really hard at that, I love it when you guys sneak in little easter eggs like that.
Thanks so much for the show guys, I look foreward to more episodes!
hey man when are the downloads gonna be up? just asking..
im just guessing here but the episode before this was about leeroy 2 or 3 weeks after he got kicked out right?
so assuming that maybe the scientists arent dead yet.
mebbe player or asher went rogue? also the producer has been dead also?
incidentaly, producer is missing from this episode, whereas he has been in almost all other episode?
ok soooo player is a robot and soo is asher this is and interesting episode of the leet world but i thought in the end of episode 7 wen dr wats his name says 2 player 2 try out new thing i thought player was getting a mic meh dw hope leet world episode 9 is coming out soon good luck
Question: what software do you use to write the scripts? and– an we see one from an earlier episode? That’d be awesome. And, when should we expect the making of TLW video out?
[quote comment=”15126″]Question: what software do you use to write the scripts? and– an we see one from an earlier episode? That’d be awesome. And, when should we expect the making of TLW video out?[/quote]
Google Docs or Microsoft Word, mostly. Nothing fancy. Not sure what Eddy uses. As for the second and third requests, I leave that up to him.
this is turning out very interesting…
player VS asher
i always thought something waz up with asher since the start…
keep it up guys!
Was I the only person who noticed the Back To The Future reference?
The comrades vodka video is acutally quite well made xD.
‘in russia, vodka drinks you.’