Metal Gear Leeroy

mgsHere’s Episode 11 of Season 2, Death’s Dungeon, and boy are we getting close to the finish line. Only two more episodes left for the season.

In this chapter, we find out what Leeroy has been up to since he left the house, and finally get some answers regarding the greater mystery surrounding the Producer. Leeroy’s very Solid Snake about it, too. Check it out on the TLW premiere page to see a bigger version, and for the love of all things holy, clear your cache if you’re seeing the old video still.

If that’s not your cup of tea, though, you can just hit up the jump to see the regular version.

This starts the last arc, and the final tumble towards the conclusion of The Leet World as a series. Episode 12 should be out in a couple of weeks, with Episode 13 acting as our epic finale for the season.

Much thanks go to Lord Ned for doing some Hammer stuff for us this episode, Tyler from Forecast, and Jace for continuing to rock it out for the music. Loving all the orchestrated stuff. I kind of want to marry him.


84 thoughts on “Metal Gear Leeroy

  1. jamesblond09

    Holy shit this is getting intense. You guys are redefining machinema as a whole… Mind = blown.

    And Jace, you rock.

  2. byakii

    oh my god, the convo between montrose and ellis made me lolllllll.

    great episode/season/show

    all you guys rock 😀

  3. Daf

    in the words of jamesblond,

    Mind = blown, the story has such a ZING! Fantastic guys, nothing else to say…utter epic-ness, the amount of work that has gone in to each episode is so blatent and it pays off in our favour so much, and we cannot thank you enough.

    Machinima has been redefined by ours truly, well done

    3 cheers!! 😀

  4. Denman_HG

    Wonderful episode. Brilliant, but these intertwining stories are a little confusing. An army of Players is coming to the house, but I want to find out what Wolfe and Soong were talking about!

    Also, I did not like the delivery of the ‘shoot the devil in the back’ line. This was a brilliant line from The Usual Suspects, and Kevin Spacey delivered it flawlessly, I don’t think it was done justice here.

  5. majonezar

    NOOO not the player =;(

    oh and that ruled and as soon as i saw the death room i knew that the producer was in it =D

    oh and when is the next EP. coming ? 2-3 weeks ?


    wow, loved the MGS references, if im not mistaken that’s the same alarm from MGS2 right? or am i just imagining things…

    epic reveal although im not really too thrilled about it

  7. Armed_Gnome


    You can’t kill him 🙁

    Great episode again guys, don’t know how you manage to build suspense so well.

    Best line had to be Ellis’s”Sometimes a man needs something stiff and hard to take the pain away” actually lmao’d

  8. No0b-0-rAmA

    That was a mind blowing episode, but sadly player might die now =(. Mby he uses his powers for good?

  9. Nafets

    Have to agree that it was amazing…amazing storyline and TY FOR AMAZING MUSIC(kept me on the edge of my seat)….I don’t think player will die..there are many reasons which i will not mention right now tho….


  10. Anonymous

    ….I…well……you see……..HOLY SHIT!!!!
    That was f***ing AMAZING! Love how the story/plot is turning out. I have quite a few theories, just mention a few. I realize why player was such a noob all this time, the scientist said something like “we cannot release the prototype, they are only 10% ready” or something like that, so once they activate robos, player won’t be so easy to kill. I think players gonna use his powers for good tho. And ahmad, Leeroy said he reactivated the deathroom like the ochomuertos…so…AHMAD CAN BE ALIVE!

    Got a couple more theories but this is a long enough post…

  11. playerborg96

    wow wow wow wow wow just no words
    that was to amzing for words

    so when they kill producer?

    KEEP UM COMIN!!!! WOO!!!!!

  12. 5aga-m4n

    OMG i just realized that one of the “Players” are missing in the 4×4 formation (one column has 3). and that noise that Player heard is coming from the other robots, cause you can hear it then two!

  13. damndangerous

    [quote comment=”15878″]Holy shit this is getting intense. You guys are redefining machinema as a whole… Mind = blown.

    And Jace, you rock.[/quote]

    Thanks! Im glad you like it!

  14. Skyliner

    Ahhh, that was great. I can’t believe it’s all winding down, but it’s so awesome to see you guys giving it your all and going out with a bang.

    The Usual Suspects line was rather hilarious. I was glad to see someone else on this comments page caught it too. I agree with the point of “not doing the line justice”, but I think it was a kind of out of left field wackyness that makes me love this series.

