Knocking at Death’s Door

Smooth Few Films proudly presents: the final installment of Season One of The Leet World. Part 3 of the finale, Death Comes Home.

It’s been a wild ride. Thanks for sticking with us through our first season. We’ve learned a ton over the last year, and we hope to put it to good use in future episodes of The Leet World and beyond.

Also, stick around between seasons. There’s more going on than I even listed in our Announcements. For instance, outtakes are coming next week and a ‘making-of” feature is on its way in the near future. And who knows, maybe a special video or two to bridge the story between seasons… You won’t regret staying around.

Read comments at your own risk- there are bound to be full of spoilers.

424 thoughts on “Knocking at Death’s Door

  1. Eddy

    First 🙂

    Also, I knew I was posting this thing at lunch- I just had to get you guys to lay off the site. Hence my post earlier. I’m a trixy hobbit, I is.

    But on a serious note- thanks for watching our show and being excited about it. I hope you guys have fun with this finale and we look forward to season 2.

  2. Stephen

    ahaha i was just on the site 10 minutes ago after waking up and i go back on and i see this, nice trick

  3. Brontos

    Well that was interesting! What happened?
    Oh, and dude, you guys rule. You left so many questions unanswered after I watched it a second time. For the record, here’s how the dying went:

    Player and Montrose – Death Room for Challenge Activated.
    Producer makes instant respawn.
    Chet – Dies, instant respawn in effect, and saves montrose.
    Cortez and Mendoza take away respawn. This is were only Ocho Mertos start dying.
    Player and Montrose make it out of the deathroom before the challenge ends and Mendoza dies.
    That’s how. 😀

  4. Karhax

    I think player is a cyborg.
    He was probably the one the Dr. Kliener guy was talking about.

    Oh and also, this episode ROCKS!

  5. wargeragon

    omg so good! i had to log onto a camp computer to watch this XD…. winter? really? :(… u guys need to make an email newsletter… to notify us by mail :D….

  6. PrO-bOy

    CT’s WIN!!!!!!
    YEAH!!! Go Westy!!!!
    CAn’t waiy for Season 2!
    Great Job, you guys! I hope to hear a lot from you over the Summer!

  7. Crisdorya

    12th post!

    I can`t watch this now! IT IS TOO LATE IN MY COUNTRY!!!
    I am downloading them from Youtube and I am going to watch them on my mobile phone before bed! 🙂

  8. Sam

    Serious guys, WHAT THE HECK? Stop slowing the website down, i have been loading the episode for 90 mins now. And it is only on 68%!

  9. LeetWorldLover

    Honestly, this might have needed some more to the ending. A proper goodbye, one could say…

    Damnit, i’d rather wan’t to see 1337world than the other things you wanna do =(

    Oh well.
    This was awesome.

  10. me

    [quote comment=”8862″]I think player is a cyborg.
    He was probably the one the Dr. Kliener guy was talking about.

    Oh and also, this episode ROCKS![/quote]
    i’ll have to disagree. i think it was westheimer he was talking about…

    and WTF SSF????? more cliffhangers?????? I wont be able to sleep for the rest of summer now, thanks. but oh well. it was awesome, as always. cant wait for G.R.I.E.F. and Season 2! 🙂

  11. Chris

    Amazing. I’ve been watching since the beginning and this just went out with a bang. Can’t wait till the next season!

    There was only one point that confused me for a second, which was when respawn was turned off and just suddenly Cortez… knifed?… Westy. That confused me for a sec, and it was so fast 😛 Everytime Player talked I laughed too. Oh man.

    Anyways, like I said, amazing and great job, you guys definitely deserve a longgg ass vacation.

    P.S. You guys ever think of creating a “Leetworld” gamemode for Garry’s Mod or something? Like a reality gamemode with challenges and everything? That would be awesome. Too bad I can’t code 😛

  12. Dustin

    Lovely! Too bad I watched it while the site was down, otherwise I would of got to comment earlier. Nice cliffhanger at the end, too. Love you guys so much now. 😛

  13. Houck

    the website can’t hold all the people on it ^_^
    I LOVED the ending to this…
    I can’t believe how good it was… well I can because it was awesome…
    now i’m going to rewatch the whole series again ^_^

  14. Midg3y

    Congrats Smooth Few Films on a job well done. I thank you for everything you’ve done, have a nice break!

    BTW Chet didn’t die, he was screaming when he flew into the water.

  15. Pharoahgakash

    Bomb = Nuke! nice ending reminded me of the ending to Metal Gear Solid! I got a question, how can i go about having you guys post a short i made about the leet world on the site? it’s a cheap vacation short that i made with Garry’s Mod and different clips from the Outcasts and stuff. It’s really cool!

  16. Midg3y

    Mendoza deserved that! Yes I said his name, he can’t kill me because he is dead! MUHAHA


  17. VertigoSFX

    pretty awesome finale, kept my interest straight through as well.

    I’m looking forward to your future projects, I’ve been saving all of these videos and I’m gonna make a sweet DVD with all the episodes to show to friends and what not because it’s that good. I’ve made a few DVD menus in the past so i’m going to make it do the series justice 🙂

    Good work, can’t wait for season 2. I want to know the deal with this and what this producer has been doing…creepy!

  18. Mat_C


    So many unanswered questions though 🙁

    Bet player is the one they talk bout at the end. Anyone else notice the irony or Player being SAS (most elite special force in world) yet being possibly the most inept person on show? 😀

    Favourites quotes from this one ep:

    Que? Porque? No me gusta!
    Slide = weeeeeeeeeeeee
    Sup brah!
    See you retard
    What do you me ‘unpossible’ thats not even a real word!

    Can’t wait till season 2 ^_^

  19. Daedric

    Hmm, very nice episode, not the way i wanted to turn out but whatever..

    I did notice one big mistake made in this part in which it can affect the whole season.

    Add me or email me, i dont want to say to public

  20. Mkilbride

    Bah, not downloadable? I planned to burn it within the next half hour, I wanted to show my dad, “Leet World Season 1 DVD” Oh well. Thanks for your great work.

  21. pit173

    How will the T’s make their way back to the house (you aren’t gonna simply kick them off the show, are you)? Maybe the guy “Kleiner” was talking about was Mendoza? Maybe he didn’t die after all, even though he was badly wounded? Is Mendoza going to team up with Cortez and take his revenge on Westy in the future? And where the shit is cake?
    Too many questions remain unanswered…

    Thanks for a tremendous season, Smooth Few Films.
    I’m looking forward to seeing your new shorts, and of course- Season 2.

    And for now, joyride time..

  22. Pol

    OMG, that was wonderful, but NOW i have a few questions

    Who was the scientist talking about?


    Is the popularity gonna go to westheimers head?

    Now I will panic because there are MORE unanswered questions than before

  23. Josh

    Good work, and nice cliffhanger(s).
    @Sam it’s not their fault its you, me, and everybody elses fault for F5ing so much.

  24. Andrew

    Ellis – What the fuck man
    Player : LOL (upside down)

    That made me laugh sooooo hard

    Thanks guys, you just finished off the epic thing that is TLW S1. I thank you for the experience

    And as Pit said

    Joyride Time…

  25. korushi

    sweet the sites up now, whats with the death room ? like the sounds and the door? ( why could only player see it? )

  26. endless_cakewalk

    this has been a hell of a year. loved it from the beginning, good work you guys and keep it up 😀

  27. dpoe

    dudes, awesome job on season one. wetting my pants in anticipation for season 2. get on it!

  28. .asian

    [quote comment=”8886″]Hmm, very nice episode, not the way i wanted to turn out but whatever..

    I did notice one big mistake made in this part in which it can affect the whole season.

    Add me or email me, i dont want to say to public[/quote]
    [quote comment=”8861″]Well that was interesting! What happened?
    Oh, and dude, you guys rule. You left so many questions unanswered after I watched it a second time. For the record, here’s how the dying went:

    Player and Montrose – Death Room for Challenge Activated.
    Producer makes instant respawn.
    Chet – Dies, instant respawn in effect, and saves montrose.
    Cortez and Mendoza take away respawn. This is were only Ocho Mertos start dying.
    Player and Montrose make it out of the deathroom before the challenge ends and Mendoza dies.
    That’s how. :D[/quote]

    That’s incorrect.

    Player + Ellis – Death Room; Killed during “challenge”
    Leeroy turns challenge mode off, hence the round restarting, making deaths occur, and keeping the death room inaccessible, and because of that, the producer turns on “Deathmatch” mode.
    Chet doesn’t die at all, he runs off, explosion throws him into the river.
    Through a vote, Mendoza and Cortez take away “Deathmatch”, causing them to die in reality.
    Westheimer is “knocked” out.
    Mendoza dies.
    The ocho muertos are finished off throughout these events.

    The “deathmatch” mode only affects the 3 way challenge, and had no effect on the “challenge” in the house.


  29. AjCrazyEh

    Awesome machinima! It’s been pro watching The Leet World over the past season, and I’ve been watching since Episode 1. First, Lololz Snowman nub. Second, Player rox sox hardcore.

  30. Noir

    OMG…. Waited all day just for the site to collapse every time i tried watching it.. but now that i seen it…


    /me wants soundtrack *drool*

  31. Rachinator

    “they cant hear you”
    Ive seen other Machinimas and this one surpasses all i thank go every day for the time i scrolled onto and saw the episode up and decided to watch!!! Enjoy holiday!!!

    PS. “Cool we get to go for a joy ride! SHOTGUN!”

  32. DarkNova50

    That was by far my favourite episode so far. Every character got their due camera time, I think, and there was the dramatic finish by good ol’ Westheimer. And how would any season finale be complete without a cliffhanger? So good.

    I hope the Terrorists show up next season (not something you hear every day…), and given Cortez’s cryptic comment, I don’t see how they can’t.

    Thanks for the awesome season, guys!

  33. wargeragon

    lol when i posted (10th or 11th)… the computer took long to load… then i refreshed and realised i just made it before the site went down XD… i wouldve posted earilar but the camp computer was so slow :(….

  34. Shaunoez

    haha i like the metal gear solid bit at the end,
    old man talking to producer just like Ocelot talking to the president in mgs3 haha.

    good ep though, good ep

  35. fearofshorts

    You know, someone could just add this page to StumbleUpon and take the site down.
    OK… Damn that’s tempting….. NAH! I like you guys too much!

    Maybe you could tell us when we can add you guys to StumbleUpon so we can share the joys of TLW?

    PS. great work guys. Loved it! I’m looking forward to your new productions. 🙂

  36. Constructor


    Anyway I wanted to give you some advice.

    I don’t know if you guys are writing the episodes in traditional script format but please review your dialogue.

    There are times when unnecessary words are being said. Like during part 4 of the season finale westheimer says “Cortez. The next one is going between your eyes Cortez.” It ruins the second line of dialogue. Take one of the Cortez’s out.

    I’ve also noticed that there are times when foley is missing. For example, part 3 of the season finale when they first start the challenge you don’t add the sound of them suiting up or landing. It just feels awkward to the audience.

    I’m not trying to be a smartass and I’m not saying Leetworld sucks. It’s awesome but it can make improvements.

  37. matty

    lulz snowman nub. omg player is cyborg? kinda explains a lot.
    enjoy ur break SFF-u guys earnt it!

  38. Eddy

    [quote comment=”8907″]haha i like the metal gear solid bit at the end,
    old man talking to producer just like Ocelot talking to the president in mgs3 haha.

    good ep though, good ep[/quote]

    Haha, I’m happy when people catch that.

  39. GoDxShiva

    pure brilliance i love every mintue of it…which was a good long 18 minutes which is a long time for a guy to love (if you know what i mean ;P)

  40. 1


    in all seriousness this is absoulutly THEE BEST EVAR machinima series known to man(and also several species of dolphins, monkeys, and about 13 types of reptiles). ya its that good!

    Even your halo machinima work is awe inspiring. Your like the Digital Ph33r of CS:S machinima

  41. Mahoney

    I found something strange in this episode. Mendoza armed the bomb and talked to him for a long time- I believe over around 1 minute 8 seconds. Shouldn’t the ocho muertos have won for holding the bomb for more than 30 seconds? Westheimer should not have been able to defuse, because Mendoza should have already won due to having the bomb armed with his code for that long. Maybe it is a mistake? Maybe it was the Producer trying to make the Ocho Muertos lose? Maybe we will never know.

  42. Axl

    DUDE OMG THIS WAS A WAY TO END SEASON 1!!! I hate that it leaves you hanging but that’s what makes good series. I have so many questions that can only be answered in season 2 so I have one important thing to say:PLEASE HURRY UP AND GET SEASON 2 UP!!!!!

  43. Jok3R

    Player and Montrose make it out of the deathroom before the challenge ends and Mendoza dies.
    That’s how. :D[/quote]

    It was Player and Ellis who got out of Deathroom, not Montrose and Player, SFF |2u|_3z!!1!

