Ah, it’s good to be back. After a two week break, we now present to you Episode 20 of Web Zeroes, The Negotiator. In this edition of our Web show, the guys are working on a deal with Revision3 to secure their very own show. And who do they let work his negotiating magic? None other than the king of everything himself, Mr. Bobby King. You probably know how that goes down.
This sets the stage for the rest of the season, which is getting a bit more hectic to film, as you’ll see in the coming weeks. If I could give Jace Ford all of the props (who wants to be given actual props, anyway) in the world for his music this week, I would do so. Additionally, much thanks to the Revision3 folks who appeared in this episode. They are actually some of my favorite bits in it.
In other news, be sure to check out yesterday’s post for some cool personal things we’re working on. As for now, you know the drill: hit the jump to see the episode!
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