Operation: Hunker Down!

Just an FYI, in the event that we don’t post for a few days, there’s no need to fear. It’s just that measly old hurricane Ike is bearing down to swallow up our fair coast of Texas. Ground zero happens to be Houston, which is where we’re located.

So if I do in fact lose power and am unable to update til early next week, just know that you guys rule. For real, thanks for all the great feedback on Web Zeroes.

Some cool stuff coming next week.

UPDATE, 5pm Saturday: This is your friendly webmaster, Jeff, speaking. I’ve just heard from Eddy, and both he and Nick made it through the storm alright (Daniel lives in Dallas, and I live in Austin). Eddy asked me to go ahead and update the site so that folks wouldn’t be worried about them. Eddy and Nick are both without power at the moment, but hopefully things will be back up and running in a day or two. I’ll keep you posted on here if there are further developments.

33 thoughts on “Operation: Hunker Down!

  1. Hiders

    Dude, you sure that your house will be alright??? What if it doesnt, what will happen to you guys??? hope you’ll be okay with your house to be just fine with no damage!

  2. Jantemplar

    Typhoons, hurricane, and here in Australia were enjoying nice hot 30 degree days (Celcius) In Singlets and thongs.

    Hope you guys are alright through the storm.

  3. Mr. Munchlax

    Heh, well good luck. I’m up in North East Texas near Dallas so it won’t be much by the time it gets here. :p

  4. Airbourne

    No kidding, I was born in Houston and raised in Sugarland. Ironically I go to college in Florida now and I haven’t taken any direct hits yet from hurricanes in 10 years living here.

  5. jamesblond09

    Yeah, I’m new to Houston (Spring, to be exact), so the most exciting weather I’ve seen is the leftovers of hurricanes that tend to piss out on San Antonio.

    I was wondering what you guys were gonna do. I had assumed that your server was in Houston, but you don’t seem too worried about that.

    Where is your server, btw?

  6. Mr. Munchlax

    One of my teachers said that one of her friends drove by a gas station in Winsburrow,TX today. Gas there was $5 a gallon. O.o

  7. Wave

    I wish that Hurricane Ike had come a little closer to us here in Miami. I had no school days off just because a big cloud decided to go south. πŸ™

  8. Elite Hunter 02

    [quote comment=”11740″]One of my teachers said that one of her friends drove by a gas station in Winsburrow,TX today. Gas there was $5 a gallon. O.o[/quote]

    Holy S#!t, $5 a gallon!!?? And I thought us New Yorkers had it bad, highest ever I saw was $4.27! That really sucks, how do Texans survive that kind of crap?


    [quote comment=”11751″][quote comment=”11740″]One of my teachers said that one of her friends drove by a gas station in Winsburrow,TX today. Gas there was $5 a gallon. O.o[/quote]

    Holy S#!t, $5 a gallon!!?? And I thought us New Yorkers had it bad, highest ever I saw was $4.27! That really sucks, how do Texans survive that kind of crap?[/quote]

    All, is lost. ALL IS LOST!

  10. Eddy

    [quote comment=”11752″]Good to see y’all alright. Now make more stuff for me![/quote]

    Not exactly priority one at the moment. The city is a mess, and the park near me is torn to pieces. No power at my place, writing this from my brother’s. Just wanted to check in and let people know we’re all good.

  11. Elite Hunter 02

    [quote comment=”11754″][quote comment=”11752″]Good to see y’all alright. Now make more stuff for me![/quote]

    Not exactly priority one at the moment. The city is a mess, and the park near me is torn to pieces. No power at my place, writing this from my brother’s. Just wanted to check in and let people know we’re all good.[/quote]

    Dude, is your place okay? Besides the obvious power outage, did any extreme damage befall your home? Cause that would really suck.

  12. Boojangels

    [quote comment=”11754″][quote comment=”11752″]Good to see y’all alright. Now make more stuff for me![/quote]

    Not exactly priority one at the moment. The city is a mess, and the park near me is torn to pieces. No power at my place, writing this from my brother’s. Just wanted to check in and let people know we’re all good.[/quote]

    I hear some people’s power could be out for a week. I live in Fort Worth, but we didn’t get any effects of Ike.

  13. Mr. Munchlax

    [quote comment=”11751″]Holy S#!t, $5 a gallon!!?? And I thought us New Yorkers had it bad, highest ever I saw was $4.27! That really sucks, how do Texans survive that kind of crap?[/quote]
    Heh, well that was just there and most likely because of hurrcain Ike. Normally it’s around $3.60 or so and it didn’t go up to $5 where I live. :p
    [quote comment=”11757″]I hear some people’s power could be out for a week. I live in Fort Worth, but we didn’t get any effects of Ike.[/quote]
    Yeah, I’m about 2 hours away from the Dallas Fort Worth area and all we got was some rain. How high did gas go up there?

  14. No0b-0-rAmA

    [quote comment=”11753″][quote comment=”11751″][quote comment=”11740″]One of my teachers said that one of her friends drove by a gas station in Winsburrow,TX today. Gas there was $5 a gallon. O.o[/quote]

    Holy S#!t, $5 a gallon!!?? And I thought us New Yorkers had it bad, highest ever I saw was $4.27! That really sucks, how do Texans survive that kind of crap?[/quote]

    All, is lost. ALL IS LOST![/quote]

    WOW!!!! The highest gas price i’ve ever seen was 2.4 dollars per gallon (had to change from liters) in north america, but ive seen gas prices around 25.00 a gallon in some other places =/

  15. aidanboland

    ya dudes hurrican ike is going to suck so badley hey also i just wanted to ask you guys something that is a big dream for me i was just wondering if maybe you needed another actor for Leet World,or G.R.E.I.F because i have both games and i have xbox live and i have css and half life 2 source i am a big fan and i think i will be a good aset to your team i also live in texas but i am young to give you headsup well cya around sometime later my gamertag is Xxkilljoy566xX and my steam name is LNRforever and my dream is also to be a famous internet webcast actor ok well hope your going to be ok from ike .

  16. Elite Hunter 02

    [quote comment=”11767″]WOW!!!! The highest gas price i’ve ever seen was 2.4 dollars per gallon (had to change from liters) in north america, but ive seen gas prices around 25.00 a gallon in some other places =/[/quote]

    Are you serious or did you misplace the decimal? 25 DOLLARS A GALLON!!?? That’s insane! That can’t possibly be right!

    Edit: Please tell me that you misplaced the decimal. πŸ™

  17. Beevo

    Stay safe! The hurricane did a real number on the coast (It screwed up the electricity pretty bad ;-;). Hopefully Entergy will have things up and running soon. Hurricanes so suck.

  18. No0b-0-rAmA

    [quote comment=”11770″][quote comment=”11767″]WOW!!!! The highest gas price i’ve ever seen was 2.4 dollars per gallon (had to change from liters) in north america, but ive seen gas prices around 25.00 a gallon in some other places =/[/quote]

    Are you serious or did you misplace the decimal? 25 DOLLARS A GALLON!!?? That’s insane! That can’t possibly be right!

    Edit: Please tell me that you misplaced the decimal. :([/quote]
    I didn’t =), and that was in 2003 and the price is now higher……that was the daily regular price, not the highest XD

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