Tag Archives: t


Thanks for the birthday wishes. We’re all growns up, eh?

A couple of updates. First, the Season Finale: Part Two will be up later this week. Missing a team member is slowing down overall production, though Nick and I have achieved some kind of apotheosis of creativity, working at previously unseen levels of efficiency, whirlwinds of pure ass-kickery. Yes, there has been kicking and/or chopping as we work the episode kung-fu.

Much thanks to Mystfit for helping us with some model issues that will make completing the filming of Part Three much simpler. Also, while you’re in the mood for some good machinima, check out Young Street Productions, some new guys that have made what I find to be some pretty funny and clever stuff. Subscribe to both of those dudes. You won’t regret it.

Lastly, I present to you a poll. Voice your thoughts. By the way, I suppose I need to add that this doesn’t affect the show in any way – the ending is set in stone already. I’m just curious to see what people think is going down.

This poll is now closed.