  44. DenZuk

    I’ve been following the series from start. At first, it seems just like other machinamia (sic??). But, you guys know ho to create a story, tied to the core of the Counterstrike. The feeling I got is like climbing until to the peak, and satisfied by the end result. Can’t wait until your next season…. As Player said (literally…) LeEt WoRlD FTW!!1

  45. Mahoney

    “I believe over around 1 minute 8 seconds. ” Sorry for double post, but take out the ‘over’ in that sentence.

  46. Eddy

    [quote comment=”8916″]I found something strange in this episode. Mendoza armed the bomb and talked to him for a long time- I believe over around 1 minute 8 seconds. Shouldn’t the ocho muertos have won for holding the bomb for more than 30 seconds? Westheimer should not have been able to defuse, because Mendoza should have already won due to having the bomb armed with his code for that long. Maybe it is a mistake? Maybe it was the Producer trying to make the Ocho Muertos lose? Maybe we will never know.[/quote]

    Haha, well, to be fair, how many movies have you seen where they draw 30 seconds out to several minutes? Movie time and real time aren’t the same thing, always. Just watch an episode of 24 and you’ll see what I mean.

    [quote comment=”8910″]Leetworld!!!!

    Anyway I wanted to give you some advice.

    I don’t know if you guys are writing the episodes in traditional script format but please review your dialogue.

    There are times when unnecessary words are being said. Like during part 4 of the season finale westheimer says “Cortez. The next one is going between your eyes Cortez.” It ruins the second line of dialogue. Take one of the Cortez’s out.

    I’ve also noticed that there are times when foley is missing. For example, part 3 of the season finale when they first start the challenge you don’t add the sound of them suiting up or landing. It just feels awkward to the audience.

    I’m not trying to be a smartass and I’m not saying Leetworld sucks. It’s awesome but it can make improvements.[/quote]

    Great comments! Seriously, it’s always nice when someone with a film background adds to the discussion. One of those was a creative decision and the other one was just something that fell through the cracks.

    We add in most of the sound effects during post production, and occasionally one will unfortunately slip through. There’s also an audio bit that’s not in stereo in a later scene. Woot.

    As to the double Cortez thing, it just felt like something Westheimer would say in the moment. That was one of my favorite scenes to write so far for the series and I took great pleasure from putting it on paper and getting to act it. Apparently, it didn’t work for you, but just wanted to set the record straight that it didn’t end up in the episode because of a lack of careful consideration.

    And to everyone else, thanks for the great comments too!

  47. Jok3R

    Player has 1337 V1s10n h3 15 t3h 0nly 1 wh0 c0uLD s33 th3 d0oR 0n t3h w4LL of th3 d347h ro0m!

  48. s4g4-m4n

    Wow. Could there be no better ending? Bravo guys, u deserved it. Too badd Westie and Cortez never got along… I was sorta rooting for that, but then I realize, it just wouldn’t work. They’d hav nothing to fued about in the nxt season (Cortez b in nxt season, right?)…

    btw new favorite Chet line, “dude… no homo”

    P.S. Anxiously anticipating ur next project-video thing…

  49. Don

    Great video, aaaa it was so orgasmic indeed it touch my g point si ese cortez es la onda y mendoza es todo un caballero some hispanic talk for those great warriors
    westeheimer was so macho!!!
    and player was like always the greatest
    great end
    gordon freeman should appear on the show (y)

  50. Fang30

    I think next season someone should have an 11 year old kid..

    Hey, I’m a 11 year old kid… 🙂 Would be fun.

  51. Jonathan

    I was hoping Westie would win hes the best leader in the world all right lol Mendoza got pwned!!!!!!

  52. Kernal_Sanders

    Wow nice episode. i loved every sec. of it , anyhow it was a great season and just wanted you guys to know that it will be hard 4 me to wake up and not get on my pc checking to c if there r any new comments or another episode. But i will be happy when teh other season rolls around!!!11 = )

  53. Midg3y

    I have a strange feeling that the cyborg is MR DOMINATION!

    You just gotta love Ellis!


  54. Cl0wN

    [quote comment=”8928″]I have a strange feeling that the cyborg is MR DOMINATION!

    You just gotta love Ellis!

    WE’RE ALIVE MOFO[/quote]

    Dude….Mr Domination is dead…mendoza killled him

  55. Echo

    man i dun wanna sound gay or pansy like but im so pissed you guys dont get enough views i like machinima and i watch it alot and the stuff that gets a lot of views like arby n chif but its crap compared to ur stuff i want evry on to see how great u guys are

  56. Dave

    i’ve enjoyed the ride guys. thanks for making it fun and entertaining along the way. You guys never cease to put out good posts, being episodes or just whats up lately (like videogame news links, etc.). I’m proud to say that I’m a LeetWorld fan 😀

    I’ll keep checking the site for updates as usual, keep the content and fun comin’!


  57. Stoodley

    Nicely done leet world production team.

    HUGE effort and thanks for a great season.

    Fave things:
    Montrose 😀 <– who doesnt just love that guy xD
    The Music is fantastic gj

    cant wait for season 2!!!!

  58. Daedric

    [quote comment=”8921″][quote comment=”8916″]I found something strange in this episode. Mendoza armed the bomb and talked to him for a long time- I believe over around 1 minute 8 seconds. Shouldn’t the ocho muertos have won for holding the bomb for more than 30 seconds? Westheimer should not have been able to defuse, because Mendoza should have already won due to having the bomb armed with his code for that long. Maybe it is a mistake? Maybe it was the Producer trying to make the Ocho Muertos lose? Maybe we will never know.[/quote]

    Haha, well, to be fair, how many movies have you seen where they draw 30 seconds out to several minutes? Movie time and real time aren’t the same thing, always. Just watch an episode of 24 and you’ll see what I mean.

    What do you mean? I hardly think mendoza and cortez were talking too fast to be below 30 seconds timelimit. This aint 24 lol

    Westy = fail
    Mendoza = win

    Stop making these excuses 😛 Mendoza won tbh!
    That scientist dude is too hard to understand what he is saying i think

  59. Dom

    Wow…..simply wow. I got into Leet World as soon as it began a little over a year ago – and loved it. I never expected such a great way to finish the season as this – or as many twists and turns the plot took. Some things were more predictable than others – some you would never guess. Westheimer killing Mendoza – I anticipated this since killing Cortez probably wouldn’t happen if the rest of the Leet Worlders made it out OK – even Player and Snowman nub, lol.

    I really want to say thank you and good luck in post-production and pre-production of Season 2. The series has been absolutely epic, and has never ceased to amaze me with the great use of GMod, Counter-Strike, and different models that without having been used the show would never have reached the graphical level it did. For me, this has been truly inspirational. I want to be a machinima director/producer in the future and this has extremely furthered my desire. I am glad to say I am actually enjoying this series almost more than RvB, but it’s so hard to choose that I’ve decided I like them both equally. In the end I’m glad you stuck to drama over comedy, it really helped the story and still allowed for jokes that broke the mood occasionally and yet still added suspense. I applaud all the ways you were able to accomplish this without the audience hardly even realizing it until the end.

    Like some other people, I figured I’d try out giving a little advice to help out. Though your gunfights are pretty suspenseful, and usually go pretty well, I can’t ever help but feel no one fires the shot when they need to, no one aims well enough even though they have the perfect shot, someone always makes a mistake that shouldn’t have been made because they had it in the bag and done, mainly Chet’s stepping on a stick problem. For me, it just seems like none of the gunfights are realistic enough, you know? Almost a little too slow, and I’d like to have better reasons for the guys missing their shots other than side-stepping or something silly like that. Even Montrose, the best sharpshooter of the T’s, can get 2 shots 2 kills with his AK in the first challenge, but then he can’t kill two Muertos on the roof with 2 clips? I know they still turned out great and everything, and I’m not being mean or trying to nag these, but that’s one aspect of the show I’ve always thought was the same way. If you figured a way to speed it up or make it less predictable (which I am completely sure you guys can do) then I think it would add an entire new level of action to the show, maybe even become the next Live Free action movie.

    Anyways, tons of kudos to you guys, you definitely deserve it for the years hard work! Take a long rest and I hope you can come back with even more of the the greatness you’ve already achieved in Season 1, and add it to Season 2!

  60. LemonDude

    Coolest,episode/part/whatever.I would like to thank and, in the same time,congradulate, all people who helped at the creation of this Season, it was a lovely one. I, and all other fans i am sure, will stick aroud to see what happends between the seasons.Anyway, Smooth Few Films for ever,dude,ROCKS.

  61. Cody CE

    This is one of the only Machinimas that can produce top quality Entertainment and a perfect mix of drama,action,and comedy. I can’t wait till season 2.

    BTW Favorite Quote:

  62. Loded

    Can’t wait for season 2.Leet world is Better then RvB.
    Leet World Awsome.Smooth Few Films thanks for an awesome Machinima and keep UP THE GOOD WORK!!

  63. Bruce Lee

    WHAT!?!?!?!?!?!? OMG YOU CLIFF HANG !!!!!!!!!!!!! Arg i hate cliff hangers 🙁 leet world comeback. . . . . . . That was soooo epic, it beats out over half the epic things in this world.

  64. Midg3y

    Don’t worry about the cliffhangers, in fact they might get solved mid season =)

    Nice job Smooth Few Films =)

  65. zeke (AUSTRALIA)

    Lulz, I got first post on the trailer on youtube and therfore I am the one that has seen the most of this. How come the chick the says “mondoza activates bomb” can say his name without dying? Looking forward to next season cobba’s! (A cobba is a best mate in aussie talk)

  66. ihha1

    It was a bit sceary when they were in the death room but it rulz! ! !and cant wait for next season i wunna know what that doctor was talking about at the end was it NEW AND IMPROVED DOMINATION guy or a new tv for the house????

    PS: hey when is the download awayleble?
    PPS:i can say mendozas name!! mendoza!!

  67. CrazyFAN

    Can anybody tell me I didn’t understand who the fu** was that guy in the end that said :
    “Thank You Mr.Producer” ??
    PLz reply

  68. Nuginator

    [quote comment=”8880″]Congrats Smooth Few Films on a job well done. I thank you for everything you’ve done, have a nice break!

    BTW Chet didn’t die, he was screaming when he flew into the water.[/quote]

    it looked like Chet took a dive besides when he came back he still had blood on him so I doubt he respawned

    P.S Are you going to make a GTA 4 Short

  69. Ninja

    Dear smoothfew:

    Please move my other comment (the one that starts out with the “This post is long”) to here. And delete the one currently waiting here.

    Thanks so much! Your loyal fan,

  70. RoBErtO

    this might be bad….
    bad i think i want more from it!
    makes me curious whats going to happen next man

  71. rion

    Amazing episode. This is without doubt the best machinima series out there. It’s just pure epic win. Beautiful.
    Especially loved the Player-Ellis bit, laughed my head off when they fell in the water lol.
    Way to cliffhang too. It sure nudges the excitement up in anticipation of season two. I for one can’t wait. Want moar now!

    Good job.

  72. Crisdorya

    Best episode of The Leet World!!!!!!!!!!!
    Great job!!!!!!!!!!!!

    BTW: I learned internet language and Player language 🙂 Thank you!

  73. AlienFromHell


  74. Josh

    I just looked at the bottom of the page and found this lol:
    “The Leet World is Digg proof thanks to caching by WP Super Cache!”
    Either you guys just implemented this or Super Cache can’t handle The Leet World effect.

    Anyway I would love to give all of you who helped make the leet world 1 million dollars but sadly I am not SUPA RICH.

  75. fps_bam

    wassup bra? FUCK YEAH.

    Uber show, love the ending 🙂

    also… add stuff to buy and i will 😀

  76. HaZeL

    The part when player and Ellis are in the
    death room rules 🙂

    Player: NO Y U ASK
    Ellis: WHAT IN THE F***
    Player: LOL!

    Room haxed us 😀

  77. Kaur

    Wasup SFF. CAnt belive thi sseason is alrdy over , but ill just rewatch again 🙂 till Season 2 is on.
    I really liked Chet in this part(s). He was……….more badass then he used to.His appearance and voice matches perfectly(blablabla, i know , wey much grammar mistakes.LOL)
    Chets Bomb-Fly and Ellis Scream made the day.

    Lets Hope u guys get TLW2 done soon.


  78. drazic11

    [quote comment=”8875″]Amazing. I’ve been watching since the beginning and this just went out with a bang. Can’t wait till the next season!

    There was only one point that confused me for a second, which was when respawn was turned off and just suddenly Cortez… knifed?… Westy. That confused me for a sec, and it was so fast 😛 Everytime Player talked I laughed too. Oh man.

    Anyways, like I said, amazing and great job, you guys definitely deserve a longgg ass vacation.

    P.S. You guys ever think of creating a “Leetworld” gamemode for Garry’s Mod or something? Like a reality gamemode with challenges and everything? That would be awesome. Too bad I can’t code :P[/quote]

    cortez didnt knife him he jump on top of him to knock him out so he didnt get hurt by mendoza

  79. GunshyPigeon

    FTW guys!!!!!!!!!!! (I love you Player!!!!!!!)

    its over, its finally over!
    I cant believe its over!

    that was just amazing though,
    and that producer didnt really sound all thruthfull even when he was supposed to be telling Westheimer the truth, and the ending confused me, and were those season 2 dates correct? I cant wait,
    hopefully someone kicks the producers ass! great voice acting though 🙂

    and the whole death room saga with Ellis and Player! could have been a good spin off episode! and what was with the fucked up kids playground, that was way too random!
    but funny as hell!

    and please invite the T’s back next season, I always knew Westheimer could do it, but they should come back, cause they techinically drew 1-1 in team games, so the last doesnt count!!!, bring back the t’s!!!