    Shine on, SFF and Damn Dangerous!

  15. Ice Rapture

    . .

    Awsome has been initiated, powering up…

    . .

    Amazing episode, it is actually agonizing to have to wait for the next. Keep up the awsome work, and as usual dumbfounding soundtrack.

  16. Leon

    This was a truly brilliant episode, for me personally the best of the season, so far. major props guys

    one thing I found confusing though – I figure the Nunien (sp?) HQ was at the end of the Death room, so, how come Player and Ellis never stumbled onto that at the end of Season 1? I remember them reaching a dead end, and Player seeing a hidden door and that’s it, so WTF?

  17. viking357

    that was amazing i cant believe they need to kill player :'( he most be good inside…
    he can save them with some cyborg kungfu action

  18. Pwnation

    well, Leon, I remember in that ep. either Ellis or Player said that they might have made the wrong turn, so maybe the death room has a couple of branches? I dunno, just guessing….

    Brilliant episode, SFF. Jace, your music kicks a**. Thanks for doing the soundtrack, you make the show even more epic, even though its already epic.

    Dang… I think that Asher tried to hax Player by giving him the box when he still worked for the producer.
    (probably b4 Asher got haxed by the Comrades…) I rly hope that Player uses his “headshot skillz” for good, not for the Producer’s plans.

    I liked it when Leeroy called the Producer the devil, and Montrose said that he (producer) was pasty… =P


    That’s enough said for now.

  19. Unseen9

    Fun episode 🙂

    I’ve been meaning to ask this since the show kind of drifted away from the reality show spoof. Who is the cameraman? Is he a CT or a T or a mysterious third faction? Why don’t they interrogate him about wolf-corp?

    I think I’m on to something and I want an official reply!!! 🙂

  20. Kuilui

    Wow very rarely does my jaw actually fall but it did. Amazing writing, music and everything else. Man stuff is really starting to hit the fan hard. oh and, Player nooooooooooooooo! The next two episodes are going to be insane I can tell. Really keep up the flawless work.

  21. Chuck

    Woah. Major epic cliffhanger, and IMO Leeroy just out-badassed Cortez in this episode!

    Also, it suddenly struck me how much the music has come on – the last few episodes in particular have had some really fantastic music, and when you compare it with, for example, theme song (which I can safely assume was one of the first tunes to be recorded) it really puts the development into contrast.
    Don’t get me wrong, I’m not saying anything bad about the theme song, but the recent music is much more polished and better produced, and just shows how well Jace is developing as a musician…

  22. JJ

    [quote comment=”15931″]Fun episode 🙂

    I’ve been meaning to ask this since the show kind of drifted away from the reality show spoof. Who is the cameraman? Is he a CT or a T or a mysterious third faction? Why don’t they interrogate him about wolf-corp?

    I think I’m on to something and I want an official reply!!! :)[/quote]

    Shhh! A wizard did it!

  23. Daf

    [quote comment=”15938″][quote comment=”15931″]Fun episode 🙂

    I’ve been meaning to ask this since the show kind of drifted away from the reality show spoof. Who is the cameraman? Is he a CT or a T or a mysterious third faction? Why don’t they interrogate him about wolf-corp?

    I think I’m on to something and I want an official reply!!! :)[/quote]

    Shhh! A wizard did it![/quote]

    meh…good answer ^.^

  24. danielign9

    this is the so far awsomest episode in the series! the drama gets kicked up a notch, but the thers mor lulz!

  25. RGamesINC

    Well, I think it’s time for me to theorize.

    Warning, spoilers up ahead:

    It seems odd that the producer would need to hide in the Death Room till there is a way to get his brain fixed, since we’ve seen people get their faces blown off, disappear into the death room, and reappear without a scratch. It would seem that he should enter the death room as he dies, and then reappear in a brand new body. Of course, it could be that we weren’t told everything yet, like perhaps the producer isn’t waiting for his old body to be fixed, but he’s looking for a way to get a better one.

    Maybe the challenges are different. If we were to assume this, we might also be able to assume that Leeroy didn’t have any way to get out of the death room (after all, gunshot wounds to the head are harder to fix than brain tumors). That would mean that Leeroy is dead, and the one talking is actually one of Soong’s robots.

    If Leeroy is (now) a robot, we can assume that he is acting under the Producer’s control. In this case, he would likely be lying about Player’s malicious intent and might be trying to get rid of him because he has some sort of key to defeating the other robots which are built to kill everybody.

