Tag Archives: modern warfare 2

Updates and the Undead

I know I haven’t been leaving too many updates lately. My time has been devoured by production and a dangerous horror known as Modern Warfare 2. On the production side, things have been rather nuts for us here at Smooth Few Films, but there’s not really a whole lot to talk about, which is kind of weird. We’re currently filming Episode 10 of Web Zeroes while getting ready for the release of Episode 7 tomorrow.

Speaking of Episode 7, we think it’s easily our best yet, and kicks things up a notch. You see, we filmed 6 episodes in just 4-5 weeks before the show even debuted and we saw any kind of feedback. We listened to lots of people, learned some things, and then started working on the back half of the season. I think the results will speak for themselves. We’re pretty excited to start releasing it. So excited, in fact, that we’re holding a screening of the episode later tonight (Tuesday, November 17) at the Pearl Bar here in Houston. If you’re in the area, swing by, say hi and have a drink. Or nine.

In other news, I’m going to be working on some TLW outtakes for Season 2, as well as a post that details the similarities of Leet World and some other popular media, including Dragonball Z and Star Wars. Yes, really. Not on purpose, mind you, that’s just the way these things go down sometimes. I’m not particularly proud of it.

And besides playing Dragon Age: Origins and Modern Warfare 2, that’s what my nerdy life consists of at the moment. If you want, you can check out my MW2 review over at GamerSushi. Still not decided on Left 4 Dead 2 yet, though I think I’ll pass. I believe I’ve had my fill of zombie hunting in real life. It’s my day job, you know.

Also, if you don’t follow us on Twitter, you might have missed this picture I posted the other day of us on set of Ep 10 of Web Zeroes. We were doing a video conference between LA and Houston with Jace, who snapped a picture at a rather inopportune time for me. At least it might give some of you lulz.


Check it out dudes. It’s Wednesday, so that means that Episode 6 of Web Zeroes, Digg Bait is here for your enjoyment. It was written by JJ, our kindly Web master, making it the 2nd episode he’s penned this season. More to come from him!

In this episode, Ray moves in with Alex after losing his job, and tries to take charge of the group by making top 10 lists with Nate. This episode really continues the ball rolling forward, and starts to move us toward some of the storyline that the original episodes hinted at with Ray and his unemployment. I think you guys will like where this is going.

As always, if you want to download it, hit up Revision 3. For now, just hit the jump to see the episode.
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