    I could go on and on like a fanatic about how amazing this was(which it truly was) but you gonna have your hands full as it is, so I’ll spare you even more reading and work,

    anyway guys,
    Loved the show since the very beggining, and I’m looking forwards so much to all your other projects, they all sound like great ideas, and you guys always make great ideas amazing, so far, so I just cant wait!

    [}the local frag pigeon{]

  80. Romi

    Now when the Leet World Is Over i have no purpose in this life, U are the best of the bestest best!!!

    I love your show!
    Thanks a lot for this awsome seasson, thank you for everything, nice work.

  81. drazic11

    hmmmmmmm player or westy? which one is the scientist at the end talking about…

    westy did kick ass and made all good decisions and all that

    but player could see that door and also at the playground he could hear that weird noise that ellis couldnt hear. i wonder if the playground has any signifigance or if it was an added touch. Also what does the warehouse were the hax were coming from have to do with all of it, cause mendoza wasnt aware of that

  82. kevin

    that was awesome but i cant stop comparing it to Metal Gear Solid!!! at the end the guy in the lab was like Ocelot talking to George Sears aka Solidus Snake at the end of Metal Gear Solid for ps1 and Westheimer is like Naked Snake (Big Boss) and the producer is kinda like the patriots as he is monatoring everything (or thats what a producer does)!!!!!!! anyway Brill End to an awesome season will be staying around for the summer cant wait or your upcoming stuff

  83. Andrew

    Player, bro, dude, really, AWESOME! LETS GET SOME CHICKS! lol

    man, this was amazing 😀
    Can’t wait to season 2


  84. Hobson

    Nice piece of machinima yet again you guys always surprise me with something super awesome.
    Its great how each episode it keeps getting better both the writing and the filming.
    Super excited for Season 2 or any other thing coming up.

  85. Assistance

    Great Show you guys. It was fun while it lasted. You left many questions unanswered which would probably by answered in the next season. The only thing I dislike about the show is how everything revolves around Cortez. Hopefully this doesn’t happen next season. Maybe Westimer gets a chance in the next season. We still don’t know enough of his experience with his team member who suffered from hax. I still didn’t understand the player seeing the wall thing. Kinda weird. Anyways, great job. You probably have loads of ideas for season 2 and we can’t wait to watch them. Keep up the good work. 🙂

  86. Mr. Web[TR]

    WOW. Great finale just like i expacted. Looks like those hax make Ahmad smarter.
    OMG what exacly happen to that Muerto that dead in the death room?
    Montrose shot the bomb in Muerto’s hand, nice shot 🙂
    I cant understood why Mendoza really die in the end of challenge??

  87. vince

    F*cking best episode eva!!!!
    What a great finale !!!!
    Player: Room HaxEd us !!! hahaha 😀
    Seriously guys you should get a contract with FOX so ur show is on TV
    looking forward to season 2!
    And I forgot…..upload the outtakes u know I love em 😉

  88. matty

    OMG best season final EVA!!!!! im watchin this the whole way through till season 2 comes out, take ur time, i can wait…

    **doo doo doo doo LEETWORLD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!**

  89. He

    first of all thanks for all:
    It had been a really awesome show to watch. I think i’ve watched the whole season 3 times 😀
    I love it 😀
    You all should be proud of yourself, your hard work was worth it.. You got 6.600 comments in 15 hours!! You got 5 stars in youtube 10 356 subscribers on youtube!!
    And this in your first season!! Congratulations for finishing with this success!
    The finale got it all: fun, action, entertainment, and the rest (i don’t know how the rest is called in english [no english-speaker])
    So thanks for all, and i’m looking forward to season2 😀

  90. Dickweed Karan Trikha


  91. Psycho

    This episode was EPIC! It was really worth the wait, but thanks to this. I won’t have a restful summer, cause i’ll be thinking of WHAT’S GOING TO HAPPEN NEXT? all the time xD.
    Awesome, i loved how Player And Ellis ended up upside down in the Deathroom :D.
    Great work guys, i thank you all from the deep of my E-heart :P.

    PS ; CT’s Won! ;D T’s Failed :C

  92. Kronuslol

    I loved it was totally awesome but one ting always annoyed me

    at the end when player a Ellis fall outa the sky they were statued and made no splash maybe you could’ve raggdolled them and welded the torsos thus when they hit the water they would splash

    other than that one of my favorites lines was
    “I thought that the the end of the hallway would be scary but this is downright creepy(hl2_playground_memories plays)”
    player: slide = WEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE

    good job can’t wait for next season

  93. exglade

    I watched the whole episode however… I never left a comment. I guess this is the time to give some. I must say the whole story and action are beautiful. One episode by episodes, this whole season is franktastic.

    Til then… I will be awaiting the season 2. Fall and Winter, I am waiting your arrival.

  94. Stevie

    Beautiful , just beautiful.
    Music was well done and fitted the scenes perfectly
    The use of ragdolls was well done and added a greater sense of realism to the show.
    The storyline was fantastic and ended with a fantastic cliffhanger making us want season 2 even more
    Although player became less Nubish during the last episode his comic phrases and spaz head made the show get 10/10 in my eyes.

    Fantastic 10/10

  95. Strib

    A little bit darky in my opinion, but nevertheless awsome.

    Btw will we ever know why Player could hear and see things in the death room that Ellis couldn’t? Was player the special one for hearing and seeing those stuff, or was it Ellis the unique guy that couldn’t see anything?

  96. Filtertip

    This was the longest and hardest what of all time and i coudl hurt you for making me what so long for this. But ya know what it was worth it bra sooo worth the long what for the end.

  97. dark7crash

    i’m fench and i like so much the leet world but i don’t auderstand all the words!
    i hope a traduction will come soon!
    the leet world is AAMMMAZZZINNNG !

  98. Conor

    Not quite what I was expecting to be honest.
    Not what I was hoping for either…..

    But you guys really knocked it out of the park for me, it was totally awesome, nothing I was expecting or hoping for, but it was ALOT better than what I had pictured in my mind.
    Thank you guys so much for the episodes, the hard work you put in to them and your dedication to the best machinima around, I really hope this continues in season 2.

    One thing i’m not happy about….
    WHY SO LONG??!!? QQ
    You guys deserve the break though, so enjoy it.

  99. Michael

    Wow, really stuning stuff SFF. The story line ,characters and well everything is perfect.. far better quality than what i see from movies and tv

  100. zac

    i couldent believe westheimer killed mendoza i really thoughtcortez would… great season i will be looking forward to the next one

  101. Ryu

    that was an awesome episode. The funniest part was when Player and “Snowball Nub” were trapped in the death room. That was hilarious. Can’t wait for season two, guys Great work on this.

    Also, does anyone have any tabs for the song at the end? That sounds insane on a guitar.

  102. Spardan

    Oh god i wonder if this means that mendoza is making a come back as a robot 🙂

    Brilliant ending

  103. R3450N

    Very nice episode, If you guys keep this up you can easily make several more seasons, easily, I just hope you guys get the green light from Valve to hook up merchandise(t-shirts, hoodys, hats, etc.) so you can get the recognition you deserve. If you manage to get that green light, be ready to re-up on “Player” merchandise, since I believe most of your fanbase likes him the most lol.

    For me though, hook me up with a hoody with Mendoza shooting someone in the head, with text above sayin “I told you never to use my name”, id buy that in a heartbeat hahaha ^^

  104. Daf

    Mucho Greatness 😀

    you know you guys were on about how you wouldn’t be allowed to sell DVDs of the season, how about you just have a donations button that forces people to “donate” the amount you would want for a DVD of it, and then have a field (for them to leave their email or address or something) and then send them the DVD…

    technically, you’re not charging for the DVD…you’re giving it out for free – it’s just a “coincidence” that the person it’s being sent to “donated” 😛

    <3 double quotation marks…but yeah, definitely worth considering because I would definitely buy…i mean “donate” 🙂

    looking forward to ‘the making of’ and the other shorts coming up over the summer and definitely season 2 😀 great work lads, as always

  105. Frostbite

    Eh, don’t know what’s been going on (probably people feening to see the last episode, crashing the site by constantly and repeatedly refreshing like they have nothing better to do) but my last comment never came up.

    Oh well, either way, that was a nice way to end the series. There wasn’t really a favorite part, all of it was good! Looking foward to Season 2.

    P.S. The scientist at the end seemed a little like Revolver Ocelot (from Metal Gear Solid.) That was also pretty cool.

  106. Black n Blue

    great episode guys and all of them are great!!! But i’m still don’t know how did Player saw that door in the death room??? 🙂

  107. dizzl

    woahh hugest cliffy at the end but i like it 😀
    playr is teh best 🙂
    great season guys

  108. .......

    hey guys Player i dont think is cyborg . think it would be ellis? mainly becuase if he was a cyborg then it is not as good as a person is thats why his vision was screwed and couldent see door or hear the voices? just my opinon My apoligies to all the palyer die hard fans out there who think this is a load of bs

  109. .......

    omfg lol i new i heard it some where. @ about 5.55 the sounds that are heard in the background are from the movie Spy Kids. When they are in the palyground. hehe nice use of extra materials there.

  110. }|{eka

    guy is Tr’s queting ???????????? plz no plz nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo i wont to see them in next season 🙁

  111. }|{eka

    guy is Tr’s queting ???????????? plz no plz nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo i wont to see them in next season 🙁 but the 1st season was awsome good work guys :))))

  112. Tanner Vance

    you guys should make an episode for all the characters and it can be called The Leet World Aftermath

    but still……………………………………………………

    WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO, PLAYER WON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  113. The Producer

    [quote comment=”9015″]I know cortez and Westimer is coming back but what about the rest?[/quote]

    cortez is not coming back to the show because he went to see the fucked up shit that ellis was talking about

  114. TheBash

    Oh…… My……… GOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! That was simply amazing, great job!! Now I can’t wait for the next season — damn you with your brilliant cliffhangers!!

  115. Brontos

    [quote comment=”8898″][quote comment=”8886″]Hmm, very nice episode, not the way i wanted to turn out but whatever..

    I did notice one big mistake made in this part in which it can affect the whole season.

    Add me or email me, i dont want to say to public[/quote]
    [quote comment=”8861″]Well that was interesting! What happened?
    Oh, and dude, you guys rule. You left so many questions unanswered after I watched it a second time. For the record, here’s how the dying went:

    Player and Montrose – Death Room for Challenge Activated.
    Producer makes instant respawn.
    Chet – Dies, instant respawn in effect, and saves montrose.
    Cortez and Mendoza take away respawn. This is were only Ocho Mertos start dying.
    Player and Montrose make it out of the deathroom before the challenge ends and Mendoza dies.
    That’s how. :D[/quote]

    That’s incorrect.

    Player + Ellis – Death Room; Killed during “challenge”
    Leeroy turns challenge mode off, hence the round restarting, making deaths occur, and keeping the death room inaccessible, and because of that, the producer turns on “Deathmatch” mode.
    Chet doesn’t die at all, he runs off, explosion throws him into the river.
    Through a vote, Mendoza and Cortez take away “Deathmatch”, causing them to die in reality.
    Westheimer is “knocked” out.
    Mendoza dies.
    The ocho muertos are finished off throughout these events.

    The “deathmatch” mode only affects the 3 way challenge, and had no effect on the “challenge” in the house.


    You have no actual proof that what goes on in the challenge doesn’t affect the house -.-

  116. me

    [quote comment=”8931″][quote comment=”8928″]I have a strange feeling that the cyborg is MR DOMINATION!

    You just gotta love Ellis!

    WE’RE ALIVE MOFO[/quote]

    Dude….Mr Domination is dead…mendoza killled him[/quote]
    [quote comment=”8932″]And so is Mendoza[/quote]
    my brain hurts………..

  117. Jubbert

    I hope that in the next season, the challenge is that the CTs have to defend the house against a zombie outbreak!!! that would be AWESOME!!!

  118. Eddy

    Thanks for all the great feedback, guys. We’re proud to have finished the season, and hopefully did it with flying colors. Nick and I worked on it all night the other night and I left his house at like 6:30 am before going to work for the day. Ouch. The response has made it worth it, though, for sure, as well as the satisfaction that comes from finishing a year’s worth of hard work.

