Tag Archives: Outtakes

A Late Christmas Gift

Well, here’s a late “Happy Christmas” to all of you guys from us here at Smooth Few Films: new Leet World outtakes!

I meant to have these things up on Christmas morning, but I got a bit distracted by how awesome my weekend was. For real. We’ve finished filming Web Zeroes (the season finale is out on Wednesday) so Daniel, Nick and I are getting to experience the now-awkward warmth of actual friendship for the first time in a long time. You know, playing Dungeons and Dragons, hanging out, Rock Band, etc. It’s the opposite of how our time is spent when we make this stuff, which usually involves family curses, tiger uppercuts and CQC.

Anyway, I hope you enjoy these outtakes. They hail from Season 2 of TLW, Episodes 9 and 10. As such, there are no Leeroy lines as he was out adventuring in the Matrix Mordor. There are also plenty of things from Ty doing his Asher and Mendoza voices and even some beatboxing at one point, as well as lots of Daniel having fun with Adam Sizzler. Because honestly, who wouldn’t have fun with that guy?

Sizzlin’ indeed. Right click and “save as” to download this stalwart mp3 to your general desktop region.



Return of the Outtakes

mic-audioThis was my first semi-free weekend in ages. And what did I do? I spent some time putting together outtakes from Season 2 of TLW, Episodes 7 and 8. The lengths I go for you people!

It was interesting going back through these old audio files. One thing that we’ve never really done in outtakes is include bits where cast members have dropped spoilers as a joke. Now that the show is over, those boundaries are gone, so there are one or two of those sprinkled about. I’m also particularly fond of the Asher outtakes here, as well as Ben’s constant surprise when he reads jokes for the first time. He became a tad fixated on the idea of Cortez’s extra balls, but aren’t we all?

So, listen and partake in a couple of lulz. I know I did. Right click and save as to download. And as things typically go with goofing around, the language is more than likely NSFW.


In other news, Episode 4 of Web Zeroes is out on Wednesday. Probably my favorite episode so far.

The Poor Burro

He is muy triste. That means sad. He could tell you a story with his tears.

Somehow over the course of recording the dialogue for the Season Finale (we recorded parts 1 and 2 together, then part 3 a couple of weeks later), the mysterious burro became the brunt of many jokes. Were he real, I assure you his tears would fall like so much chubby rain. Or worse yet, sideways rain.

Anywho, as I said in the last update, there were well over 50 audio tracks to sort out, so the outtakes are about twice as long as usual. Hopefully you have as much fun listening to them as we did being goofballs. Right click and select “save as” to download it.

Warning: Definitely some NSFW tomfoolery on here.


Enjoy. The first commentaries should be hitting the site next week.

That’s No Moon

It’s an update.

Now that the Season Finale has come and gone, I must say we’re pretty pleased with the results. Much thanks to you guys for all the thoughtful comments/ encouragement/ criticism that you left, it was definitely really cool for us to read. It’s nice to be on break for a couple of weeks, but that doesn’t mean the content is going to stop. On the burner right now:

  • Season Finale Outtakes

These should be up by the end of the week. I’m going to get cranking on the 50 or so audio files (that’s right, 50) that make up parts 1, 2 and 3 of the Finale. There’s a lot of good stuff in there.

  • Episode Commentaries

Starting next week we’ll be adding episode commentaries by Nick, Daniel and myself. We’ll be doing this every week until we’re finished. There’s a chance you might get one or two eps worth of commentary per week, but I’m not making any promises.

  • Podcast

We really wanted to have one of these ready when the season ended, but Daniel’s absence kept that from happening until now. He gets back in tomorrow. Much celebration will ensue.

There are other assorted surprises that you guys will see soon enough, so don’t go anywhere.

Knocking at Death’s Door

Smooth Few Films proudly presents: the final installment of Season One of The Leet World. Part 3 of the finale, Death Comes Home.

It’s been a wild ride. Thanks for sticking with us through our first season. We’ve learned a ton over the last year, and we hope to put it to good use in future episodes of The Leet World and beyond.