    A more likely turn of events that I can see happening is Player taking control of the army of new robots and turning them into memetic /b/tards like himself. Since Player seems afraid of his destiny and leaving his life as a human, he will likely use his robot brothers to help defeat the producer/comrades/whoever they’re going to fight next.

    God I love having my account back and being able to comment. Smoothfew still rules, now more than ever (and that’s quite an accomplishment.)

    PS: I noticed you have some sort of custom skin that looks like the nanosuit from Crysis for the guards in the death room. You should probably include where you got the skin somewhere in the post, unless you did and I missed it. I wouldn’t be suprised if I did, I’m kinda stupid like that 😛

  26. Nero

    Player NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!

    Man its getting intense i cant wait for next episode great work by jace with the music he did an awesome job

  27. Ronstar258

    can you imagine if these last few episodes were music-less? seriously the music in this episode was the best…like nothing ive ever heard

    what? the episode? oh yea sorry BEYOND EPIC

    i love how ppl leave theories about where the shows guna go from here…but wouldnt it suck if your prediction turned out true? i mean I’D be like, “well yea i guessed it but now im not surprised by the series anymore and my life sucks.” of course my world revolves around leet world lately so maybe a different approach would be taken…whatevs

    i keep my predictions simple so that im blown away by the time i watch each episode…

    for example, after episode 10 i predicted everyone would watch tv and leeroy would tell everyone about his adventures and how he killed the dead producer


    and now i cant wait for the next one lol

  28. Flascist

    I really enjoyed this episode, and there is no real fault in it, despite the fact that it was quite inevitable that it was Player who would get his (let’s say) ultimatum.

    Though I am gonna contradict that point i just made. In Death Comes Home, Player and Ellis find what appears to be the end of the death room. Yet only Player sees this door; (I’m assuming this is down to his place as a cyborg). how is it Leeroy manages to just waltz from The death Room into Nunion (I’m assuming that’s how it’s spelt, could be wrong). did he find the door also? (Perhaps from advice from Player before)
    Though it looks like he just found some stairs into the Producer’s hideout.

    Also, quick question relating to Death Comes Home, are they running through de_prodigy when they run through the door? and if so, how did not notice anything? I.e; a guard, or any cyborg models or anything.

    Though I must say, the skins in this episode for the guards were absolutely fantastic.

    Despite most of this comment being a declaration of my own confusion, do not forget that is in fact a fantastic episode, I don’t wish to repeat the phrase everyone else has mentioned by saying it was epic…. but frankly, it was incredible, I would say the entire series if not the entire saga would better fit the definition of epic.

  29. Headcrab Eater

    watched it the 3rd time
    the pleayers with the red goggles remind me of the robots in ‘i, robot’


  30. pl0xman123

    Hey, SmoothFew.

    I’ve been more of a lurker, and never really commented on the videos.
    I just wanted to say that I first discovered this show when Season 1, Episode 3 came out, and since then, I have been watching the episdoes countless times.
    I was there during the first websites and the switching to the new YouTube-account.
    The Leet World is truly THE best Machinima ever created. It beats Red VS. Blue by FAR!

    Ahmad was a great and funny character, it’s sad to see him die.
    And are you guys bringing back the Domination-guy?

    Keep up the amazing work, guys. I can’t wait for the next episode.

  31. Alidi

    Too. Much. Epic. The music rocked, nice work Damn Dangerous. Oh and, it seems that there are actually two players missing in the end: one from the first column, and another one, from the third column.

  32. Nabsuh

    I thought this episode was brilliant! I’m glad to know that some theories I had were correct, but some stuff just came outta no where!

    – I knew Producer was in the Death Room… not quite with Noonien, but he was there nonetheless. I think they built that factory after S1 because thats when Noonien disappeared.

    – Player, killing machine? I knew he was somewhat of a war cyborg… but not I him being a really powerful killing machine.

    – Multiple Cyborgs? Thats freakin crazy, and they can pick up the directives? Even more crazy.

    – Finally, I think killing Player adds up… He can get headshots without any form of thought… he’s been told he’s a war machine and more still, hes the prototype for a larger project. Why would the Producer have Leeroy kill player if he needs player for his work?

    – Goodness, I want to know where this is going to go. My next theory is that Ahmad built a device for leeroy which allows them to portal directly to the Death Room…

    Also, DamnDangerous, loved ya music.

