
It’s been nice to chill for a few days after the release of Episode Eleven. We’re jumping into Episode Twelve over the weekend, so that should be fun. More updates on that and the rest of Season One in a couple of days.

You may have noticed on the right hand sidebar that there is a new Twitter feed. What’s Twitter, you say.

Well, Twitter is kind of a mini-blog for short updates. We’re going to be using it to talk day-to-day about episode updates, thoughts and general goofiness- basically anything that is neat but we don’t need to make a blog post about. Just go sign-up for Twitter and choose to follow the Smooth Few Films page- it’ll also let you know when we update the front page of our website, so you can, say, get a text message or an IM whenever an episode comes out.

Go do it!

41 thoughts on “Twitter!

  1. Sayaka

    3rd comment… I really like visiting the site and seeing a new episode out, so twitter’s not really it for me, it takes the fun out of surprises

  2. Eddy

    Hehe, that’s all good. Twitter is in addition to our blog and is mainly for items that probably wouldn’t make the blog, as we usually only try to blog when we have something to show (screenshots, trailers, etc). Twitter’s mainly for people that want that extra bit of info about an episode. Thanks for coming to the site!

  3. Nuginator

    10th Comment by a Non Smooth Few films member : )

    I check The Leet World website every time i go into Mozilla Fire Fox for any reason
    And Get lost!!! Chet is awesome!!

  4. Mr Saito

    Oi, don’t bad mouth Reita…. Chet’s super gay IMO the happy couple… which one gets the top and which ones the bottom, Player or Chet?

  5. xXGriffXx

    [quote comment=”3992″]Oi, don’t bad mouth Reita…. Chet’s super gay IMO the happy couple… which one gets the top and which ones the bottom, Player or Chet?[/quote]

    I hope SSF NEVER let you write an episode! NEVER! You sick, sick, sick minded person.

  6. snowstories

    dude, Chet can’t be gay. Bi, maybe, but not gay.

    anyhow, I gots an idea for the show (i know it wont be used, but I wanna know what ppl would think of it) What if two new members were added to the show? Just to add more drama? Like, Montrose’s ex-boyfriend and Chet’s sister. I can see it; Montrose all pissed off, and Player, Leeroy, and Ellis always hitting on sister, pissing Chet off. I think it would be funny, and they do that all the time in real reality shows.

  7. JJ

    Guys, these comments are seriously getting OT. If you want to discuss the sexual orientations of all the characters, why not make a forum thread?

  8. snowstories

    [quote comment=”4001″]I Am Sorry for offending you Chet fans[/quote]

    i’m ok with it. but u may owe us lol

  9. Mr Saito

    XD some japanese girls in bikinis for your tastes or no? or should I just take an editorial and show a pic of me shaving my head and has some girl put whip cream on it?

  10. snowstories

    lol, what I meant earlier was that you just ripped on a favorite character and owe ALL of the fans something (other than an apology) just for laughs.

    and no, a japanese girl in a bikini is not my style. I’m a straight chick, and I’m not in to that.

  11. Mr Saito

    Oh I see, I thought you were a dude… Fine, what should I do? post a pic of myself on the forums showing me running down Akihabara district when it was girls festival?

  12. Mr Saito

    while doing it wearing a school girls uniform and a thong and a siren on my head and a purple wig? Will that satisfy you guys? I can do it next month

  13. snowstories

    wtf? ur pretty creative dude, and what scares me is that it sounds like you’ve given this all some thought…
    How about we just drop the whole thing?
    a btw, what straight dude would name himself ‘snow stories’ ? lol

  14. Mr Saito

    not really, I just think it on the spot, you gotta have a quick mind if you wanna survive in Shinjuku or else you end up having a car ram you in your ass

  15. snowstories

    [quote comment=”4077″]Once again- way off topic. Take it to the forums, please, if you’d like to keep the discussion going.[/quote]

    ok, Eddy. sry, we’ll stop.

  16. Mr Saito

    [quote comment=”4077″]Once again- way off topic. Take it to the forums, please, if you’d like to keep the discussion going.[/quote]

    Oh Chikusho… Eddy-san, gomen ne.. and Snowstories, Abuzeuron’na

  17. snowstories

    gomen ne? abuzeuron’na? is that a real language or are you making stuff up as you go along again? lol

    What’s it mean?

  18. Hiders

    [quote comment=”4077″]Once again- way off topic. Take it to the forums, please, if you’d like to keep the discussion going.[/quote]
    the big boss ask to stop better stop now~….LOLZ

  19. SomeFan

    [quote comment=”4083″][quote comment=”4077″]Once again- way off topic. Take it to the forums, please, if you’d like to keep the discussion going.[/quote]

    Oh Chikusho… Eddy-san, gomen ne.. and Snowstories, Abuzeuron’na[/quote]

    I wanna take this time to say that there are alot of people watching leet world….from USA to Europe and to Asia….well maybe africa as well but if u guys even make one insult to a state or religion yes,christians islamics buddhist then u guys are screwed…really i aint jk….so better becareful……and TY FOR MAKIN THIS AWSOME LEET WORLD~ AND LOVE THE TWITTERS MAKES ME GO TO THIS WEBSITE EVERYDAY NOW!!~ and yes, I am from asia and a islamic person…

  20. SomeFan

    again…I meant the mistake that the germans just make that is insulting……so dont be like them…..

  21. mark

    I love leet world I’ve watched every episoded and laughtd it is the best my youtube name is theleetworldfan unforchently I can’t load any videos. other wise I love it and don’t stop!

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