Also, stick around between seasons. There’s more going on than I even listed in our Announcements. For instance, outtakes are coming next week and a ‘making-of” feature is on its way in the near future. And who knows, maybe a special video or two to bridge the story between seasons… You won’t regret staying around.

Read comments at your own risk- there are bound to be full of spoilers.

Finale Screenshots

Lots going on in these parts of the webisphere. We’re hard at work on the Season Finale of The Leet World, pushing through to get it done in a timely and awesome manner. I know that last week I said it would be coming out in two installments on our website. Well, sometimes I’m a lying liar.

Fact of the matter is, the episode is getting so big and burly that we’re having to add another installment to it, meaning that the finale is going to be an epic three part release. Each part will come one week after the next, meaning you get three straight weeks of episodic bliss. You may be thinking to yourself, “huh?”, but trust me, it’ll be a lot of fun this way. Seriously, this thing keeps growing like some sort of digital black hole that consumes all in its path. Not even roflcopters can escape its mighty pull. And they are web vehicles of the fastest sort.

Below are the first screenshots of the Season Finale. Lots of dudes and things.

Showdown Planning RLT

Remember to vote for the Themetacular Challenge! There may or may not be lulz coming later this week. Lulz is code for Episode 13 audio outtakes, if you’re wondering. It’s not a very good code.

Player: Meme Man

Wow. Episode 14 is going to be monstrously big. Orca big. Stay-Puft big. So big that it’s going to be an epic two-parter on our website, with the two segments being released a week apart from one another. And when we defeat it by crossing the streams, it will fall down on you with marshmallow-y goodness.

The Themetacular music contest is now locked and loaded. I’ll post the finalists (and honorable mentions) on Monday. A heads-up: only registered commenters can vote, and the results aren’t public. We did this to quell any kind of cheating or vote tampering. So if you want to vote, get registered. The Leet World is just like the real world in that way.

We’ll be doing audio for Episode 14 tonight. A big audio pow-wow, as it were. Screenies are coming this weekend, and even some audio outtakes for Episode 13 are on the horizon, as well.

And now, the bio that you’ve all been dying for. This week, we take a look at the life of Player. Sort of.

Continue reading

New Outtakes

So it’s been a pretty cool weekend. Daniel and Nick went to see Jace and a bunch of other friends from college while I stayed home and played tons of GTA IV. We also released our new Halo 3 short, The GunStop Way, which has been received well. While a lot of it is exaggeration, I still found it crazy how many people have apparently had similar experiences with the unnamed video game retailer.

A lot of folks have also been asking about the voice of GunFly. That’s Ty. You’ve heard his voice before in Episodes 9, 11 and 12 of The Leet World.

Here for your enjoyment is a new sampling of our audible screw-ups. Our rule of thumb is that we like to release audio outtakes for every two episodes, simply because one episode wouldn’t provide enough material to produce something worthwhile. Even though Episode 11 didn’t have much dialogue, Episode 12 more than made up for it. It seems the extra time in the booth can give a man a taste of closet fever.

How bad is the fever? You’ll just have to listen and find out. Right-click and select “save as” to download.


More filming tonight. An Episode 13 update is coming in the near future.

Funny Business

Episode 9 and 10 Outtakes, anyone? They’ve arrived. I’m excited, because 1) I’m a fan of extras, and 2) it’s been awhile since we’ve been able to post outtakes. The funny thing is, we would do it every episode, but we’ve gotten fairly efficient at getting in the sound booth (my closet) and getting our stuff done. Occasionally, we start goofing around or forget that we’re being recorded, and that’s when you get these comic gems.


Episode 11 is currently being filmed. Some of the first screenshots will be up this weekend.

Bearing Gifts

Just a quick little update for you guys. Things are going well, and it seems that lots of people are coming to check out Episode Three, which is awesome (scroll down for it if that’s why you’re here).

Also, we’ve recently been listed as a “featured series” on Machinima.com along with other notable entries such as RedvsBlue, Pathfinders, and Civil Protection, so be sure and check it out! And, just like the title of this post indicates, I have a little present: Episode Two and Three audio outtakes.
