Tag Archives: tlw season 2 teaser

Happy Novemberween, 2008 Edition

Wow, I’ve said it before, but lots of thanks to everyone who has been supporting us by purchasing the TLW Season One Soundtrack. It was a labor of much love by Jace. I think the coolest thing of all is that the people that are buying it seem to love it in a totally passionate want-to-touch kind of way.

All of that aside, it’s been a long time since you’ve all seen or heard any shred of information concerning the whereabouts of one Mr. Adam Sizlewski (AKA Sizzler). Well, I figured I’d bring along a little teaser for Season 2 of The Leet World which finally reveals his location, and maybe ties up a few loose ends on the way.

Also, it tells you when to expect Season 2. Try not to hyperventilate, but it’s cool if you are, I am too. Video after the jump!

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