Shorts, TLW Holiday Special, 2008

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Another Christmas has come and gone, and The Leet World contestants share their favorite things about the holiday season, including video games, traditions and presents. Happy Holidays from Smooth Few Films!

20 thoughts on “TLW Holiday Special, 2008

  1. Master Sephiroth

    wow the second comment i feel special… rofl nice short this is good stuff… lol cortez and leerot playing L4D

  2. supard

    wtf so now cortez can see? Because last time I checked blind people do not know what is going on when they are using a computer.

  3. Midg3y

    [quote comment=”13084″]wtf so now cortez can see? Because last time I checked blind people do not know what is going on when they are using a computer.[/quote]
    He’s like daredevil.

  4. maxlucado

    man i love all the series and shorts thats you guys make!
    plz make more shorts of Halo and if you can add me on Xbox Live my nickname is Okami The pRO
    and the most fun person of leet word is player make a short with him too =) thanks for the atetion xD

    Player Rules!

  5. kempitaize

    “Every breath that you draw in this house,is a gift from Cortez Cardinal”

    Thats AWESOME dude!Cool!

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