  119. Taz

    Dam that episodes was awesome but the death room was so creepy I mean that weird howl noise that Player was hearing was just downright creepy. Also the door appearing to be seen only to Player….I suspect that there is more to Player then we had previously thought. Perhaps he could be the cyborg that the scientist at the end was talking about or there’s something else special about him and remember that there was someone knocking on the door like someone is trying to help Player. Then again Player was never too good in combat and he doesn’t really have good decision making skillz. Well perhaps that’s kinda the point, Player was originally supposed to be all nooby or something and then evolve to be a 1337 player lol. As we can see that as the series progressed Player began changing, of course he still talked the same way but his actions started to change. He was no longer playing around when in combat, even if he sucked at combat he still was shooting at the enemy unlike in the first challenge where he threw a grenade at himself lol. Also to the decision making part, perhaps when Player saved Ahmad that showed some progress because before he would never do such a thing and I guess that means Player is maturing. I suspect that in the second season we will be seeing some major changes in some of the characters especially in Player and Westy. Westheimer I believe could also be a possible candidate since he showed most of the progress in terms of 1337ness lol. Although Westheimer didn’t change too much since the beginning since he was always very good in combat and decision making. I believe that from the scientists words Player is most likely the special project that they are working on since he was the one that showed the most weird signs and change during the season. Another thing I just noticed is when Player got hit by the grenade from Ahmad he was seriously injured but it didn’t take too long for him to recover even when Westheimer said that it’s doubtful that he will. I think that has to be another clue to this since Player could be genetically enhanced to recover fast, you can see how fast he was to get back to his 1337 speak and jumping around wanting to be a ghost while anyone else who would’ve recovered wouldn’t be acting the way Player was instead they would be still be aching from the pain or at least taking things a bit slow. Well we’ll see in the second season I guess

  120. Black n Blue

    I hope that in the next season, the challenge is that the CTs have to defend the house against a zombie outbreak!!! that would be AWESOME!!!
    you mean like zombie mod???

  121. decal

    amazing. as far as machinima goes this is at the top. it seems to be done very professionaly and u gyse put a lot of work into gj, also, confused the hell outa me, seems to have changed into a comedy of lost with all the questions left unanswered. great job, 72/10

  122. Taz

    I think that the death room is where that scientist is hiding or something as you can see when player and ellis were running through that door you can how the hallway format was similar to the lab, it could’ve been the scientist who knocked on the door to save Player from the explosion, I mean who would want their test subject to die. Westheimer was never being protected in anyway even when the respawn was turned off and he was knocked unconscious. Although he also made a quick recovery there considering that it was only 30 seconds (in leet world time) or less so I also am suspicious of him. Atm though I’m thinking that Player is the test subject and until season 2 that’s what I’m believing until further analysis.

  123. Els

    Very very very well made and intreeging end to season one. Was hoping that this final part wouldn’t be an anti-climax but it was worth the wait as well as the build up. I’m glad you didn’t lay off the funny. I think i lol’d the most in this episode more than any of the others. Must have been tricky getting the right amount of humour mixed with the right amount of build up. But you nailed it 🙂

    looking forward to whats to come, and thank you for keeping me entertained while in the “dno what to do” mood.

    but now, i dno what to do.

  124. ship_killer6666

    What is going to happen with the T’s. I’m sad that the T’s and CT’s finaly got to like each other and they are split 5 second later. I WILL MISS THE T’S EVEN IF I LIKE THE CT’S

    also the thing with cortez was 50 epic 50 bullshit because westy did saved his life, but on the other hand he stole the revenge cortez would ever be able to do, there was too little dialogue at that time


  125. Domon

    [quote comment=”8851″]First 🙂

    Also, I knew I was posting this thing at lunch- I just had to get you guys to lay off the site. Hence my post earlier. I’m a trixy hobbit, I is.

    But on a serious note- thanks for watching our show and being excited about it. I hope you guys have fun with this finale and we look forward to season 2.[/quote]

    Hehe, Check how far you guys got from the absolute very beginning.

    You look back.. and you think.. Man you guys did a Shitty job on some voice acting. But hey, who am i to judge? That was back in the day lol, Great series, best ever created.

  126. the rev

    [quote comment=”9040″]:> This was awesome series :>[/quote]
    d00d this r n0t teh end uv teh seeriez. tehy wil b bak.

    btw…PLAYER FTW!!!


    god taht so funneh.


  127. thor

    incredible.U probably heard this alot but u guys are geniouses.It was so funny and had lots of action.I wonder if the proffesor at the end was talking about westheimer.

  128. Lee

    I’ve been trying to figure out who the “test subject” is, I’ve got some theories but there aren’t much lol. It could be Player really, I mean he was the only one who could hear those weird noises in the death room and see that door that got him and Ellis outta there.

    The “test subject” could be Mendoza, even though he died or it could be Cortez, since they didn’t reference the “subject” as either live or dead. But ultimately it could be anybody on the leet world but I think it could either Player or Mendoza or Cortez.

    Loving the scene with Player and Ellis upside down.

    Ellis: WHAT IN THE @&$^ man!!!!!!
    Player: LOL

    I was cracking up hardcore.

    Excellent series and I’ll be watching now permanentely, great work guys and the voice acting was fun to listen to.

    Can’t wait till Season 2 ^__^!!!!

  129. Will

    [quote comment=”8874″][quote comment=”8862″]I think player is a cyborg.
    He was probably the one the Dr. Kliener guy was talking about.

    Oh and also, this episode ROCKS![/quote]
    i’ll have to disagree. i think it was westheimer he was talking about…

    and WTF SSF????? more cliffhangers?????? I wont be able to sleep for the rest of summer now, thanks. but oh well. it was awesome, as always. cant wait for G.R.I.E.F. and Season 2! :)[/quote]
    what are you lot on? he was obviously talking about ahmad on the hax, duh…

  130. Daedric

    The scientist could be referring to ahmad?
    He was the one who progressed the most in the series
    The hacks that were sent to him were maybe upgrades/updates to his body? The scientist was maybe controlling him under as Adam Sizzler.
    He also survived a bomb explosion on his back? 😛

    The people who i doubt the cyborg are; Ellis, Chet, Leeroy, Montrose

  131. SomeDude

    Im pretty sure the scientist wasnt referring to any of leet world cast, and this “experiment” will be introduced next season.
    Also Cortez may have lost and is off the show, but i bet he will be back to find the truth about the producer.

  132. the_lunch_club

    simply put… wait no, there’s no way i can put it simply.
    it was awesome, it was beautiful, the music was fantastic, the plot was phenomenal, the quality was crystal… blah blah blah rambling blah blah blah
    The death room scared me. WTF with playground? and i laughed when they were upside down. Why can player see and hear things that ellis can’t? hmmm interesting.
    I used to love Westy, but something is wrong. I knew that Mendoza wasn’t sending the hax from the first part of the finale. something just didnt fit. And when the Producer said “Best leader in the world,” I was like, no way, dont fall for it Westheimer, but he did. I never thought id say it but it looks like the good guys right now are the terrorists. Looking forward to their comeback, and they better make it fast, cause the way things are looking right now, the other CT’s are gonna need all the help they can get. Creepy scientist WTF!??!!?!

  133. Snowman

    [quote comment=”8913″][quote comment=”8907″]haha i like the metal gear solid bit at the end,
    old man talking to producer just like Ocelot talking to the president in mgs3 haha.

    good ep though, good ep[/quote]

    Haha, I’m happy when people catch that.[/quote]

    Huh, I was wondering why that sounded familier.
    Anyway, good episode!

  134. Haze

    Awesome ending to a great series..

    Thanks a lot for the time and dedication you guys have put into this series. I loved every minute of it and I can’t wait for the next season come.

  135. LovetheLadies

    you guys have done so well and come so far from the first couple of episodes I loved the season and will continue to watch anything you guys put up

  136. LovetheLadies

    you guysare awesome you have done so well and come so far from the first couple of episodes I loved the season and will continue to watch anything you guys put up

  137. PlaYorr

    I was feeling a bit worried with the last installment i was wondering how such an awesome show could have an awesome end to match it. But boy was I wrong, the ending parts were great, no scratch that phenomenal. The way you brought it all together guys (especially with a man down) is something to be proud of. All of you deserve a pat on the back and a beer 😛 Also well done to Jace who composed all the music it really built up atmosphere and made the series really something.

    So yea well done guys, you should be proud of what you’ve achieved over the last months, thanks for the entertainment you’ve provided me and my friends. Can’t wait for you other shorts and of course L33T WORLD SEASON 2!

  138. Mat_C

    [quote comment=”9063″]BTW Cortez had that double head shot awp shot.. What a fucking stud he is.[/quote]

    Well of course you foolish noobito . He ees the most badass there ever is.

  139. Mr.C0nsoleG4mer

    Montrose was soooooooooo class! Great finale. Best finale to anything i’ve ever seen! Wow. Just, WOW! Words can’t describe how much that episode ruled! To the First season of ‘The Leet World’! To ‘Smooth Few Films’! And of course, To Leeroy, Chet, Player, Whesty, Montrose, Cortez, Elis and Ahmad. For making us laugh XD, crai :'(, and gasp :O. Thanks for that. You guys RULE! TLW FTW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11111111111111!!!!!!!!!!!!one!!!!!!!!!!!

  140. pyosnka

    [quote comment=”8913″][quote comment=”8907″]haha i like the metal gear solid bit at the end,
    old man talking to producer just like Ocelot talking to the president in mgs3 haha.

    good ep though, good ep[/quote]

    Haha, I’m happy when people catch that.[/quote]
    It needed an echoing gunshot at the end. 🙂

  141. backb0ne_uk


    Player with a cool ability, i think player is the one the science dude is on about !

  142. Mr.C0nsoleG4mer

    [quote comment=”9067″][quote comment=”8913″][quote comment=”8907″]haha i like the metal gear solid bit at the end,
    old man talking to producer just like Ocelot talking to the president in mgs3 haha.

    good ep though, good ep[/quote]

    Haha, I’m happy when people catch that.[/quote]
    It needed an echoing gunshot at the end. :)[/quote]

    Is there not always the 2 people talking at the end? At least from MGS2 onwards? It did need an echoing gunshot at the end. 🙂

  143. Taz

    Btw I just also realized how out of all the bios, Player is the only one with no background info. A bit suspicious on his part, I mean no one knows where he came from or what happened throughout his lifetime… could be possible that he was created as a cyborg. Also he’s the only one on the show with a gas mask on covering his face completely….another hint to not knowing who he is or how he looks like. For all we know there could be a Terminator face in there lol. Anyway that’s all I got for now.

  144. Smarty

    that was really really good. eddy, dan, nick, i am amazed at how this turned out. I can not wait to see whats in store for the group


    GREAT Idea guys keep up the good work at season 2 also

  146. S4g4-m4n

    [quote comment=”8938″][quote comment=”8921″][quote comment=”8916″]I found something strange in this episode. Mendoza armed the bomb and talked to him for a long time- I believe over around 1 minute 8 seconds. Shouldn’t the ocho muertos have won for holding the bomb for more than 30 seconds? Westheimer should not have been able to defuse, because Mendoza should have already won due to having the bomb armed with his code for that long. Maybe it is a mistake? Maybe it was the Producer trying to make the Ocho Muertos lose? Maybe we will never know.[/quote]

    Haha, well, to be fair, how many movies have you seen where they draw 30 seconds out to several minutes? Movie time and real time aren’t the same thing, always. Just watch an episode of 24 and you’ll see what I mean.

    What do you mean? I hardly think mendoza and cortez were talking too fast to be below 30 seconds timelimit. This aint 24 lol

    Westy = fail
    Mendoza = win

    Stop making these excuses 😛 Mendoza won tbh!
    That scientist dude is too hard to understand what he is saying i think[/quote]
    Lol… in Independence Day, when they are escaping the mother ship, they have like 30 or something seconds to escape. But like 15 real time seconds elapse within showing the timer elapsing by like 4 seconds. And every time the camera goes to the doors closing it always shows them closing from the same position as last time.

  147. BioDiablo

    Notice the timing. Mendoza arms the bomb (13:07) and then he has the very long dialogue with Cortez (that is over 30 seconds; it’s actually a minute). After that when Westheimer defuses bomb it also takes over 30 seconds for it to end (the gap however wasn’t as big).

  148. Eddy

    [quote comment=”9075″]Notice the timing. Mendoza arms the bomb (13:07) and then he has the very long dialogue with Cortez (that is over 30 seconds; it’s actually a minute). After that when Westheimer defuses bomb it also takes over 30 seconds for it to end (the gap however wasn’t as big).[/quote]

    And sometimes a whole day is skipped in a matter of seconds. Drama time does not equal real time, as the poster above pointed out with Independence Day. Or you could just say that there were hax. Or that Mendoza is actually a motor-mouthed parseltongue! Whatever makes you sleep easier. 🙂

    Once again, we appreciate you guys taking the time to leave your thoughts. You guys rule!

  149. stryker

    [quote comment=”8874″][quote comment=”8862″]I think player is a cyborg.
    He was probably the one the Dr. Kliener guy was talking about.