  33. UrbanRunner

    Dr. Soong: “You have to come home Player, if not by your own will, then by someone elses”

    Think about it, ‘home’ is The Death Room for Dr. Soong, so maybe Soong wants Player to be killed

  34. KuyaMZoleta

    You know, the past couple of episodes, in my opinion, weren’t the best and it really lowered my hopes of not ever seeing a good, exciting episode ever again. When I saw this episode being release I thought, “Oh great, another boring one.”

    I was wrong, see what I didn’t understand a while back was, Ahmad’s death was so quick, and they buried him so fast. But in this episode, it showed everyone grieving, and it also showed action, suspense, and a totally, unexpected twist I rather enjoyed at the end.

    Now I say, “keep’em coming”

  35. awkook

    So many cliffs hangers you guys, but to me, this one wasn’t as bad as others. [SPOILER] Sure they have to kill player but in some of the other episodes it was a bigger cliff hanger. You guys should watch this episode, and just think back to the first episode of TLW. Reflecting back on just how much the show has grown and the production quality is even better than before. The music is always awesome, and its just fun to look back. If you really want to reflect, watch the whole first season of TLW. That will get you in a reflecting zone.

  36. danielign9

    the music at the end was amazing. there was nothing like it. Thanks Jace!

    Leeroy: “Freeze!”
    [Guard turns around]
    [Guard gets shot by Leeroy]

    weird scene, why would leeroy say freeze when he can just kill the guard anyways?

    great work on the mapmaking as well

    and finally a lot of the questions get answered! woot!

  37. glebe

    Player, No! we cant lose the master of lolnades and headshots! Besides, Chet said that he would always be at players side, so when the go to kill player, Chet wont be cool with it, to say the least. When did Leeroy get so badass and cold-hearted? he used to be a nerd who just wanted an elf maiden. Great episode all around. When is episode 12 coming out?

  38. danielign9

    i think what ahmad built was…
    -a shut-off switch for the death room
    -virus to kill the cyborgs
    -EMP to kill the cyborgs
    -bubble shield

  39. El Kibblez

    “It seems odd that the producer would need to hide in the Death Room till there is a way to get his brain fixed, since we’ve seen people get their faces blown off, disappear into the death room, and reappear without a scratch. It would seem that he should enter the death room as he dies, and then reappear in a brand new body. Of course, it could be that we weren’t told everything yet, like perhaps the producer isn’t waiting for his old body to be fixed, but he’s looking for a way to get a better one.” – RGamesINC

    Alright, RGamesINC, you bring up a good point, but I don’t believe you to be correct. All the people who have died and come back fine were in the middle of a challenge, which obviously has different rules than real life, meaning that once a challenge has initiated it could be that they are sent into an alternate reality, almost. This being said, in real life, if you were to die and go to the death room, you could never return, because your body is dead, gone forever. But the Producer’s is on the precipice of death, but not quite. That’s why he went to the death room, so he could stay alive indefinitely until a cure for his body could be found. Being that he was not in a challenge when he got the cancer, he cannot just return to normal if he leaves the death room.

    Also, if the Producer can one day come back to his body, there has to be a way to leave the Death room.

  40. silv3r

    Wow awesome ending. i dont think they will kill player though. ANYONE ELSE NOTICE THAT 2 PLAYERS THE THE LINE UP WERE MISSING?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?! unless it was a mistake, this could get interesting. maybe there was some hints i missed….

  41. Nade-7arget

    Silv3r don’t forget Chet said “I’m by your side” to Player
    I agree Player might not die but that’s what I said when Ahmad and Cortez had their battle in Episode 12 of Season 1 and then they killed Ahmad! SFF will do anything they want and they are not scared how the fans will react to a death or something surprising, they will entertain us with the best machinima and the most epic of all stories. GREAT EPISODE!

  42. silv3r

    What a shocker if chet went down protecting player to let player get away with the box. at this point anything can happen.

  43. TheDutchMANBEARPIG

    Well as I see it, Chet hasn’t had his own arc yet. Cortez had his brother issues, Westy had his issues in one of the arcs, Leeroy has basically been arcing all over the season, Ahmad… we shall not speak about that..

