If you follow us on twitter, then you’d know that Episode 10 is shaping up to be a beast of a different sort. Imagine a hulking brute that spits acid and isn’t intimidated by Nick’s beard and then you know what you’re dealing with. It is unruly and grotesque. In a good way.
Anywho, part of the reason for this is that it has quite a humongous action sequence in it, and before I get carried away with superlatives, I will just say that it might own you. We’re big fans of action films (if you can’t tell), so this is always a treat for us. By the way, the picture is from Die Hard, so if you haven’t seen it, I might ban you. Welcome to the party, pal.
Here are some screenshots from Episode 10. I had to work very hard to find ones that don’t give anything away. There’s just way too much to spoil.
Hope you enjoy the tease.
Yippie-ki-ay, motherfucker.
Possibly the greatest line in cinematic history.
Hahaha, ANYWAYS. Looks good, dudes, keep it up. Bruce Willis FTW.
third, yay…. can’t w8 to see the new episode
Oops, some how didn’t see die hard yet. But I did see 4.0 . Dose that count?
I smell a epic battle coming from those screen. Cortez looking at the sky, tells me something bad happened… bad and sad
I watched Die Hard, each of them, though in Poland our so called “translators” are so dumb that they couldnt translate it(our langauges have very original meanings of words, for example Die Hard are 2 different words, still we can use them to a thing or person and make it personificated so it will be understandable as a sentence).
They translated it as “Glass Trap”, what does fuckin’ glass trap have to do with hard dying?? Doubleyouteeef!
Btw, i love the first part, other are good too :P.
Well I think there will be fight cortez vs. asher or some think like this. BUt its going to be cool!
P.S. Player isn’t tiping so much as always! 🙁
Hey Eddy, I don’t know if this was talked about on the forums, but it would be really cool if you guys would do a podcast after this.
I mean, this is the last episode of season 2, and the way I understand it, the next Leet World installment is due the December of 2009, which is a long ass wait. You guys probably have something planned already (Behind the Scenes, anyone?), but something like a podcast (maybe even featuring Ty, Ben, Kerry, JJ and Damn Dangerous, or at least 1 of them would be sweet).
You haven’t done those in forever, so one to go-out would be nice me thinks.
to all smooth few films memebers…
i am your biggest fan, i allways wait til a new episodse comes out ived watched the leet world since the first episode came an i hope you ever read this…
You guys better make an episode with leeroy again what happend to him?
allthough i am venezuelian im not even from the US and lots of people of everywhere ive been… if I were you id start selling dvds whith all the seasons youve guys made yoll become millionairs!!!
<3 Luis
[quote comment=”15420″]it would be really cool if you guys would do a podcast after this. I mean, this is the last episode of season 2[/quote]
I’m totally with you on doing another podcast at some point, but when have we ever said that episode 10 is the season finale? It isn’t. We’ll definitely mention it when the season finale rolls around.
“but when have we ever said that episode 10 is the season finale?”
I was totally under the impression that it was, I probably just misread, so good to know.
Anyways, point still stands, a podcast after the season’s finale with the full (more or less) cast would be awesome.
[quote comment=”15415″]Oops, some how didn’t see die hard yet. But I did see 4.0 . Dose that count?[/quote]
Sorry but in my eyes: No.
You guys could make one of those Radio show things, like they had before TV got big! That’d make an epic podcast!
3rd I think it’s Cortez sad…could be a give away to one of his people dieing…Just a guess
2nd Asher is looking…
The 1st one looks like Player
What I love is when during da episode we all recognize the screenie but we can never figure out wat they mean before the episode is realesed….Excellent job on the photos by the way.
Asher’s butt confirmed for Episode ten? Huge spoiler!
Definitely looks good, though. (What the episode is shaping up to be, not Asher’s butt…err…) Looking forward to it!
Man, This is so friking awesome i cannot wait!!!!!!!!!!
My ideas:
1st picture: The CT’s have split up because of a battle. Player is either lost or separated.
2nd picture: Asher trying to locate Cortez and/or other T’s.
3rd picture: Cortez back at the house. At first it looks like he’s looking at the sky, but I almost guarantee he’s not. I’m nearly positive he’s looking at the ground…Perhaps a little box he thought was forever lost?
