Tag Archives: tlw podcast


Well, here’s the second edition of The Leet World podcast, where we talk about the show, some of your questions, and a few VERY nerdy things (you’ll have to listen to find out). We recorded it a little over a week ago, the day before Episode Six came out. If for no other reason, at least check it out to hear Damn Dangerous’s alternate “podcast version” of The Leet World theme-tune. It’s wonderful.

A few things will become clear when you listen to this… mainly, that we know way too much about TV. And Daniel and Nick are way too into tech.

Also, playing on the server with some of you dudes yesterday was swell. Hope to see more of you guys on there.


The podcast feed is here: http://www.smoothfewfilms.com/wp-rssaudio.php

Podcast- Yeah!

Hi dudes, just bringing you a present in the form of the first Smooth Few Films podcast concerning “The Leet World”. Not sure how many of you are into podcasts, but we had a fun time recording it (as you’ll no doubt hear). We talk about a variety of things from the show, to gaming, to television. Not bad for a trial run. We’d like to eventually turn this into a forum for us to talk about media, technology- pretty much all things nerdy. Also, in the future, we’ll possibly be taking questions from you guys that you’d like us to talk about, as far as the show goes.

Give it a listen!


EDIT: The RSS feed for the podcast is now up and running. You can subscribe to this and any future podcasts at the following link:

Feed Icon http://www.smoothfewfilms.com/wp-rssaudio.php

Also, just to prevent future confusion, the link to subscribe to new episodes of The Leet World has been changed to:

Feed Icon http://www.smoothfewfilms.com/wp-rssvideo.php