    Oh and also, this episode ROCKS![/quote]
    i’ll have to disagree. i think it was westheimer he was talking about…

    and WTF SSF????? more cliffhangers?????? I wont be able to sleep for the rest of summer now, thanks. but oh well. it was awesome, as always. cant wait for G.R.I.E.F. and Season2! :)[/quote]i actualy think it is mendoza because all of T’s and CT’s were just chilling remember mendoza died, and remember he said you can’t get away from him that easily so and, really the producer isn’t trustworthy, if i were mendoza in a three way challenge why would i want to die only to know i would come back

  150. David J

    Jesus Christ, 210~th comment 😛

    Well, easily the best machinima series I’ve seen by far. Loved every episode, watched them all at least twice. Can’t wait for Season 2, obviously. Don’t wait until Fall! DO IT NOW!! 🙂

    Best quote of the Season? Hmm. A few. Although one of them would be “O NOES! NINJA NUB 2: EL3CTR1C BOOGALOO!” from Player when Ahmad woke up from his coma-thing.

    As for my thoughts on that last scene? I think the scientist was referring to Player, for his ability to see the door when Ellis couldn’t, and possibly linked to his lack of a microphone. I’m pretty sure we haven’t seen the last of Mendoza and the Ocho Muertos (I sometimes use the Muertos logo as a spray in CS:S, it’s pretty cool when people recognise it as from TLW). Think they’ll be in sometime mid-season 2 out of nowhere. And if I’m right, in the manner of good ol’ Chet:

    “Hey bro!”


    “FUCK YEAH!”

    Ciao for now, SFF. And good luck with the Summer projects, and most of all Season 2.


  151. Leet Man

    We might not know who the test subject is and who is this scientist which my guess is Domination.

  152. Megabrain3000

    [quote comment=”9080″][quote comment=”8874″][quote comment=”8862″]I think player is a cyborg.
    He was probably the one the Dr. Kliener guy was talking about.

    Oh and also, this episode ROCKS![/quote]
    i’ll have to disagree. i think it was westheimer he was talking about…

    and WTF SSF????? more cliffhangers?????? I wont be able to sleep for the rest of summer now, thanks. but oh well. it was awesome, as always. cant wait for G.R.I.E.F. and Season2! :)[/quote]i actualy think it is mendoza because all of T’s and CT’s were just chilling remember mendoza died, and remember he said you can’t get away from him that easily so and, really the producer isn’t trustworthy, if i were mendoza in a three way challenge why would i want to die only to know i would come back[/quote]

    Lol, I would have to go with player, simply because in this last episode, Westy and Mendoza didn’t show any particular special skills that could relate to anything cyborg-ish. Player on the other hand was able to hear things Ellis wasnt, and could also see the door.
    Though it is possible player is a red herring….
    Dang it, TLW is too good, I have no idea whats coming!
    ….Ok, now that THAT is out of my system, the episode was rly good, perfect cliffhangers, great mystery, nice conclusion, the Producer’s insidious-ness, just perfect
    I didn’t expect Westy to fall for the producer’s flattery so easily though. Montrosse shooting the nade out of the Meurto’s hand was awesome
    Well, thats about all I can say without boring anyone. RIP TLW until fall…I’m going to go cry for about 2-4 months now….T_T

  153. Midgey

    [quote comment=”9025″][quote comment=”8898″][quote comment=”8886″]Hmm, very nice episode, not the way i wanted to turn out but whatever..

    I did notice one big mistake made in this part in which it can affect the whole season.

    Add me or email me, i dont want to say to public[/quote]
    [quote comment=”8861″]Well that was interesting! What happened?
    Oh, and dude, you guys rule. You left so many questions unanswered after I watched it a second time. For the record, here’s how the dying went:

    Player and Montrose – Death Room for Challenge Activated.
    Producer makes instant respawn.
    Chet – Dies, instant respawn in effect, and saves montrose.
    Cortez and Mendoza take away respawn. This is were only Ocho Mertos start dying.
    Player and Montrose make it out of the deathroom before the challenge ends and Mendoza dies.
    That’s how. :D[/quote]

    That’s incorrect.

    Player + Ellis – Death Room; Killed during “challenge”
    Leeroy turns challenge mode off, hence the round restarting, making deaths occur, and keeping the death room inaccessible, and because of that, the producer turns on “Deathmatch” mode.
    Chet doesn’t die at all, he runs off, explosion throws him into the river.
    Through a vote, Mendoza and Cortez take away “Deathmatch”, causing them to die in reality.
    Westheimer is “knocked” out.
    Mendoza dies.
    The ocho muertos are finished off throughout these events.

    The “deathmatch” mode only affects the 3 way challenge, and had no effect on the “challenge” in the house.


    You have no actual proof that what goes on in the challenge doesn’t affect the house -.-[/quote]
    At the beginning Leeroy turns off challenge mode in the house, so it’s real. At that moment, the 3 way challenge was in instant respawn mode.

  154. Midgey

    Forgot to add –

    If the challenge mode affected the 3 way challenge, wouldn’t the house respawn in different positions again?

  155. Conor

    Eddy if theres anyone that rules here, it is you and the rest of Smooth Few Films, this is my second comment, but you really blew me away. I loved the finale, btw any plans of recruiting for next season or is it going to be kept internally again?

  156. Cam

    Wow. I am speechless. COMPLETELY SPEECHLESS. THIS,MY FRIENDS….WAS THE BEST MACHINIMA SERIES I HAVE EVER SEEN IN MY ENTIRE LIFETIME. These episodes mixed critical elements almost unmixable ( Drama,Comedy,Action )

    I still remember when I saw the first episode.I used to think it was just a mere “thing” . But I was ABSOLUTELY wrong.

    Here are some remarkable quotes from some characters,that I can still remember:

    Chet : DUDE,NOW!

    The Producer : Attention. My Guests,Load your weapons and return to the house.Nothing is wrong.we are all fine here. / Do not go look at the fucked up shit.

    Ahmad: Is it that dude’s SPLEEN ?!

    Westheimer: PEOPLE ARE GOING TO DIE!

    Leeroy: Oh em gee bee arr bee!

    Cortez: I thought I saw something in the trees…AHA! *shoots* Woops.

    Player: Redy to die fake nub?

    Anyway,keep it up guys! I cant wait for season 2!

  157. PlayuRFTW?

    Player = Chosen One.. All he needs is a mic..

    OMFG i loved this season in its entirety!! 1337/10 “HALP!!!”

  158. jemmy

    uhhh just a sudden thought… tlw becomes horror?
    annd pretty sure westy will become cyborg cuz the producer was talking weird to him at the end…

  159. Dudea

    That was f***in EPIC!!!…HALP ME. An yes man i deinately think that they were talking about Player in the last scene…connects maybbe to how player opens that wierd door in the deathroom..OVE ALL AMAZING SEASON cya next year and have an AWESOME SUMMER

  160. pyosnka

    [quote comment=”9069″][quote comment=”9067″][quote comment=”8913″][quote comment=”8907″]haha i like the metal gear solid bit at the end,
    old man talking to producer just like Ocelot talking to the president in mgs3 haha.

    good ep though, good ep[/quote]

    Haha, I’m happy when people catch that.[/quote]
    It needed an echoing gunshot at the end. :)[/quote]

    Is there not always the 2 people talking at the end? At least from MGS2 onwards? It did need an echoing gunshot at the end. :)[/quote]It’s usually one person at the end. MGS4 had 2 people, PO and 3 only had one. I think MGS1 had one person, I’m not sure about 2. That’s the sign that I need to replay it. 🙂

  161. Nade-Target

    I think my favorite part is when Chet comes back and yells
    “WHAT’S UP BRA!”
    “FUCK YEAH!”
    Love that part! CHET FTW!!!!

  162. Strib

    Maybe… maybe Cortez will show up in the 2nd season 1 episode. He shall come in his caballo, kill all the guests in the house plus the producer and the horses. Then detonate the house and flee to his castle! Jajajajajajajaja

    Oh and of course, when that event shall happen, Cortez will be no more, no.. He will reveal his true identity: The Daredevil!

    I’m sorry to blow up the 2nd season guys, but I couldnt keep it just to myself =(

    Bitch got server xD

  163. Cam

    Ey wait…I was watching again and,I noticed something.

    The title of the episode is Knocking at the Death’s door,rite?

    At the death room,somebody knocks at the death room’s door… And why ONLY player could see it?
    Why cant we see Player’s face?
    Why only Player can hear the noises and see the door?
    Why is he the only one who doesnt have a microphone?
    And when Doc. Kleiner-model based scientist guy said ” He has improved ” , it sorta sounds like player,as he improved a lot…
    Who is that doctor kleiner-model based scientist? What are his intentions? Why he said thanks to the producer? What did the producer do to him?!
    WHO knocked the damn door?! WHO KNOCKED AT THE DEATH ROOM’s DOOR?!
    And also,why did the Ocho Muerto say this when he was at the death room: The Producer said/paid/whatever ???? What did the producer say to em? Why he lied to Westheimer?


  164. Turbo

    Look when Mendoza arms the bomb before he dies, it goes more than 30 sec before Westheimer touches the bomb. So, the Ochu Muertos is the victours of the leet world, and Westheimer killed him for no reason

  165. Cory

    Awesome ending guys. Me and my friend want to start making machinima on Halo and all I can think about is how I want to be as amazing as you guys. It was seriously mind-blowing. I think the test subject could be Westheimer, but I think it might be someone who has yet to be introduced. CTs and Terrorists working together FTW. That ending was of the most anciet and best badass-ary.

    Can’t wait for everything else you guys make!

  166. Midgey

    [quote comment=”9101″]Look when Mendoza arms the bomb before he dies, it goes more than 30 sec before Westheimer touches the bomb. So, the Ochu Muertos is the victours of the leet world, and Westheimer killed him for no reason[/quote]
    They talk fast 🙂

    I hated Mendoza anyway 😛

  167. Leet World ROX

    Anywayz, great ending. I only started watching the first finale part and I became ADDICTED. Great series and I know you guys will make better ones too. DON’T TAKE CHET OR PLAYER OUT THEY ARE FUNNY! CAN’T WAIT FOR G.R.I.E.F and Season 2

  168. MasterChef

    [quote comment=”8874″][quote comment=”8862″]I think player is a cyborg.
    He was probably the one the Dr. Kliener guy was talking about.

    Oh and also, this episode ROCKS![/quote]
    i’ll have to disagree. i think it was westheimer he was talking about…

    and WTF SSF????? more cliffhangers?????? I wont be able to sleep for the rest of summer now, thanks. but oh well. it was awesome, as always. cant wait for G.R.I.E.F. and Season 2! :)[/quote]

    no i think ahmed was the one the Dr. (probably the Producer) was talking about. think about it. the Producer was the one sending ahmed his hacks, right? so they were probably testing the hacks on him. but seriously can’t wait 4 season 2. i think leroy’s GF should be on the terrorists 4 season 2. would be so funny!!! 🙂 then just bring back ellis, montrose, and ellis and u got yourself one hell of a season 🙂

  169. GainesWorthy

    SO many comments. And I was like DAMN. Once again fan-fucking-tastic job. Only one issue I noticed was the cropping of the video. You gys did okay but for some scenes you could see the Spectator bar 🙁 I am sure it was because of your rush :)!


  170. Obviously Anthony

    Awesomeness. Sorry but this is just amazing beyond words although I’m really bummed’ that the Ts arn’t going to be in the second season, but I have a feeling they will be.

    Anyway, I’ve really enjoyed the first season. When Chet saves Elles is probably my favorite scene in this ep, or when he’s running through the tunnel (as shown on screenie), or when Player opens up the door and Elles is like wtfisdisshit?

    Ah what the hell, its all to awesome.

  171. Elite Hunter 02

    I knew that somebody would end up losing and have to leave the leet world, but I still can’t except it! I loved the Terrorists, they brought so much to the show! I’ll miss them soooo much! :'( The cliffhanger is killing me too!

  172. Sir_Godspeed

    wow. what to say that hasn’t been said? it was awesome and I’m looking forward to more. hands down, guys, you’re awesome. I’m in california on vacation with my family, so i couldn’t get to it before now, but damn, it was worth the waiting.

    all it needed was some cozy music in the end during the interviews, right before the creepy cliffhanger (great btw).


  173. umeanirul7

    I thought that nobody would win. Oh well it was the greatest Episode yet! Can’t wait for season 2

  174. Eddy

    [quote comment=”9108″]SO many comments. And I was like DAMN. Once again fan-fucking-tastic job. Only one issue I noticed was the cropping of the video. You gys did okay but for some scenes you could see the Spectator bar 🙁 I am sure it was because of your rush :)!


    Que? We don’t film in spectator mode. Like, a single shot for the whole season. You=owned.

    However, because of capture cards not liking certain video card signals and technical silly resolution issues, shots that we recorded at the beginning of the season need to be resized (not cropped) just slightly to fit the frame. Once we got the new video card, this wasn’t an issue. The thing is, we still use that footage for plates (like for the confessionals and transition shots between scenes). Long story short- we forgot to enlarge a couple of those this time.

    Oops. We=owned.

  175. Eddy

    Also, I have to say, we all LOVE the thought a lot of you are putting into your comments. For real, it makes us happy to see you guys enjoying the story and putting some thought into our intentions and analyzing the story for clues and speculation.

    We really do put a lot of thought into our decisions (perhaps contrary to some opinion)- you don’t make this many episodes just flying by the seat of your pants. You’d get so screwed so fast. Thanks dudes.