    Player has slowly been unraveling (the secret around him), but during the WHOLE season, Chet and Player have been bros. Having a few ‘bros’ myself, I am thinking that things go way beyond Bro’s before ho’s. I am expecting something epic from Chet or Player. And from Cortez, but that’s every episode

  44. Anonymous

    K THIS gonna be a long post but gonna answer some questions…

    RGamesINC said: It seems odd that the producer would need to hide in the Death Room till there is a way to get his brain fixed, since we’ve seen people get their faces blown off, disappear into the death room, and reappear without a scratch. It would seem that he should enter the death room as he dies, and then reappear in a brand new body.

    Well when the death room is activated during a challenge, all the contestants are fine…they’re heads get blown off…then they would respawn in the state they were when the death room was first activated. The producer activated and went to the death room when he had a brain tumor already, so if he comes back to life he’d still have the problem…causing him to eventually die.

    Flacist said: Though I am gonna contradict that point i just made. In Death Comes Home, Player and Ellis find what appears to be the end of the death room. Yet only Player sees this door; (I’m assuming this is down to his place as a cyborg). how is it Leeroy manages to just waltz from The death Room into Nunion (I’m assuming that’s how it’s spelt, could be wrong). did he find the door also? (Perhaps from advice from Player before)
    Though it looks like he just found some stairs into the Producer’s hideout.

    Also, quick question relating to Death Comes Home, are they running through de_prodigy when they run through the door? and if so, how did not notice anything? I.e; a guard, or any cyborg models or anything.

    In that episode, Player or Ellis said “They might have made a wrong turn”. Also when they’re running thorugh de_prodigy, i’m pretty sure one of them said “Where the hell are we?” and the other said “Who cares, just keep running!”

    UrbanRunner, that is a very good point. I think that RGameINC’s comment connects to this. I don’t think Leeroy being controlled by producer, but maybe he made leeroy think Player is bad and that brings us to when Soong said “You must come home, if not by your own will,then by someone elses.” That being Leeroy…

    These are all just guesses so don’t make fun of me 😛

  45. Flascist

    “””In that episode, Player or Ellis said “They might have made a wrong turn”. Also when they’re running thorugh de_prodigy, i’m pretty sure one of them said “Where the hell are we?” and the other said “Who cares, just keep running!”””

    If they’ve still ended up in the same place surely it was the same way?

  46. SoranMBane

    You guys have done an amazing job of making us empathize with the main characters, and I’m truly concerned for Player’s safety. If he does die, I’ll probably cry; but if he lives, I’ll be relieved and elated beyond measure. Either way, I’m sure I will enjoy the experience, and that the next few episodes will be amazing and epic. Keep up the great work!

  47. dunno


    these surprises might give some1 a heart attack

    wat if chet dies too protecting player?

    so many possible outcomes….

  48. RGamesINC

    [quote comment=”15990″]SURPRISES

    these surprises might give some1 a heart attack

    wat if chet dies too protecting player?

    so many possible outcomes….[/quote]

    Chet has already lost one good buddy and was devestated by it (according to his bio), and sacrifices made for friendship is a big theme in TLW. I can definately see this happening.

  49. offender92

    gah WTF army of playerz, reckon they use lolcat grenades? i do. i dont think chet would die, because they gotta make movie after this and it would be kinda crappy with half of decent people missing. although you never know. OMG i didnt know the producer was using ultimeOMGWTFBBQshield hax!>? i think the metal gear solid voice could have made to sound less like ellis though. ROFL need something stiff and hard to take pain away. *awkward silence” 😛

  50. Hertzwijn

    OMG, most series give away everything, but u guys r turning everything up side down. WTF, this episode was so epic, how do u come up with something like this. It’s so radical that u would think it’s not possible, but then again i’m talking of u guys, so everything is possible. this was really amazing. U’r making it very difficult to wait for the next episode. Also i can’t wait how TLW-movie is going to be like, probably even more epic then ever can be. OMG. watching TLW is never going to be borring. Thanks SFF.

  51. offender92

    Now Now i dont think it would be a epic battle if the producer used hax because amahd was the only one who was badass enough, and hes dead ROFL it would be all over if the producer used hax, he cant fight them anyway, hes dead and stuck in death room.

  52. Anonymous

    Flascist said: “If they’ve still ended up in the same place surely it was the same way?”

    Leeroy got to huge stairs leading to noonien. Ellis and Player got to a secret door that goes into the tunnels of Noonien. Noonien is probably really big, and all routes in the death room end up leading to a different part of it. Different Routes can lead to the same place, just a different part of that place.

