Author Archives: Jeff

Gravatars: Avatars + Gravy

You may have noticed something different in the comments section of our site – little user icons are showing up next to each comment. Most folks are showing up as little grey heads, but a handful have user pictures, and YOU CAN TOO. It’s dead simple… just go to and sign up for an account with your email address.

Now whenever you leave a comment on a Gravatar-enable site and enter in the email address you configured on the Gravatar site, the user icon you selected will show up next to your comment. It’s one more way to make your comments stand out, and I think it’s a cool little feature.

You don’t have to register for an account on our site for this feature to work, and it’ll also work retroactively, so your user icon will appear next to any of the comments you’ve already made using the same email address.

Your Friendly Neighborhood Spiderman Webmaster

My Gravatar

Scheduled Downtime Tonight

Hi folks, just a quick note… We’ve been informed by our webhost that they will be moving server clusters tonight, November 30th, starting at 10:00PM PST (GMT – 8). They estimate this process will take about 8 hours, so for those of us living on Central time, it should be fairly painless. For folks in other countries… not so much.

Thanks, and, as always, please donate. Your dollars buy Leeroy more computer peripherals.

Podcast Feed!

Your friendly webmaster here, with a quick update…

Although it took me a little longer than I thought it would, I’ve hacked together an iTunes podcast feed. Here’s the link:

Feed Icon

This feed will work in any RSS reader, but if you plug it into a podcast-ready program like iTunes, it will automatically download the newest episode of The Leet World in our iPod-ready format. Subscribe to your heart’s content!