  176. I IZ JAY

    I’ve been following this season since episode 1. I’m proud to say that every day I wake up. I go to your website just to see if any new episode or short is out.

    I wonder: Will you guys be making shorts of any of the LeetWorld memebers? You’ve probably heard that before, but I rarely look at the comments. I don’t like spoilers, haha.

    One thing I noticed, is the gun fights. Who wouldn’t? But anyways, like someone said up there, when I decided to look at some comments, they were talking about how Montrose could hit every target during his showoff with Mendoza. Although he couldn’t hit ANY of the Ocho Muerto’s with a single round of his AK-47. I understand where you guys are coming from with that though. Just kinda made me think a bit when I was watching.

    Good job on the entire show. Congratulations! I hope to see you guys on huge internet sites. I can’t remember which TV channel it was that was into the gaming and all. I think Spike. But seriously, one TV channel devoted to games, and games only. With tournament covers, new games, and all that. Also include high ranking Machinima shows. Such as yours =] Just little shorts, in between or during shows, due to the fact that most machinimas are only 5-10 minutes long.

    Can’t wait for the new season of LeetWorld!!
    Can’t wait for the exciting new things you guys are going to bring us.
    Have fun on your vacation, you guys deserve it!!

  177. SomeDude

    For all that stuff relating to the “is the 3 way challenge affecting the house” I’m pretty sure Chet didn’t die and respawned since when he came and shot the Muerto he was bleeding, And when you respawn you should have full health.

  178. Arr-Be-Dorr

    Amazingly epic! I’m so happy to see machinima like your own and the new RvB series to mix a great blend of comedy and drama! I can’t wait for season 2!

  179. Max

    [quote comment=”8874″][quote comment=”8862″]I think player is a cyborg.
    He was probably the one the Dr. Kliener guy was talking about.

    Oh and also, this episode ROCKS![/quote]
    i’ll have to disagree. i think it was westheimer he was talking about…

    and WTF SSF????? more cliffhangers?????? I wont be able to sleep for the rest of summer now, thanks. but oh well. it was awesome, as always. cant wait for G.R.I.E.F. and Season 2! :)[/quote]

    I think they were talking about Cortez I mean he’s blind but he can see and stuff.

  180. Kenji

    Cant wait for season two,Also you guys should make another video where everyone gathers together and talks about how was it in the leet world and stuff.

  181. CBI Elite


    “ROOM HAXD US” Friggin’ brilliant. A wicked season boys, good job!

  182. Nuginator

    Now I know why the Ucho Weritos are so good, They have Nanomachines I heard a sound simular to the Codec off MGS4 when Gwan starts talking to Mendoza

  183. drazic11

    T’s will be in next season. bank on it, cortez has a score to settle with westy and ellis didn’t want to go down without a fight.

    also remember the producer telling mendoza (OWNED BYCH!!11!!!!1) he as an ‘island’ of possibilites for them….

  184. HeavenSk8

    Heh, i seriously wonder how the hell are you guys capable of doing such an art piece without a professional studio or something. I, one day, will try to make my own machinima series, hoping to go as good as you people. I’m hoping to see a Making the Video episode someday, i would really want to learn how you guys produce this.

    Anyway, i liked the season, hoping to see more of your productions.

  185. JJ

    I’d like to let it be known for the record that Eddy was worried you guys wouldn’t come back and comment on the site after all that down time…

  186. cortez

    noooooo omg only if cortez had little more bullets on elites!!! terrorist would be the winners!!!!


  187. B1G_F@N

    Hey guys!!! Thank you so much for doing great job!!! You are….

    SIMPLY TEH BEST!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  188. N7eightyeight

    Wow! Very nice ending, you guys! Wish the terrorists didn’t have to leave like that. Twitchy Ahmad and bad ass Cortez are a funny duo! You guys are really good script writers, filmers, actors, and producers. Can’t wait to see what new shows you guys have in store for us!

  189. He

    Man I’m so impressed.. This show has the niveau of a TV-show.. I mean it’s ur FIRST season and i think your first series to come out, and nearly every1 on youtube LOVES it.. I’m really impressed.
    The season finale was better than it could be the waiting was worth it, and i like the scientist in the end and how he says “Mr. Producer” that sounds so funny ^^.
    My fav char is Player every1 loves him and so do i.. You made really great char’s..
    Now i have one question.
    When you do the next season, what skins will you use? i mean in CS there are only 4 Terrorist skins and 4 ct skins, and next season there got to be new, becuase if not we will think ellis montrose and ahmad cam back ^^.. so what will youj do?

    Than my next is maybe a tip you want to use:
    You sure did realize that in nearly every loved computergame and film are easter eggs! And the fans love it if they find one, and i think it’s kinda fun to spectate if people realize it in the first time or in the second time or never.. it would be fun for you and fun for the fans, so i would think of it ;D

    I hope the season2 is as good as season1 because it could never be better 😀

  190. QuaKe05

    Eddy you must get an overcool mod for your Xbox360 to never gives red ring of death:D

  191. WILLIAM-013

    Wow. I… I can’t believe it.
    It’s over.
    SSF, I thank you. This show helped me get by without RvB, and if it weren’t for this site, I wouldn’t have known that RvB: Reconstruction existed. I’ve experienced some deep moments of emotion and caring for the characters in every one of these episodes. I can say with full confidence that this is one of the best machinima series of all time. I can’t thank you enough for what you have done for me and the rest of your loyal fanbase. Enjoy your summer vacation, you’ve certainly earned it.

    Yes. It’s all over. it’s finished.
    Or is it?
    As MCPO SPARTAN-117 once said:
    “No. I think we’re just getting started.”

  192. th3 n00bk1ll3r

    hell yeah! that was ONE AWESOME SEASON SFF! i can’t wait for season 2!

    but for now, i have a busy race schedule at the track….so i have plenty of stuff to do before season 2 comes out……, i have to set my S15’s suspension…i have drift practice…

    later… 🙂


  193. HaZeL

    260 post, F*UCK YEAH! 🙂

    Are Ellis, Montrose, Ahmad and Cortez going to be
    in season 2?

  194. th3 n00bk1ll3r

    and i think….the cyborg IS Player….i mean, why did he see the door when ellis can’t? and why can he hear what ellis can’t? it all points out to player…..and the scientist did say that the “test subject” is improving….and player IS improving….so it’s pretty good proof that PLAYER is the cyborg…..

    i think….

  195. Cortez070

    About the whole Cyborg discussion..
    why couldn’t it be Ellis? Maybe he isn’t as advanced in hearing and sight capabilities, so Player can hear and see stuff that Ellis’ can’t 😀

  196. Karhax

    Well, if you have read the bios you will notice that there is no real information about Player.
    He has never said anything about his time outside the house.

    He is a mystery.

    So, my conclusion: Player is the cyborg!

  197. Jonathan

    that last part of ep 14 is the bomb whehehe love the part with player and ellis
    the time they saw the sliiiiiiddeee weehhhh hahahaha
    hope to see more and definaly cant waith for the next season keep up the good work guys

  198. Jesper

    Thx for a wonderful season! I was looking forward to this episode, but now i regret. This was the last one! :(:( HALP we need you to get started when fall comes. Anyway, I’m going to watch ONE episode every day, so that will become 14. 14 days, 14 episodes, 14 days less until new SEASON! BUT noone of the characters must die, then I’ll kill you!!! But maybe the next season will have some kind of Star Wars looking things, like Mendoza reappers (sry for bad english) in shadow form and finds a victim to make The Eight Dead (Ocho Muerto’s in english) AND I cant believe why Ahmad is a terrorist! Seriously, what the hell. He is like a KID! He is happy and gentle. NEW SEASON!! What I think is that the Producer is a cyborg, that that nerd at the end (sorry to you who does his voice) because he is a bad looking nerd, that has a face he hates… NO WAIT WTF! Mendoza is the cyborg? He became replaced by that nerd, before he wanted to kill Cortez… Anyway, best Ep. EVER! And dude’s NOT COOL WAITING TIME IS ON!!!

  199. Masterchef

    what in the ****?!? best line ever. btw ahmed was prbly the one that they were “testing” remember the producer sent him his hacks. maybe they were testing the hacks? it is a possibility that player is a cyborg, or that their talking ’bout ellis, or that westheimer is the one. but i think that ahmed (aka fake nub, h4xor, traitor) is the one. it makes the most sence.

  200. Micael Pinheiro

    Hello dear Leet World

    I just would like to say a few stuff to you guys since this was the end of the first season.

    First, the whole idea of a “Big Brother CS”. Many people already told be that would be cool, but you guys did it and did it well.

    Second, the originality and dedication doing this series. All characters had their own characteristics, and their voices fitted pretty well. I’m talking specially about Cortez, Leeroy, Chet and the “Old man”. They deserve a huge “congratulations”, like the others.

    Third, the story. Once again, pretty original and well scripted. One episode just make people want to watch the other. That is a plus for every series.

    And finally, the end of the season, where some questions are answered, and others emerge. That’s a professional tactic if you ask me.

    In the end, congratulations to Leet World people/staff in this well done work. Huge hug from Portugal ! (Yes, see that you are already recognised in the other side of the Atlantic !!!! )

  201. Obviously Anthony

    [quote comment=”9139″]Hey guys!!! Thank you so much for doing great job!!! You are….
    SIMPLY TEH BEST!!!!!!!!!!!!![/quote]



  202. MikeyofKnife


  203. MikeyofKnife


  204. awkook

    [quote comment=”9055″]The scientist could be referring to ahmad?
    He was the one who progressed the most in the series
    The hacks that were sent to him were maybe upgrades/updates to his body? The scientist was maybe controlling him under as Adam Sizzler.
    He also survived a bomb explosion on his back? 😛

    The people who i doubt the cyborg are; Ellis, Chet, Leeroy, Montrose[/quote]
    dude no ones a cyborg

  205. awkook

    Eddy, answer this guy please. In Finale Part 1, the part with everyone there, all cts, t, and muertos. you guys DID you a split screen? didnt you? I was trying to tell this guy that thats what you guys did! I told him that u told me personally (On steam) and he said “monkaboy has replied to your comment on The Leet World Season 1 Finale Part 1.
    No they didn’t, but thank you for playing.”
    So, who is right?

  206. kamara

    dude guys this eps. rocks!!! it took 5 days for me to find computer in my stupid camp and i watched this episode at 1 o’clock at night 😀 you guys rock and i hope season 2 will be better leetworld 4 EVER!!!!

  207. Matt

    First of all, this section, was might I say, f*ing epic. The whole, episode 14 in total, was awesome guys .Awesome work, and I look forward to season 2. I love you guys! Have my babies!

  208. Calyps0

    F*CKING AMAZING! I laughed my ass off the whole way through!

    You guys have done a wonderful job, helping to flesh out the characters, I can’t wait for the next season!

    Just one or two nitpicks >.<

    I was hoping to see Player and Ahmad make up, I mean since, player did take a bullet for teh nub.

    I was hoping to find out more about domination!

    Otherwise, amazing show! I can’t wait for the summer fillers!


    [quote comment=”9159″]Hello dear Leet World

    I just would like to say a few stuff to you guys since this was the end of the first season.

    First, the whole idea of a “Big Brother CS”. Many people already told be that would be cool, but you guys did it and did it well.

    Second, the originality and dedication doing this series. All characters had their own characteristics, and their voices fitted pretty well. I’m talking specially about Cortez, Leeroy, Chet and the “Old man”. They deserve a huge “congratulations”, like the others.

    Third, the story. Once again, pretty original and well scripted. One episode just make people want to watch the other. That is a plus for every series.

    And finally, the end of the season, where some questions are answered, and others emerge. That’s a professional tactic if you ask me.

    In the end, congratulations to Leet World people/staff in this well done work. Huge hug from Portugal ! (Yes, see that you are already recognised in the other side of the Atlantic !!!! )[/quote]

    Forca portugal.

  210. xXx TehKiller

    Wait a second ;o CT won? So that means we will see Player again next season? <3

  211. P

    You guys did a fantastic job with The Leet World! Ye i think Player is a cyborg.

    j00 = servd vacation.


  212. Uncle Murr

    Man, I loved the Terrorists. It’s a shame to see Cortez, Montrose, and Ellis go. They were my favorite characters.

    Any chance we’ll see them at all next season?

  213. Andrew

    I really want Ellis back at least, he was my second favorite apart from Westy. I <3 Westy

  214. Malec (a.k.a. BRAH 510)

    Great job, guys. I had to watch this episode twice and its still f*cking awesome! I have been watching the leet world since epsiode 1. You along with DigitalPh33r are the best machinma creators EVAR! Thanks for giving us the best and most entertaing series on the internet and I can’t wait for some of your other projects like the new Halo 3 mini-series and season 2. I hope you guys have a great summer vacation, you guys deserve it! PEACE OUT!!!!!!!!!!!1

  215. Tarik

    man i love this and how come that some voices wheren’t there near the ending of this episode tell why please?.

