That’s No Moon

It’s an update.

Now that the Season Finale has come and gone, I must say we’re pretty pleased with the results. Much thanks to you guys for all the thoughtful comments/ encouragement/ criticism that you left, it was definitely really cool for us to read. It’s nice to be on break for a couple of weeks, but that doesn’t mean the content is going to stop. On the burner right now:

  • Season Finale Outtakes

These should be up by the end of the week. I’m going to get cranking on the 50 or so audio files (that’s right, 50) that make up parts 1, 2 and 3 of the Finale. There’s a lot of good stuff in there.

  • Episode Commentaries

Starting next week we’ll be adding episode commentaries by Nick, Daniel and myself. We’ll be doing this every week until we’re finished. There’s a chance you might get one or two eps worth of commentary per week, but I’m not making any promises.

  • Podcast

We really wanted to have one of these ready when the season ended, but Daniel’s absence kept that from happening until now. He gets back in tomorrow. Much celebration will ensue.

There are other assorted surprises that you guys will see soon enough, so don’t go anywhere.

37 thoughts on “That’s No Moon

  1. L33rROY

    Sweet, your guys’ outtakes are awesome.

    Love to see some more shorts, too. (I’m still laughing from the gunstop one)

  2. Immune

    I’m really excited about the podcast. Hope you discuss ideas for season two though. Might be cool to have a summer prievew.

  3. Donat

    Ooo a new podcast soon? I really do look forward to the outtakes of the final trio as well. Keep up the great work guys!

  4. Brontos

    I really enjoy your various things that your mentioning.
    I think i’ll especially enjoy the commentaries.

  5. Nade-Target

    Gots a quick question if your not recording in Spectate how and where are you recording?
    Something i like to know for my future Machinima plz thanks!!!

  6. Andrew

    Agreed, im trying to make a movie for my clan, and I want to know how you film. Im using FRAPS and APP, is that Alright?

  7. WILLIAM-013

    Excellent news! Also, if you want to hear it, I’ve got a great idea for season 2 of The Leet World. Here’s the idea: Since Season2 will undoubtedly introduce a wide variety of new characters, and, no offense to your voice actors, your voice acters can only do so many voices. So what I propose is that you formally ask some of the people from RoosterTeeth Productions to assist in voice acting and possibly other roles. I already know that you’ve met them, and that they like your work, so it should be fairly easy to ask.
    Again, you don’t need to do this, just listen to it. If you could respond and explain your opinion on my idea and if you’re going to go with it or not and why/why not, I would be greatly apprecietive. Thank you for listening. Again, Excellent work, SSF! You guys rule!

  8. th3 n00bk1ll3r

    me is looking forward to teh outtakes! keep up teh good work, SFF! šŸ˜€

    PLAYER FTW!!!!

    hello from your fans here in the philippines!

  9. Nathan... Player FTW!!

    [quote comment=”9400″]Excellent news! Also, if you want to hear it, I’ve got a great idea for season 2 of The Leet World. Here’s the idea: Since Season2 will undoubtedly introduce a wide variety of new characters, and, no offense to your voice actors, your voice acters can only do so many voices. So what I propose is that you formally ask some of the people from RoosterTeeth Productions to assist in voice acting and possibly other roles. I already know that you’ve met them, and that they like your work, so it should be fairly easy to ask.
    Again, you don’t need to do this, just listen to it. If you could respond and explain your opinion on my idea and if you’re going to go with it or not and why/why not, I would be greatly apprecietive. Thank you for listening. Again, Excellent work, SSF! You guys rule![/quote]
    Eddy has also done some voice work in the rvb reconstructed eps one and five

  10. AWSOME!!!!!!


  11. British Aaron

    Glad to see that Daniel will be back soon, and muchly looking forward to the podcast myess.

  12. Trogador

    Can’t wait for the commentaries…I’m sort of a sucker for bonus content. And how long are the outtakes gonna be if we’re talking 50 audio files?

  13. Maxxef

    sounds awesome. looking forward to it. also,[quote comment=”9400″]Since Season2 will undoubtedly introduce a wide variety of new characters, and, no offense to your voice actors, your voice acters can only do so many voices. So what I propose is that you formally ask some of the people from RoosterTeeth Productions to assist in voice acting and possibly other roles. I already know that you’ve met them, and that they like your work, so it should be fairly easy to ask.
    Again, you don’t need to do this, just listen to it. If you could respond and explain your opinion on my idea and if you’re going to go with it or not and why/why not, I would be greatly apprecietive. Thank you for listening. Again, Excellent work, SSF! You guys rule![/quote]
    i think william’s right. you might be needing more vocal talent, and RT could probably help you with that. maybe introduce a chick into TLW for a twist?

  14. Dom

    Sweet! And yeah, you guys may need more voices. But hey, there’s like 3 of you now? If you were able to accomplish the many voices you already did, I’m sure you can get more if you need to. Good luck with everything, guys, I’ve really appreciated the whole season thus far so I can definitely wait a little longer.

  15. Painkiller

    NO matter what you guys do and put on here it is always great.. we are all looking forward to the good stuff you guys have going..

    Celebrating for Daniel coming home as well… šŸ™‚ now tie him down and make sure he never leaves again.. .. umm I mean.. šŸ™‚

  16. Dudea

    WOW!!…this new stuff sounds AWESOME. Also, thx for a great season and ya…

    I’m sure that they will figure stuff out for the voices and thats if they need new voices…thnk about what ellis said…”Not even one last fight (sometin like that) and cortez said “I’ll get you for killing my brother(ppl will come bak(just a prediction))


  17. WILLIAM-013

    [quote comment=”9411″][quote comment=”9400″]Excellent news! Also, if you want to hear it, I’ve got a great idea for season 2 of The Leet World. Here’s the idea: Since Season2 will undoubtedly introduce a wide variety of new characters, and, no offense to your voice actors, your voice acters can only do so many voices. So what I propose is that you formally ask some of the people from RoosterTeeth Productions to assist in voice acting and possibly other roles. I already know that you’ve met them, and that they like your work, so it should be fairly easy to ask.
    Again, you don’t need to do this, just listen to it. If you could respond and explain your opinion on my idea and if you’re going to go with it or not and why/why not, I would be greatly apprecietive. Thank you for listening. Again, Excellent work, SSF! You guys rule![/quote]
    Eddy has also done some voice work in the rvb reconstructed eps one and five[/quote]
    I meant have them do voices for characters in Leet World Season Two.

  18. WILLIAM-013

    [quote comment=”9428″]sounds awesome. looking forward to it. also,[quote comment=”9400″]Since Season2 will undoubtedly introduce a wide variety of new characters, and, no offense to your voice actors, your voice acters can only do so many voices. So what I propose is that you formally ask some of the people from RoosterTeeth Productions to assist in voice acting and possibly other roles. I already know that you’ve met them, and that they like your work, so it should be fairly easy to ask.
    Again, you don’t need to do this, just listen to it. If you could respond and explain your opinion on my idea and if you’re going to go with it or not and why/why not, I would be greatly apprecietive. Thank you for listening. Again, Excellent work, SSF! You guys rule![/quote]
    i think william’s right. you might be needing more vocal talent, and RT could probably help you with that. maybe introduce a chick into TLW for a twist?[/quote]
    Thank you, Dude! The rest of you can all go f*ck yourslves!

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