Well Cortez isn’t dead…So many possibilities of what happened since the end of Ep 9. I smell another plot twist…Maybe the return of Leeroy to save Cortez? Just a guess…
I’m disappointed in the lack of Japanese school girls and boys killing each other on a deserted island.
okay in the first pic you see player entering the powerplant
in second 1 (lol thats wierd) you see asher and i think he heard or saw 😛 somthing on the roof
and last but not least its senior cardinal my guess is hes glad to be alife
LOLOLOLOL gr8 work guys keep it up oh and if i may say so or sugest make it a long movie like ………..an hour nah im joking but not 20 min thats to short KTHNXBYE 🙂
quote comment=”15433″]I’m disappointed in the lack of Japanese school girls and boys killing each other on a deserted island.[/quote]
ROFL i’ve seen battle royal the movie, shame all subz though, its a manga too you know. any way as if cortez didnt shoot asher when he ran at him like *pew* *pew* i would have like “OMGWTFBBQ”
I think everything’s managed peacefully, lol. Mebbe the one who solve the current state is player?
Aight here are my thoughts…
1) Player meeting Dr. Soong in a secret underground lab.
2)Asher is looking for/ running away from Cortez.
3)Cortez is thinking about when he killed Asher, it was like killing his brother OR he found box which uncovered lots of questions.
can’t wait for episode!!!
Nicely done nicely done
(in comment to previous updates, saw star trek and it was AWESOME!! LIVE LONG AND PROSPER LEET WORLD!!!)
really looking forward to the next episode though i’ve been busy and can’t check out the site… now i know what a tv dinner feels like
keep up the good work dudes!see it through till the dying end just like bruce wayne
I don’t think Asher dies. (If you want to call a robot exploding dying). Unless they make a super-fast character additions of the other terrorists (Names forgotten, sorry), then they wouldn’t have much left for the Season Finale. I highly doubt they’ll be storming wherever the Producer and the Scientists are because they need to have SOMETHING for the TLW movie.
That’s my opinion. I just really doubt Asher dies – Maybe he leaves and Leeroy rejoins, I don’t know. Either way, Leeroy’s lack of recent known involvement only makes me think he’s taking a bath in awesomesauce. (Meaning he’s whooping ass elsewhere).
woah…can’t wait for the next episode 😀
With that one screenshot of Cortez i can already tell he is going to find players hideing spot/stash and fine the box and learn the truth about him and Asher… Or at least i think because thats the same spot player was at when he talked to the bald guy
or maybe that screen shot do nothing. It’s just a shot of cortez “accidentally” looking at that direction
picture # 1… player maybe following asher…
picture # 2 … asher on de_train perhaps fighting vs player or cortez
picture # 3 cortez in heaven XD nah seriously no idea about this one
majonezar this isn’t de_train !! it’s bombside A on de_nuke
in picture one, which u said, i dont think or im sure player isnt going after asher, if u had watch the video properly, asher lied about mendoza and they are most probaly gonna try and find mendoza.
picture 2 is NOT in de_train. its still in de_nuke at bombsite A if im not mistaken. and by the looks of it the confrontation againts asher is up.
picture 3… erm… dont know… lol
In the Die Hard pic, he’s got a MP5, like Ahmad!
I can’t wait for your new episode! I have mixed feelings about the teaser:
1. Its great to keep me occupied predicting random crap and seeing if it’s right
2. It makes me reeaaallly Impatient to see the episode (hurry up dudes! =P)
Thx u smoothfewfilms! I TOTALLY LURVE UR WEBSHOW!!!
[quote comment=”15452″]majonezar
in picture one, which u said, i dont think or im sure player isnt going after asher, if u had watch the video properly, asher lied about mendoza and they are most probaly gonna try and find mendoza.
picture 2 is NOT in de_train. its still in de_nuke at bombsite A if im not mistaken. and by the looks of it the confrontation againts asher is up.
picture 3… erm… dont know… lol[/quote]
well i didnt played for a long time and i have forgotten most of the maps i meant de_nuke 😀 and i think that the player picture… its the way where you can get to bombiste B.. or i dunno
how do you leave a reply?? @_@. anyway, u said cortez might be dead rite, same here. if u scroll up and try to find my comment, u can read my theory about the next episode. by the looks of picture 3, cortez might know something about player too and is searching for the box.
(although he’s blind, i dont know how he manage to track player there, the writers might have forgotten the fact that cortez is blind xP)