  216. Midg3y

    Pablo didn’t see Player and thought he was still there 🙂
    Then Player SERVED him 😛


    Wow,that was AWESOME!!!Although what is wrong with cortez,i mean the westy guy save his life and he isn’t even grateful!!!


    By the way,i don’t know if it’s just my com or what,but i notice that the sound at some part were seriously soft,like the ending part with the vehicles and ahmad was saying something and i couldn’t hear it!!!

  219. th3 n00bk1ll3r

    [quote comment=”9149″]Well, if you have read the bios you will notice that there is no real information about Player.
    He has never said anything about his time outside the house.

    He is a mystery.

    So, my conclusion: Player is the cyborg![/quote]


  220. xXGriffXx

    [quote comment=”9206″][quote comment=”9149″]Well, if you have read the bios you will notice that there is no real information about Player.
    He has never said anything about his time outside the house.

    He is a mystery.

    So, my conclusion: Player is the cyborg![/quote]


    He could be a Nazi cyborg hellbent on world domination and the extermination of every human race… and people would still love him…

  221. A.C Manual

    That was effing sweet and i luv the ending so many questions and my lucky guess is that the science guy was probably talking about Player because he kept on hearing those noises so that must mean hes actually a test subject for the leet world!

  222. A.C Manual

    [quote comment=”9154″]what in the ****?!? best line ever. btw ahmed was prbly the one that they were “testing” remember the producer sent him his hacks. maybe they were testing the hacks? it is a possibility that player is a cyborg, or that their talking ’bout ellis, or that westheimer is the one. but i think that ahmed (aka fake nub, h4xor, traitor) is the one. it makes the most sence.[/quote]
    ya but how did player see the door and quickly move away from the Pablo when he was oing to get shot and he was hearing all those noises in the death room


    Sorry if i was a noob,what does c1 means?And found another part with the soft voice,the part where the Ocho Mertos came in from the roof,i only heard “the boss….”…

  224. drazic11

    [quote comment=”9210″][quote comment=”9154″]what in the ****?!? best line ever. btw ahmed was prbly the one that they were “testing” remember the producer sent him his hacks. maybe they were testing the hacks? it is a possibility that player is a cyborg, or that their talking ’bout ellis, or that westheimer is the one. but i think that ahmed (aka fake nub, h4xor, traitor) is the one. it makes the most sence.[/quote]
    ya but how did player see the door and quickly move away from the Pablo when he was oing to get shot and he was hearing all those noises in the death room[/quote]

    watch that scene again you will see player walk around the muerto whilst ellis is talkign to him. he didnt quickly move

  225. Greetings From Finland

    I just have to say that this was amazing season and i’m looking forward to see the season 2! It’s unbelivable how you’ve managed to create this all, althoug maybe this all is just a copy from a spanish telenovella? ;D yeap, im gonna stick around and watch all your shorts etc. AMAZING WORK DUDES! 🙂 greetings from Finland^^

    SWATTEAM: c1 is “Roget That” in CSS and when the OchoMuerto guy jumped trough the window he said that “boss wanted to keep you alive” etc. BE KIND REWIND! 😀

  226. Adaminator1

    Cant wait for season two! Good Job SFF – You RULE!

    So, how long till you guys think you’ll start making Season 2 Episode 1?

  227. Lew08

    Hey smooth few, I’ve been watching the series from the beginning and I think it’s awesome! Great job, and a very nice end to the season! 😀

    Also, can’t wait for the 2nd and the soundtrack coming out.

  228. PsiKO

    luv the scene in death room upside down…..What in the ####? /LOL!
    but… there something about the death room they kept hearing voices…..(dead muerto and metal screching…and invisible door…,)
    can some one explain please?

  229. PsiKO

    [quote comment=”9213″][quote comment=”9210″][quote comment=”9154″]what in the ****?!? best line ever. btw ahmed was prbly the one that they were “testing” remember the producer sent him his hacks. maybe they were testing the hacks? it is a possibility that player is a cyborg, or that their talking ’bout ellis, or that westheimer is the one. but i think that ahmed (aka fake nub, h4xor, traitor) is the one. it makes the most sence.[/quote]
    ya but how did player see the door and quickly move away from the Pablo when he was oing to get shot and he was hearing all those noises in the death room[/quote]

    watch that scene again you will see player walk around the muerto whilst ellis is talkign to him. he didnt quickly move[/quote]

    If you watch the last scene most of the doctor says is matching Whestheimer’s profile…

  230. He

    man i just counted the minutes of the episodes and the whole season is 180 mins long..
    that’s cool.. must’ve been a LOOOOOT of work..
    and it’s awesome..
    Professional ending and what i think people would love to see is easter eggs..

    and i also think that the guy in the end was either talking of the domination guy or PLAYER

    btw: player rules

  231. Aaox

    Did you guys notice the computer said Mendoza a lot? Like, when he was arming the bomb? KILL TEH COMPOTUR NAO PLEX KTHXBAI, oh and by the way, SFF ROCK!

  232. Ins1d3r

    I wonder how ched stayed alive after that granade if when the chalange was being turned off the pc said that any further casualteys will result in death?

  233. Dom

    [quote comment=”9232″]I wonder how ched stayed alive after that granade if when the chalange was being turned off the pc said that any further casualteys will result in death?[/quote]

    I guess we’ll never know. Chet must be pretty hardy, eh? My last post didn’t have my favorite line in these comments, how could I forget?


  234. boob-barker

    so freaking sweeeet!!!!!!!!!!

    thanks so much for making the leet world guys!

    u r the BEST!!

  235. He

    [quote comment=”9235″]All episode were great, but this was shit i think.[/quote]
    are u kidding me??!?!?!?!?!?!
    this episode was A W E S O M E

  236. ghosty

    If you notice, when player saw that door, he said “U DON C IT?” when ellis didnt see it. He also said the same thing when leeroy was making a movie, and dint see his “ELF KINGDUM” as player calls it. I think he did make one! He was right! They don’t apreciate his work! O_o.
    Oh, and, this episode rocks out loud!

  237. Someone

    Great series. I love how there was that twist in the end that mendoza wasn’t actually the mastermind behind the hax.

    I wonder how the show will continue now that the terrorists have been kicked out of the house and therefore the show…. Cortez seemed pretty driven to find out what the truth is, so maybe he will re-unite the team and the terrorists will try and investigate the producer behind the scenes while the CT’s deal with whoever the new terrorists are back at the house.

  238. Nade-Target

    Yeah that would be a great idea!
    CT’s dealing with the new contestants while the Terrorist try to get info from the Producer during the season. I just hope Cortez returns in Seasn2!

  239. cake

    the thing that i hated the most from this whole series is how everyone cannot shot for shit, I mean the battle between mendoza and cortez had nothing badass, mendoza was completely unable to aim and cortez was just standing there.

    If one had to be improved it would be the fighting scene, I could understand that player and amhad could not aim correctly as they are noobs. Really the fighting scenes deceived me.

  240. Marty


    its the best episode so far and i REALLY hope the next season gets better ya know
    and besides u guys are damn good machinima creators, so one kinda expexts it to be good but…

    and if u ever see or have seen arby n the chief on youtube one kinda thinks that Player should have used a little something digital ph33r (the author of arby n the chief) used, microsoft mike and microsoft mike ^.^

    i kinda admire your work on the show u and make a damn good storyline in it but the one thing i didnt like so god damn much is Ahmads placement in it…
    because after he went of his h4x you actually should have created a scene where Cortez and Ahmad had their argument and a good time for that would have been when he got the MP5 Navy to “serve him better in combat” and then let Mendoza break em up…

    but not to complain, u have done a great job with the season and im really looking forward to the next season though.

    yea yea, good luck with the rest of your summer and happy holidays ^.^

  241. Eddy

    [quote comment=”9245″]the thing that i hated the most from this whole series is how everyone cannot shot for shit, I mean the battle between mendoza and cortez had nothing badass, mendoza was completely unable to aim and cortez was just standing there.

    If one had to be improved it would be the fighting scene, I could understand that player and amhad could not aim correctly as they are noobs. Really the fighting scenes deceived me.[/quote]

    Thanks for the comment dude. I can totally see where you’re coming from on this, however, you have to keep in mind that a match where everyone can aim perfectly is ultimately going to be boring and not very tense to watch. Obviously, we’re going to evaluate the series and see where we should improve, but if you want dudes to headshot the first time they fire, then you’re not going to get it- this episode would only be about 30 seconds long in that case. I mean, a Cortez/ Mendoza shootout wouldn’t be fun to watch if the first shot killed somebody.

    Personally, I think the action scenes are a blast, but then again, I’m a little biased. So yeah, I see your point, and I do agree that there are some places where it was stretched a little too liberally.

  242. The Amazing Chris

    In conclusion, Cortez is still undefeatable in his badassness, Ahmad is still completely effed up, Montrose is simply FABULOUS, and Ellis is awesome in his inbreeding.


    Westie’s tried and true, Chet’s just freakin awesome, Leeroy is OMG (Yeah, I’ve decided that makes sense) 4nd P|4y3r’5 |13k… 7h3 m057 fr1ck3n 4w350m3 p3r50n 3v4r 2 573p 1n fr0n7 0f 4 c4m3r4… |13k…. 3v4r.

    CT’S PWN.

    Dozer’s ded. DEAD. 😛
    Muertos <3. Too bad they all died.

    *cry* Muertos are gone.

    I love all of you.


    OMG i jsut realized somethin…. what if mr. Domination is the first cyborg that was made, and player is the next version of him?

    Leet world FTW 🙂


    And one more thing (srry for double post) is the music in the credits the entry that Jace made for the Themetacular contest u were talking bout?

  245. Kyreo

    Im sorry…but this was a terrible twist. No shit the Producer was behind it.

    cmon Smooth Few….you couldve added a back story to who the heck adam sizzler was….or something ELSE.

    but all in all this was a good finale….I loved the soundtrack. You guys should publish it. I’d buy it.

  246. JJ

    [quote comment=”9258″]Does your twitter say that GRIEF is coming out today?[/quote]

    Not bloody likely, unless time machines exist.

  247. Eddy

    [quote comment=”9257″]Im sorry…but this was a terrible twist. No shit the Producer was behind it.

    Que? Twist? There wasn’t a “twist” at all at the end. Just a new piece of info regarding a scientist and a test subject. The Producer’s clearly been behind things for a while now. We didn’t think anyone would consider that a surprise. In your own words, “no shit”. It’s been pretty obvious. 🙂

    And as for Adam Sizzler… Well, he’s a parselmouth, too. Duh. But you don’t find that out until Season 2.

    All kidding aside, there’s more information coming, and it’s a little early to judge what information has/ hasn’t been relayed. You’ll get more soon.

    [quote comment=”9256″]And one more thing (srry for double post) is the music in the credits the entry that Jace made for the Themetacular contest u were talking bout?[/quote]

    No, the one Jace wrote for the contest was actually different. But both were way awesome.

  248. Conor

    [quote comment=”9259″][quote comment=”9258″]Does your twitter say that GRIEF is coming out today?[/quote]

    Not bloody likely, unless time machines exist.[/quote]
    L O S T FTW.
    [quote comment=”9261″][quote comment=”9257″]Im sorry…but this was a terrible twist. No shit the Producer was behind it.

    Que? Twist? There wasn’t a “twist” at all at the end. Just a new piece of info regarding a scientist and a test subject. The Producer’s clearly been behind things for a while now. We didn’t think anyone would consider that a surprise. In your own words, “no shit”. It’s been pretty obvious. 🙂

    And as for Adam Sizzler… Well, he’s a parselmouth, too. Duh. But you don’t find that out until Season 2.

    All kidding aside, there’s more information coming, and it’s a little early to judge what information has/ hasn’t been relayed. You’ll get more soon.

    [quote comment=”9256″]And one more thing (srry for double post) is the music in the credits the entry that Jace made for the Themetacular contest u were talking bout?[/quote]

    No, the one Jace wrote for the contest was actually different. But both were way awesome.[/quote]
    Eddy I think I may love you.

  249. Murph

    This has to have been by far of course the best PART/episode of the season… i love the music, id pay 25$ for the music when chet is running in the sewers… great job guys.


    Lol,i think that ahmad is the one,remember the producer was being ask whether if they should ban ahmad for using hacks but the producer say no,and when ahmad went to the factory to get some hacks but didn’t find any…

  251. Ryoken

    Everytime player talks, i always LOLED. when you put windows media player version?
    Terrorists will surely win next season 😀 i hope so

  252. Misfit_zer0

    [quote comment=”9250″][quote comment=”9245″]the thing that i hated the most from this whole series is how everyone cannot shot for shit, I mean the battle between mendoza and cortez had nothing badass, mendoza was completely unable to aim and cortez was just standing there.

    If one had to be improved it would be the fighting scene, I could understand that player and amhad could not aim correctly as they are noobs. Really the fighting scenes deceived me.[/quote]

    Thanks for the comment dude. I can totally see where you’re coming from on this, however, you have to keep in mind that a match where everyone can aim perfectly is ultimately going to be boring and not very tense to watch. Obviously, we’re going to evaluate the series and see where we should improve, but if you want dudes to headshot the first time they fire, then you’re not going to get it- this episode would only be about 30 seconds long in that case. I mean, a Cortez/ Mendoza shootout wouldn’t be fun to watch if the first shot killed somebody.

