Intruder Alert

We now present Episode 9 of Season 2, Stranger in the House, for your devouring. Eat and be merry, fools. With this, we approach the final lap, which, as I’ve said before, is more than a tad nuts. Hold on to your butts, Jurassic Park style.

In this episode, Asher continues his mysterious agenda, and the two teams analyze themselves in the light of a new announcement from the Producer. Be sure to check out the TLW premiere page to see a bigger version of the episode. Clear your browser cache if you see the old video.

Or just check out the new episode after the jump!

Many props go to JJ for writing this episode (along with Ep 8 and the upcoming Ep 10). He’s really had a difficult task with all the things that needed to be juggled for this arc, and I think the results are awesome. And just wait until you see the next one. Thanks, Jeff!

Be sure to thank Damn Dangerous too, for his melodious and awesome tunes, yet again. He pretty much spent the last couple of days scoring the episode. For real, his music makes this show what it is and I heart him muchly for it.

Enjoy! Next episode in 2-3 weeks, due to the Memorial Day holiday weekend coming up.

59 thoughts on “Intruder Alert

  1. Ronstar258

    Awesome. I’m loving the series guys, better and better with every episode. keep up the great work.

  2. Jenn

    DAM! It Just get BETTER And BETTER, I just has and Organism!!!! I sleep well tonight.

  3. Kuilui

    Wow that was pretty epic. The whole episode was just great. I wasn’t really expecting the ending at all. However it seems Asher is setting up the T’s and CT’s for one crazy fight possibly? I can never tell with you guys. I wonder whats going on with the producer as well,perhaps Leeroy is messing with them?

    Oh and doesn’t player typically spell Amiright as Amirite? Did you flub on that one or…have I just missed him spelling it like that before? Anyway greatly looking forward to the next episode.

  4. Ronstar258

    And also, to that guy who kept predicting theyd post it on thursday…he was right in my time zone lol

  5. dice

    Damn!!! asher is verry strange he wants 2 kill cortez:) this is getting better and better as the time passes just like an old wine…GREAT!!!

  6. n7eightyeight

    Hey guys, I’ve been watching for a while and you are really good at producing these videos. “Intruder Alert” is a nice cliffhanger! It leaves you asking if Leeroy is causing trouble for the producer and why a robot such as Asher has disobeyed orders from the producer and purposely hacked the communication. Good job guys, I can’t wait to see what you’ll produce in the future!

  7. dice

    i think that intruder alert in the producer’s secret house is becaus leeroy is there ๐Ÿ™‚ that would be great!!!!

  8. Maxxef

    That was a tense episode, especially the ending. I was disappointed to see Mendoza’s badassery come into play before discovering a certain someone had tricked the terrorists and having my hopes dashed. With every episode I’m always more blown away. I still can’t believe you guys are shutting the Leet World down; it coulda been…
    un-be-backing-lievably badass.

    Good job dudes. As usual you do not disappoint.
    Jace, your music is an instrumental (no pun intended) part of the production that makes it all the better. Keep at it, and I hope to see more excellent music by you.

  9. Eddy

    [quote comment=”15293″]AWW COME ON GUYS. NOT MORE CLIFFHANGERS.

    Haha, pretty much every episode from here on out has a cliffhanger. And believe me, they get much worse. It’s our fun way of toying with you guys.

  10. Vergilz

    Oh Wow! Awesome Episode!

    Those Russian Terrorist are really gonna take over using Asher as their play doll…

    And Asher using Mendoza’s voice as a lure for Cortez was smart… i wander if the CT would notice the plan that Asher n the russian terror has planned…

    Cliff Hangers are awesome! Makes it worth the wait for the next episode that is coming in the future!

    HOO AH!

  11. anton1r

    All i can say is GG guys… GG!
    The writing, with all it’s twists and turns, keeps the series alive, and I’m talking Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde ALIVE!

    IMO, genuinely one of the best things on the internet.

  12. Quixx

    AAAAAAAAHHH Damit, Sent Chills All Over Me Watchin This In The Dark Man.
    Lovin It, Keep It Comin.

