Double Talk

Glad to see that the Episode One commentary went over so well. We recorded three episodes at the same time, so now, here’s the bright shiny new Episode Two commentary for your listening enjoyment.

Once again, we offer a countdown at the beginning to help you know when to start the episode. I can’t imagine it makes much sense unless you’re watching the episode simultaneously. Personally, I think we did a better job on this one than on the first. Hopefully you guys enjoy it, too.

Remember, right-click and select “save as” to download it.

If you don’t have Episode Two downloaded, you can stream it from YouTube or here.

In other news, now that we’ve had some time to kind of chill and get our thoughts together, we’re moving into pre-production for some of the other properties that we’ve recently mentioned. Over the next couple of weeks you guys should be hearing a lot more about G.R.I.E.F. and Web Zeroes.

Also, if you haven’t seen The Dark Knight yet, go do it. I publicly declare that my man-crush on Christian Bale has only been strengthened in light of its release. And, in order to save my manhood after that statement, I shall add: Dude. Bra.

39 thoughts on “Double Talk

  1. Nade-Target

    Cool episode i got a quick question when u use bots for an episode how would u control them from like not killing or being retarded cause they are just little rascals and i wnat to control them for a shot or for more poeple plz write back thanks!!!

  2. Nade-Target

    nice episode i got a quick question when u use bots for an episode how would u control them from like not killing or being retarded cause they are just little rascals and i wnat to control them for a shot or for more poeple plz write back thanks!!!

  3. Nade-Target

    A special code hmmm what would that code be… There’s two solutions! A nubieto can tell me or GOOGLE FTW!!! Thanks anyway!

  4. Eddy

    Basically, bot_mimic 1 (make sure sv_cheats 1 is on) makes the bot mimic a character. When you create the server, also make sure the bots are set to where they won’t go rogue. We just made sure that the person with the least amount of lines that we needed in the large shot was the one controlling the bots (they mimic the host of the server).

  5. Poison Angel

    I’m really liking these…

    I like the concept of “Its more than just a web series.” Nice work! Always suppourting you guys!

  6. DarkMess1ah

    Hey guys, first time ive commented, just wana say, GREAT Work, its great to see a ‘new comer’ having such a great show, wish you all the best in your future, Hopefully more Outtakes soon :P, guys, 2nd ep commentary, good work, good to see that you care about your community, love it, keep it up, <3 a big fan πŸ˜€

  7. Weiss

    Lovin’ the Commentry, allthough, it is kind of annoying lining up the video and the audio at the same time, I know there might not be another way without putting the audio on the video. (Takes up a lot more space on your site which is probably why you didn’t do it.)

    Overall though, it was intresting and its good to know what it was like in your heads at the time. πŸ˜€

  8. Damolition

    You talked right over the funniest part of the show with your backslapping for particular camera shots.

    How does Cortez not know? How?!

    The daredevil excuse will not last long.

  9. Karhax

    maybe do something that streams the music and the video at the same time.
    javascript perhaps?

  10. Eddy

    [quote comment=”9822″]You talked right over the funniest part of the show with your backslapping for particular camera shots.

    Uh… it’s a commentary? The point is kind of to talk over the episode.

    Ironic comment is ironic.

  11. GunshyPigeon

    loving all the new commentary,
    its just really interesting knowing what was going on at the time,

    cant wait for commentary episode 3!

    and definetly cant wait for season two,
    or any of the other projects you guys are working on,
    G.R.I.E.F. sounds cool,
    cant wait! πŸ™‚

  12. VertigoSFX

    Thats good stuff, I rarely listen to commentary on films because an hour and a half-2 housr of someone talking is real boring. But this is fun, because you guys are interesting to listen to plus it’s great to hear what they creators had to say about all these cool scenes.

    Good work guys, looking forward to the rest.

  13. Eddy

    Thanks for the comments, dudes. Glad you had fun with it. It’s been pretty cool for us to go back and look at these episodes now that the season is over.

  14. Nade-Target

    I bet the villain for Season 2 of leet world will be Joker like since they love talking ablut this film whihc i wouldnt balme cause the movie did rock! That my theory great Communtery btw.

  15. Clankmaster

    Nah, putting in Joker because of a movie wouldn’t be very smart. And Smooth Few Films is a group of smart people, right? Besides, they would have to add in Wall-E as a good guy, then why Darth Vader, and maybe Aragorn?

    Regardless, I love the commentary but it’s rather annoying that I have to listen to two things at once. I usually just end up concentrating on the episode -.-

  16. AlphaHawk

    Not to mention nobody had the microphone in their mouth, or so you guys said before, so you’re getting better at commentary too! πŸ™‚

    (Seriously it wasn’t THAT close)

  17. zeke (AUSTRALIA)

    Ok, ok, forgetting about my previous comments earlier on, I must say something about future episodes. For season 2, it would be a really good idea that the storyline for each episode should be like this one. Nothing really weird happening, just stuff that would happen to real ct’s and t’s if they lived together, Thanks.

  18. Eddy

    [quote comment=”9844″]Ok, ok, forgetting about my previous comments earlier on, I must say something about future episodes. For season 2, it would be a really good idea that the storyline for each episode should be like this one. Nothing really weird happening, just stuff that would happen to real ct’s and t’s if they lived together, Thanks.[/quote]

    Heh, thanks for the feedback. On the one hand, I think that this episode might be the funniest out of all of the episodes.

    However, like I said in the commentary, we would have run out of ideas soooo fast without a story. Seriously. By episode 7, you would have been dealing with the most non-funny and non-interesting episodes. And as story-tellers, we like telling stories before we like telling jokes. I think we’ll be able to better balance the story-telling and the comedy next season.

  19. zeke (AUSTRALIA)

    [quote comment=”9848″][quote comment=”9844″]Ok, ok, forgetting about my previous

    Heh, thanks for the feedback. On the one hand, I think that this episode might be the funniest out of all of the episodes.

    Yeah, your right, this is the best.

  20. Nathan

    I love all tlw episodes but in terms of humor i think this is the best. I was literaly rofling about the first 5 times i saw it lol. I want to add though that i am glad that there are some serious episodes aswell otherwas it would get lesss interesting like u said. Personally i think u guys did a great job balancing story and humor. TLW first got me into machinima and its still my favourite series. cant w8 for season 2.

  21. AlphaHawk

    I’m a little surprised that you guys didn’t say anything about the video game “Teams r fine!” meme thing. I mean that is a factor in almost all games out today. I like how chet says it though.

    Chet: Teams dude, teams!



  22. Raiden

    Ahahahah nice!

    You got

    Chet: Teams dude, teams!

    Terrorists: Teams are fine!!

    From RvB didn’t you lol

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