Tag Archives: hobo day


Hobo SoupWell, it’s a tad later than normal, but Episode 18 of Web Zeroes, Hobo Day, is up and available for your scrutiny and Molotov cocktails. No, it is not about overgrown Hobo Spiders, but boy do I wish that were true.

In this episode, the dudes get themselves an intern in the form of Kegger AKA the Hobo AKA Vincent Merriweather III, Esq. He, of course, is a hard working and very creative individual that will no doubt help them in their endeavors to do something meaningful and worthwhile on the Internet. Why would anyone think any differently?

Anyway, time for the weekly shout-out: this episode was written yet again by our Webmaster, JJ, so send praises in his general direction after you have watched and partaken in lulz. Also, if you hate it, blame him. Or Daniel.

To watch the ep, just hit the jump. You don’t have to, but you want to. Right?
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