  53. Flascist

    I’m not mad… i don’t take this seriously enough ^^
    Also, what you’re saying is potentially true, and i pondered my curiosity for an answer, and i got one.

    So thanks.

  54. RGamesINC

    Cortez would love to kill the Producer in the death room. After all, you know what they say. Dying in the death room is a fate much worse than death.

  55. silv3r

    MAYBE since the russians (dont forget about those damn russians….) hacked asher, leeroy will hack player in order to keep him safe while the team handles the situation in noonien. Maybe add some “special software” to improve players abilites? maybe MICROSOFT SAM!!!!!!

    These russians could also end up being allies to the T’s and CT’s to take down wolf??? obviously there not allies to noonien because the scientist seemed to be suprised, in retrospect, Producer could have hired the russians so he could get rid of the scientist.

    I just hope that no one else dies this season because Ahmad was enough. However i dont think The producer will be killed this season =( but hopefully PLAYER WILL SAY SOMETHING AT THE END OF THIS SEASON!?!?!?!

  56. - Anonymous -

    Np Flascist. Glad I can help.

    Just watched part 3 of season 1 finale, and noticed that Dr. Soong was obviously making Player, because he said “No, thank-you…mr. Producer”. That makes me think that the real player might be help captive right now, and the Player at the house…is the experiment. Because there are 2 players missing from Noonie. Also when Player was in death room after a challenge, he heard the whale noise…same noise that came from the group of Players at Noonien.

    Just some more ideas since i’m obsessed and totally ove TLW!!!!!

  57. JXUAXN

    OMGGGGG fuck they are going to kill the other n00b…No more n00bs. do i change the photo??

  58. silv3r

    i just got finished watching 2.8 and 2.9 and in one of them it showed the producer talking to the cast with the alarm flashing on his face. This leads me to belive its after the producer had his encounter with leeroy.

    If this is correct, Maybe leeroy did something after he found the Player bots. Also the player bots will not be of any use to the producer. 1 cause he said to terminate them, and 2 the doc said they were only 10% operational.

    Maybe While the teams argue out if they should kill player or not, player gets attacked by some of the russians or maybe get some sort of pop up message on leeroys computer.

    Another possibility is the device leeroy had could be a message or something for player that he had set up for when player was sent to go guard it. Maybe the device that ahmad had built was some sort of de-shielder (lol words).

    One more thing is am almost positive there will be another flash back to that encounter because if the player bots are of no use to the producer, why would leeroy want to kill him? mabe cause he knows something we dont? he cant not know because he overheard the 10% thing that the doc said.

    so many possibilitys, so much impatince!!!!!!!!!
    Epsiod nao plox!

  59. MasterChef117

    OMG! Awesome episode, can’t wait for the next one. I was wondering if there’ll be a soundtrack from this season…

  60. UnKnoWn PlaYeR

    Michael Jackson is gone. Such a sad thing… But that’s life. Its cruel and unforgiving. But in the sea of hatred and anger, a simple gesture of consonance goes a long way. And this time to move on..

  61. TehKiller

    wait a second 😮 leeroy came back shortly after ahmad died! so that means the challenge leeroy started was active when ahmad died :O! Maybe he’s in the death room! 😀

  62. BenBn

    Just a thought, before the conversation between teams when leeroy walked into the room that cortez and westy were in, cortez walks out to get his team and leeroy asks westy for a favour, westy then tells chet to make player guard the pc, now this could just be so player didnt overhear them talking about how he needed to be killed or maybe this could have been to show player something? or maybe upgrade him with the thing ahmad made for leeroy, this would make sense as im sure leeroy wouldnt want to have to kill player.

  63. Flascist

    [quote comment=”16021″]wait a second 😮 leeroy came back shortly after ahmad died! so that means the challenge leeroy started was active when ahmad died :O! Maybe he’s in the death room! :D[/quote]

    Perhaps. Though i doubt the challenge spread throughout the world.

  64. arichitamaru

    O man first Ahmada has to die and now Player has to die? And I don’t think Player is the evil robot…..

  65. Tarik

    why do i have a feeling chet will protect player… i mean he had an old buddy who got killed in an motorcycle accident wich devastated Chet. and he found out that getting drunk all the time would ease the pain and he wouldn’t let his new friend die too. anyways GREAT EPISODE/CLIFFHANGER! i am an patient guy so take your time making your movie BTW.

  66. playerborg96

    this just gets better and better every time

    p.s: how do you make the producer or dr. soons mouths move when they speak?

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