    Personally, I think the action scenes are a blast, but then again, I’m a little biased. So yeah, I see your point, and I do agree that there are some places where it was stretched a little too liberally.[/quote]

    the only thing that bugged me about it was when they shoot and you see the bullets hit the wall Above their head
    it would look better imo if it was shooting around them not way above their heads

    but thats just me xP

  253. Misfit_zer0

    Is it me or after the CT’s win does chet Look FAT in his confessional?
    he looks really fat to me but after when it shows him he looks normal xP

    i hope im not the only one who see’s that

  254. th3 n00bk1ll3r

    [quote comment=”9235″]All episode were great, but this was shit i think.[/quote]
    ARE-YOU-OUT-OF-YOUR-MIND?!!? this ep rocked! XD

  255. HaZeL


    This episode rocks, almost everything was perfect C:
    Good work guys, awesome as always…

  256. thekodols

    Player ~ Neo. Seriously. He can see the “code of cs:s”, hence the doors, hence him being the subject of experiment. Or him being the good guy and subject being the arch nemesis.

    …lost my trail of thought somewhere. Oh well, if anyones gets my idea I’ll be happy.

  257. someone.,.

    omg XD i had 70 mails like yesterday and now i have got like 245 from tlw but i don’t care cus this show owns so goddamn good !I can’t wait for the next season it will be amazing ! 😀

  258. rebound

    Very good episode and finale to the show. I cannot believe the terrorists are out though! Yeah the CT’s had characters such as Chet and Player but all the best bits involved the terrorists! With Montrose and Ellise’s humor gone it’s just not going to be the same. However with the ending the way it was, I Think we may just see them again.
    Very nice guys, I can’t wait for the start of the next Season.

  259. Eddy

    [quote comment=”9275″]Is it me or after the CT’s win does chet Look FAT in his confessional?
    he looks really fat to me but after when it shows him he looks normal xP

    i hope im not the only one who see’s that[/quote]

    Lee Adama fat?

  260. Nabsuh

    Okay, I think now is a good time to write this up.

    Writing was done really well, and the ending, well gave us something we didn’t expect. I feel bad for Cortez, since nothing is left in his life :(, but you did make your audience happy by not killing any characters.

    Westheimer at the end, well, he did the right decision in life, but made the wrong decision for Cortez.

    Do I hope the Producer dies at the end? Mebe? 😛

    But, 3 days of editing and composing and stuff? My hat is off for you guys. Hell, you completed an ACTUAL season, that is unheard of in Machinima!

    I look forward to watching more of your stuff 😀

  261. Re4mstr

    Seriously great episode, and a superb way of ending season 1! I hope you keep up the great work, and will do a super great ub3r awesome comeback fall/winter 2008!

    LEET WORLD! out.

  262. Suoinoleht

    This is a fantastic ending to an amazing series, bravo to the entire team behind this. No machinima before this (with the possible exception of one or two of Lit Fuse’s works) has made me feel such a connection with the characters. And characters they were- deep, realistic, stereotypical but not too much, and hilarious.

  263. Rayguy228

    [quote comment=”8862″]I think player is a cyborg.
    He was probably the one the Dr. Kliener guy was talking about.

    Oh and also, this episode ROCKS![/quote]
    i agree about mebby the cyborg part….. only with mendoza cause i dont think mendoza thinks he can beat cortez. maybe thats why he sent steve to kill him first. also it might be some1 who wasnt mendoza at all because cortez whould have been the only one to notice and he is blind.
    or player cause he saw the door

  264. brute401

    I thought deeply about the chances of player actually being a robot/cyborg.
    “No, I agree, the test subject did much better than we anticipated. Decision making capabilities, environmental analysis, improved reasoning, combat ready, he’s ahead of schedule sir. Yes, of course. No, thank you, Mr. Producer…”
    This could mean a member of the new terrorist cast, or the one we all know and love, Player. (and frankly, Player really isn’t what I call brilliant.)
    TheLeetWorld FTW!

  265. Brad

    I bet player looks has a “stalker” model from hl2. Sheesh they’re ugly. Maybe that is the real reason he can’t talk, he has no mouth.

  266. Aaron

    My hat tips off to you guys! Very nice season, I like to point out I live in Houston too.
    1337 W0R7D!!!

  267. GT

    There’s not a lot more i can say than, Great season guys! looking forward to the shorts and next season. Thanks a lot. Appreciated all the hard work! 🙂 I hope it’s giving as much to you guys as much as its giving to all us!

  268. Forum Throll

    Imho player was a noob and still is a noob.I think Scientist was talking about Westie or Ahmad , cuz it was Producer who where sending him hax or maybe it’s some other guy who we will see in Season 2

  269. xXx TehKiller

    SWATTEAM Says:
    July 13th, 2008 at 2:46 am » Quote

    Sorry if i was a noob,what does c1 means?And found another part with the soft voice,the part where the Ocho Mertos came in from the roof,i only heard “the boss….”…


    Didnt see anyone reply to you, C1 is the radio command ‘Affirmative/Roger that!’

  270. nate d great

    i think the kleiner guy was talking about player. why? because ,well, look at the name of the show-the LEETworld and player always seems to talk in LEET.

  271. nate d great

    i think the kleiner guy was talking about player. why? because ,well, look at the name of the show-the LEETworld and player always seems to always talk in LEET.

  272. Amps

    Yeah! Great last part! Too bad ChrisTeen didn’t get into the credits, but great credit song anyways.
    I look forward to next season, although I hope you don’t use Shox’ remix. It just doesn’t fit the show. I’m not going to start arguing about that, though.
    Good luck!

  273. spashie

    This episode as usual has left a s**tload of questions beyond our reach.

    * – What is te Producer up to?
    * – Who is this “cyborg” that the scientist guy at the end talk about?
    * – What exactly is the Death Room? How come player could see all the things Ellis didnt?
    * – Where the sluts at?

    I think the cyborg is Player. He cannot use his voice, he doesnt have much of a past, and we can never figure out why he shakes his head around like a dog infested with rabies whenever he types.

    Then ahain, this may very much be a red herring.

  274. xXx TehKiller

    Leeroy Says:
    July 16th, 2008 at 5:56 am » Quote

    One word OWESOME plz tell me when will sezon 2 come
    Probably next season 😛

  275. AntlionSlayer

    [quote comment=”8870″]WOW.
    Honestly, this might have needed some more to the ending. A proper goodbye, one could say…

    Damnit, i’d rather wan’t to see 1337world than the other things you wanna do =(

    Oh well.
    This was awesome.

    The Series isn’t over dude, there making a season 2. Anyways I liked it 4.5/5

  276. skepsis

    man i dun wana sond like a bithc but u desevere more views ur shit weh bedder then diggital qu33rs stuff and hes like number one on machinima s0 tht meks u godzor i gess Retaredd typin = player speak l337 world ftw

  277. SomeDude

    I just noticed when Cortez was about to kill Mendoza but ran out of ammo he still had a nade on his belt o.O

  278. spock

    that ending was a total cop out, the terrorists should have won. why did cortez run out of ammo two berettas hold around like 40 rounds, he did not fire 40 rounds!!!

  279. Eddy

    [quote comment=”9460″]that ending was a total cop out, the terrorists should have won. why did cortez run out of ammo two berettas hold around like 40 rounds, he did not fire 40 rounds!!![/quote]

    Ha, that’s the only thing you’re not willing to accept in this whole series? Even when we’ve got a guy that flies around and another one that disappears? 🙂

    You forget that during the Cortez/Mendoza fight, we cut away from them for a bit. When we come back they’re in different spots, indicating that at the very least, enough time has passed for them both to get upstairs in the courtyard. No telling how many shots were fired in that time.

  280. spock

    the ending was still a cop out, there wasn’t much action, in the challange in the house nobody respawned, it would have been better if there was on death room.

    also how didn’t he notice that his gun wasn’t loaded, when the gun is unloaded the slide locks back, even if he’s blind he would have noticed that the slide didn’t go forward, and why didn’t he try firing his other gun, he has two.

    the finale would have been a lot better if cortez killed mendoza and the terrorists won.

  281. Eddy

    [quote comment=”9468″]
    the finale would have been a lot better if cortez killed mendoza and the terrorists won.[/quote]

    Ah, so the reason it was a cop out is because it didn’t go the way you wanted it to? Darn.

  282. JJ

    [quote comment=”9470″][quote comment=”9468″]
    the finale would have been a lot better if cortez killed mendoza and the terrorists won.[/quote]

    Ah, so the reason it was a cop out is because it didn’t go the way you wanted it to? Darn.[/quote]

    Perhaps the quote below will enlighten you as to the general philosophy around here. (Probably not, if you’re focused on how many bullets Cortez had.)

    “Don’t give people what they want, give them what they need. What they want is for Sam and Diane to get together. Don’t give it to them. Trust me. . . . People want the easy path, a happy resolution, but in the end, they’re more interested in . . . No one’s going to go see the story of Othello going to get a peaceful divorce. People want the tragedy. They need things to go wrong, they need the tension. In my characters there’s a core of trust and love that I’m very committed to. These guys would die for each other, and it’s very beautiful. But at the same time, you can’t keep that safety. Things have to go wrong, bad things have to happen.” – Joss Whedon

  283. Matas

    Yeah… season 2 terrorist are going back to kick some more ass yes? Becouse no one can hide the truth from the Cortez

  284. OFF

    Why I’m still unable to watch the episode? Is this site upload definitively dead? Should I go and get it from YouTube?

  285. JJ

    [quote comment=”9519″]Why I’m still unable to watch the episode? Is this site upload definitively dead? Should I go and get it from YouTube?[/quote]

    How do you mean “unable to watch the episode”? There are multiple ways to watch it on our site alone… the Vimeo embed at the top, the locally hosted embed on the “Death Comes Home” page, the four downloadable versions, and the three mirrored versions. I’d be pretty surprised if you couldn’t get ANY of those versions to work, so… which one are you talking about?

  286. Leeroy

    oh man i cant wait for sezon2 Leete World is tha best show from CS:S or eny other games

  287. P


    Interviewer: So why do you want to be on The Leet World, Player? What’s in it for you?

    Player: $$$$$$

    Interviewer: Is that it? Just money?


    Uhhh Player must be the cyborg

  288. kyle

    great series man watched it all in one day, first few episodes were slow but in what series isnt. cant wait for season 2 🙂


    PLAYER WAS FREAKIN AWESOME taht was sweet when he saw the door wit his supersight lol

    great season, the producer thing was great to keep us wondering 😀 especially at end

  290. Aquatix

    I expected Montrose to shoot way better, but TH1SS WUZ OOSOM!11!!!

    The final episode clearly shows us how much you guys grew in this. Voices, comic dialogues, unexpected story turns, even fight sets… i’t all great. Thank you very much for the 1st season of «Leet world» 🙂

  291. HN_S4mur41

    we all enjoyed it a lot. wow.



    L33t W0rld, YEAH !

    and, uh, gotta post my quote.



    AHH !



  292. Eric

    wow,can’t not wait till season 2,man,i hope them use some zombie in new season.
    “what the fuck happen,man?”

  293. the melo15

    that is some good shit but now i cant wait untill seson two also ty for all the hard work u guys did to make this happen

  294. ViTaLiTY|Cortez

    It is sad hov Cortez havd tokt her ayeseit havd taken from hem and now hes brother and hes revenge. Its sad realy. In the end about that what Mendoza sayed to Cortez about Produser i think hov Produser is that what taked Cortez ayeseit not Mendoza!!

  295. Maxxef


    anyways, great work guys. UN-BE-FUCKING-LIEVABLE. looking forward to season 2.
    this show’s by far my fave machinima, its so well written and played out. just a thing, though: for season two, since you probably will introduce a new bunch of T’s, you’ll probably need more voice talent. what about asking roosterteeth for a little help?

    good luck guys, have an awesome summer, too.

  296. Christopher from SWAT aka Captain Christopher

    HEY PLEASE LEET WORLD! I WANT SEASON TWO. I’ll give you some time. YOU GUYS ARE THE BEST! I am HARDLY HARDLY HARDLY HARDLY………………….100% WAITING FOR SEASON 2! JUST TAKE YOU TIME! I AM NOT PUSHING YOU TOO HARD!!!Just do it. Take your time. Set season 2, test and go to… -_-zzz… (Sleep) Take a rest. And show time for Leet World. I want to know about their life when they live the house. Just do it. I… WILL BE………………….IMPRESSED!!!!!^_^In a good way.

  297. Sweetos

    God damn this show is good, and you guys did one hell of a good job completing something this awesome! I cant wait for season 2, really looking forward to it ;D

    keep up the good work dudes 😉

    (is there any opportuneties for you to get us the music for the latest episode, intro and credits? pleeeeezz, i really thought they were awesome tunes ;D)

  298. Iron_Golem

    I think the scientest guy (Kliener) is make some machanical machine thats going to fight the ct

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