  13. masta230x




    On a side note, would it be possible to edit the episodes from Season 1 into one long episode, no rescripting or anything, just editing the video together, taking out all but one of the title sequences and the credits at the end ๐Ÿ˜‰ It’s be awesome, ‘cos then after S2 as well you could mabye do the same, and it’d fit well with the TLW Movie, so you could watch them all in the one go ๐Ÿ˜›

    I’m only asking if it’d be feasible, although I’m not sure how you’d do the bits between episodes or how the music would fit in those bits too. Cliffhangers and such, you know.


    As always great music work from DD and an awesome script. Can’t wait for the next :D:D:D

    I really <3 you guys

  14. Leon

    seeing this episode really makes me wish you had done that scene with Cortez and Asher that was in the script. Having actually read it, it adds more to the ending of this episode.
    “Asher: Mendoza… is a sore spot for you?” it adds something to Asher after this episode, shows how cunning he is, but more importantly, it makes the ending less random, because we know there was some build-up…

  15. S.T.R.E.L.O.K.

    Dude, this was really a nice steak covered in awesomesauce, but as I anted to bite in the most tasty part you took it away from me… :'(

  16. Eddy

    [quote comment=”15311″]seeing this episode really makes me wish you had done that scene with Cortez and Asher that was in the script. Having actually read it, it adds more to the ending of this episode.
    “Asher: Mendoza… is a sore spot for you?” it adds something to Asher after this episode, shows how cunning he is, but more importantly, it makes the ending less random, because we know there was some build-up…[/quote]

    Believe me, no one feels that pain more than us. That was one of my favorite scenes. Asher’s one bad mother…

  17. xdgt

    I’m currently studying at an university and it left me very little time for anything since march, today i finally had some time and looked up for TLW, and after seeing the new episodes stumbled upon the announcement to end the series. Now everybody has pretty much said everything about it and i’ll just some up my feelings about TLW in a Quote from Portal song “This was a triumph. I’m taking a note here – huge success, its hard to overstate my satisfaction” – for example ive been humming TLW theme song during lectures and probably watched/rewatched TLW more than i have actually played counter strike and half life combined. TLW has a life of its own and thats why i have to write this suggestion here :

    Have you considered teaming up with a 3D artist to perhaps remake TLW in a new shape such that it will no longer be a machinima, which is fun and awesome but can bring no profit to the makers, but rather a stand alone animated series which isnt bound by copyright laws. If you go down that road it won’t be bound by character models and area maps and the series could evolve into something bigger than a reality show.
    If not, then well it was fun while it lasted and good luck to you peoples with your lives and hope to see more of your awesome creations.


  18. Mky93

    “i think that intruder alert in the producerโ€™s secret house is becaus leeroy is there that would be great!!!!” – dice

    But.. didnยดt leeroy discovered that the producer is death?

  19. endplanets

    such a great episode.

    man, I wish “spoiler” had come back from the dead he was so cool.
    Quick questions
    when Asher in the end ways that he fell for the joke, does that have anything to do with him talking to Player earlier.

    stupid questions
    Why is the nuclear power plant empty? (Asher killed everyone in an epic fight)
    Why does the guy with the pistols/pistols lead the group while the guy with the AK-47 says in the back?

  20. GoDxShiva

    I just had eyegasim…. You guys truely are the best machinima makers AND story writers out there! Just everything about TLW is amazing! The writing, the camera work, the charater design AND of course the best music iv ever hear on a machinima, i take my hat off to you sirs ๐Ÿ™‚

    I also had a possible idea of how to make money from TLW but im not 100% sure it could work. What would happen if you charged people for a subsription to TLW. The subscription enables added features such as bloopers and aduio outakes (and what ever you guys come up with) and also subscribers can watch the new videos one week early, wereas people who don’t have a subscription don’t get bonuses and have to wait an extra week to watch.

    Obviously i have been really greateful to be able to watch such a incredible machinima for free but i would be willing to pay just to see more Leet world.

    Tell me what you think ๐Ÿ™‚

  21. hl2lover14

    I hope Leeroy pops out of fucking nowhere and blasts Asher’s robotic face off.

