Hello Ladies

Beatles FansWe now present to you fine lads and lasses Web Zeroes Episode 15. Its official title, as we shared earlier this week, is The Red Headed Menace, or as our good Spaniard friends like Cortez would say, “La Amenaza Pelirroja”. Who is the particular menace in question? You’ll have to watch to find out. I’ll give you a hint, it’s not a lame Star Wars prequel.

In this episode, we see the guys tweaking Mulligan’s viral formula as a result of their recent legal debacles. The conclusion that they come to has a potential for great lulz and also some win. Or fail, I suppose. Anyway, a big thanks as always to Alex our sound dude and Jace Ford our resident rock star. Also, the dozens of lady extras that came out to be a part of the episode.

Hit the jump to give it a watch.

As always, you can visit Revision3 to download other versions of the video.

I have to say that I’m a big fan of both the beginning and the ending of this episode. The teaser in particular ranks among one of my favorites for the series, and I hope you all think so too. Thanks for watching, spread the word to your friends, and enjoy!

13 thoughts on “Hello Ladies

  1. Lazy

    Good shit guys

    I was here for episode one of web zeroes before the reboot and I got to say you guys are getting a fuckton better at this than you originally did. You got a good thing going here, just keep it up and don’t sell out like some other !BLAM! we know. I won’t name names, but I will say FUCKING CANADIANS AND THEIR SYRUP COVERED MONEY GRUBBING HANDS.

  2. Mr Leet

    “I’ve been so focused on the constants that I forgot about the variables”

    “Late Pass”

    “you’re Hired”

    The three most memorable quotes from this episode. The first one is because I’m a huge fan of LOST.

    Another cool episode. Does this mean that there is a new main character on-board for a few more episodes of this season?

  3. Simon

    cool! u guys really been work hard these days!

    That late pass girl in the end, she looks kinda like Eddy’s sister…

    They r like each other. really!@@@!!!
    their face look a lot the same, the way they talk…

    im just gussing…

  4. ludichris

    That was an awesome episode! loved the ending! its good to see bobby kings triumphant return.

  5. Stuart

    [quote comment=”17953″]cool! u guys really been work hard these days!

    That late pass girl in the end, she looks kinda like Eddy’s sister…

    They r like each other. really!@@@!!!
    their face look a lot the same, the way they talk…

    im just gussing…[/quote]

    I think she is. In the credits it says “Jen Rivas” so it seems to coincidental that two people work on a show like this with same last names.

  6. Stuart

    [quote comment=”17957″][quote comment=”17953″]cool! u guys really been work hard these days!

    That late pass girl in the end, she looks kinda like Eddy’s sister…

    They r like each other. really!@@@!!!
    their face look a lot the same, the way they talk…

    im just gussing…[/quote]

    I think she is. In the credits it says “Jen Rivas” so it seems to coincidental that two people work on a show like this with same last names.[/quote]

    God Damnit i’m stupid. Jen Rivas is Eddy’s wife.

  7. DaPurpleSharpie

    ” What’s rule number three? ”
    ” Always wear a condom for what you wanna be, not who you are. ”

    That’s really his wife at the end? I feel stupid too…

    1. Eddy

      Heh, the girl at the end is named Alice (irl) and she is not my sister. The only chick with the same last name as me in the credits is my wife.

  8. SargentPikachu

    Awesome, new character? Yes!

    Great episode as always guys. Good party scene put in this episode, and the Netflix intro and ad were funny.

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