  22. homer1492

    I had one problem with this episode. WHY DOES EVERYONE CHASE AFTER MENDOZA TO THE NUCLEAR PLANT INSTANTLY? The switch was too jarring and the characters assumed too much too quickly. In fact, you guys seem to be shaving every last second off the videos just for youtube. For the sake of artistic integrity, just make a slightlty longer episode and have it fit together better. Were you that desperate to leave it on a cliffhanger? You need to work on the pacing a bit more for next episode. Overall I have really enjoyed this season, keep up the good work.

    1. Eddy

      Thanks for your comments, but I’m going to have to take exception to one thing you said: “In fact, you guys seem to be shaving every last second off the videos just for youtube.”

      This episode had nothing shaved off for YouTube (in fact, only 2-3 episodes EVER have been). I’ve learned now that we should have never mentioned the YouTube thing, in order to avoid baseless claims like that. We’ve worked too hard on the show and given too much to have our artistic integrity questioned because you’re not happy with how long the episode is.

  23. JJ

    [quote comment=”15339″]For the sake of artistic integrity, just make a slightlty longer episode and have it fit together better.[/quote]

    As the dude who wrote it, I’m actually pretty offended that you think artistic integrity was sacrificed in any way shape or form. I’m pretty proud of how the scripts for my three episodes turned out, and I’m especially proud of the fact that I don’t consider there to be a single wasted second in my arc.

    Call the episode a dud, complain about it not being funny, be annoyed that we haven’t revealed everything… fine by me. Calling out someone’s artistic integrity is an accusation of a much higher order, and it is very much not cool. I am having a hard time not filling this comment with vulgarity, so I am going to stop here.

  24. Eso8910

    wow this episode was just…wow i dont know what to think is just…wow
    love the series!

  25. 5aga-m4n

    Cool episode, did not expect that. Something’s going down!

    Also the “I have kept it secret, I have kept it safe” is a LotR reference, no?

  26. Grif

    Well done guys, I honestly have no idea this would happen. Way to keep things fresh.

    I don’t want to sound like a noob, but I want to change my avatar can’t find where to do it.

  27. El Kibblez

    Beautiful episode, although I can kind of guess where this is going.

    But most of all, I loved the Moon is a Harsh Mistress reference (if it was that) with robots n’ jokes. It made me smile inside.

  28. Ganoosh

    “btw, y did ahmad hab a famas rather than his mp5?”

    Ahmaad has a famas on his back because that was Leeroy’s old weapon fool. Them pair are tight…bro-tight so it makes sense that he would have his best friends gun after he left the house

  29. JJ

    [quote comment=”15347″]Also the “I have kept it secret, I have kept it safe” is a LotR reference, no?[/quote]


    [quote comment=”15348″]I don’t want to sound like a noob, but I want to change my avatar can’t find where to do it.[/quote]

    You can update it here:

    [quote comment=”15349″]But most of all, I loved the Moon is a Harsh Mistress reference (if it was that) with robots n’ jokes. It made me smile inside.[/quote]

    You know what, it totally wasn’t conscious on my part, but I did in fact just read that book about a month ago, so it probably was at the back of my mind. Heinlein is swiftly becoming one of my favorite authors.

  30. homer1492

    I wasn’t trying to offend anybody. I actually liked the episode. All I said was that the scene was too fast paced. I respect your hard work and know that I could never, EVER, be as good as you guys are. I thought you had said you edited some episodes to fit onto youtube and I assumed too much. Sorry for being a dick.

  31. El Kibblez

    [quote comment=”15349″]
    You know what, it totally wasn’t conscious on my part, but I did in fact just read that book about a month ago, so it probably was at the back of my mind. Heinlein is swiftly becoming one of my favorite authors.[/quote]

    Yes, that book was quite…influential.

  32. Eddy

    [quote comment=”15353″]I wasn’t trying to offend anybody. I actually liked the episode. All I said was that the scene was too fast paced. I respect your hard work and know that I could never, EVER, be as good as you guys are. I thought you had said you edited some episodes to fit onto youtube and I assumed too much. Sorry for being a dick.[/quote]

    It’s cool dude, don’t worry about it, seems like a misunderstanding. We just take our artistic integrity pretty seriously, and having it questioned is a pretty big deal, so that’s why we came on kind of strong.

  33. Vladislav

    Completely didn’t pick up on the Heinlein reference, good catch.
    Just have to say… ksafjweoiafjsdaklfdaf.
    Totally blown away. Superb job. Definitely need to go back and watch from the first episode of season one all over again, just to get my fix. ๐Ÿ˜€
    Heinlein’s awesome. One of my favorites was actually Stranger in a Strange Land. Had some good life lessons.
    I’d say keep up the good work, but I know you go above and beyond “good work” already anyway. Keep it up!

  34. angeloftheafterlife

    OMGWTFBBQ!! that was awsome! exreme clifhanger tho… loved the producers reaction to asher saying that “andraesays hi” (sorry about spelling) XD

    only one thing i found a bit off… maybe this is just my computer, but the music for when the teams were deciding how they were going to choose who was going, there was one note that kept getting extremely loud and annoying… maybe it’s just me…

  35. danielign9

    Ok, here’s my conclusion:
    -Asher is double agent, w/ the comrade’s alliance(the Ochos Muertos?) and Wolf Corp.
    -Leeroy has now, by this point, hacked Wolf Corp. computers which has (?) evrythng about Noonien
    -Asher’s objectives are to end Leeroy and Cortez’s joint operation
    -Montrose quiet lately-expect somthng major from him nxt episodes
    -Player is going to be either assasinated or reformated (smehow) by Asher
    -Ahmad turning nerd and deeply in Leeroy-Cortez joint op.
    -Westy turning sane
    -Ellis and Chet are the only norms

  36. danielign9

    TONS OF CLIFFHANGERS HERE. Wonder if this plot can actually fit in a couple more episodes with all these cliffhangers.

  37. AssistanceStudios

    For about a second, I thought that Asher was Mendoza.
    ctually that would have been really cool…
    Asher is Mendoza is robot form…But I already knew something was up with Asher from the beginning.
    “Oh and says hello.” Thats one of the guys from the other terrorists, you know, “VODKA DRINKS YOU”?
    What I think? All the new terrorists are cyborgs and Asher.(Obviously) As for Wolf, we have no idea what the hell he is yet. We know he is not the REAL Wolf, but we don’ know for sure he is a cyborg. Where does the scientist stad in all of this? Helping player or the Producer?
    Lots and lots of question. Good job planning this out. There wasn’t really a big fight in this one like I expected, but it’s probably moved to the next episode.
    Looking forward to it, and good job.

  38. UnKnoWn PlaYeR

    i think cortez will actually die. I mean, since lerrory is one of the main characters, and he already found out the truth, he shouldnt be remove like this. and if asher is just a side character, why did they make a theme for him in the intro music? im sure lerrory will join the t and ahmad might take over the terrorist in cortez place coz cortez is close to ahmad. Im just speculating. Aint sure but its one of the most probable situation. Its also a real interesting story arc if cortez die. All though its sad, i guess it has to happen. another probable thing might happen is ahmad was in the nuclear plant scavenging and so happen to bump into someone.

    But i’d definitely stick to the guess where cortez die. i was right about the fact that asher is a robot and the comrades aint some sub characters.

  39. samase2

    Good episode !! Huge waits for the next one.
    BTW…Mky93…it’s “dead” not “death”…
    only as an anouncment….

    I hope that Player will survive to the end and Asher would not be always bad.

    Best of player this far: Player: (@ยฟ@)

  40. Willt41

    Wow fantastic episode guys, that last scene was very well shot and scored the fast paced beat worked well with the quick changing camera shots, you guys have come into your own as users of machinama to tell a story the jokes are still good but the story is continuing to excel its self in the forms of pacing and drama I certainly look forward to how this works out.

    also at homer1492 i agree it is rude to criticise some body’s artistic integrate when you have not seen the whole picture yet, as it is much like the blind men and the elephant ( )

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