The Leet World, 2.5: Return to Sender

1280 640 iPod wmv

Now that new alliances are forming and secrets are being shared, it’s time for things to get mixed up in the house yet again. With the arrival of new guests, The Leet World contestants must be ready for anything before the next challenge arrives- or face dire consequences.

55 thoughts on “Return to Sender


    Ahhaaa, so here`s when the night time leet house comes in. Sweet.

    I like the part when ahmad said `ahGHsome` when he pressed the button. He must hav had something in his throat.

    Anyway great ep, as usual.

  2. Kuilui

    This was a great one. I mean there all awesome but this one especially. Seems like the season is really starting to heat up and all sorts of stuff is about to go down. The next challenge seems like it will be the most exciting one out of all of them so far. I cant wait for the next episode. Oh and the characters seemed to be more like themselves from the previous season, which I’m happy about.

  3. Julez

    “Lets get the hell out of here!” haha, I definetly peed a bit.

    oh militia, how I miss you.

    good work boys.

  4. Cortez

    Nice episode. Well very nice about this and it very interesting. About hostys well that hov they are robots it means hov they will help westimer to gte the box some hov.
    and they will be treat to terroristos _ maby. in this episode are many clues what will be in next challenge very nice 🙂
    I hope this plan will fail. because than next episodes would be very interesting what going to happen. 🙂

  5. Jekotia

    Maybe it’s just me, but the higher-res version on the premier page plays episode 4, instead of episode 5.

  6. Eddy

    [quote comment=”13946″]Maybe it’s just me, but the higher-res version on the premier page plays episode 4, instead of episode 5.[/quote]

    Clear your browser cache for the win!

  7. Jekotia

    [quote comment=”13948″][quote comment=”13946″]Maybe it’s just me, but the higher-res version on the premier page plays episode 4, instead of episode 5.[/quote]

    Clear your browser cache for the win![/quote]

    Already did that 🙁

  8. steffilar

    I must say, I love TLW!! was it just my pc, or did it come a strange noice at 1.15 and 3.25 – 3.45?? any way, I love the show!! 😀 but 1 q: why was ep 4 and this one only 7 – 8 minutes long, when all before these 2 was arround 15 minutes??

    (Sry for my bad english grammar!!)

  9. MasterMind

    LeetWorld YEAH!, it just keeps getting better and better, i just want more and more and more LeetWorld i cant get enough!!. 😀

  10. steffilar

    ok, now that u mention it, I can’t remember 15 minutes:p sry! but still, TLW is the best show I wach these days;)

  11. th3n00bk1ll3rpartdeux


    and to think that Cortez thinks that ‘Trose’s dance is sexy…well…i dunno. 😛

  12. kendo

    I guess box has something to do with cheats Ahmad was using in previous episodes, because Ahmad liked to be in contact with box. O_o

    btw really awesome episode. I like the drama and I think next challenge will be very interesting to see.

  13. Love TLW

    “Let’s get the hell outta here”
    Lol ownage!
    I love’d it guys, keep up the good work.

    H4xz0rz (player)

    -Love TLW

  14. Steve0689

    Hey I have the leet world podcast, how can I get episodes 1-9 on my ipod? I Want all the episodes but they only have from 10 to 2.4 anyone know how I could get 1-9?

    Thanks 🙂

  15. Steve0689

    Eddy, I have looked around the site and I saw the podcast thing on top which have the same episodes as itunes has (missing 1-9). I also saw near the episodes under download where it has quicktime player and ipod buttons, when I click Ipod nothing happens, a white screen just comes up. I have itunes and quicktime player. Is that ipod button to the right of download supposed to download the movie to itunes in ipod format. What am I doing wrong?

  16. Eddy

    [quote comment=”13990″]I also saw near the episodes under download where it has quicktime player and ipod buttons, when I click Ipod nothing happens, a white screen just comes up. I have itunes and quicktime player. Is that ipod button to the right of download supposed to download the movie to itunes in ipod format. What am I doing wrong?[/quote]

    Right click and select “save as”.

  17. Caine

    Glad to see Season 2 starting to build some tension, but it still don’t hold a candle to TLW S:1 so far. Keep it up guys, can’t wait for teh Challenge!

  18. NicktheCT

    When is the iPod download comming out, love how you have the podcast downloads on iTunes for free… Would be nice to have the first bunch of episodes to!

    “Were like privet investigatores, investigating each others privets!!!”
    “Hey dudes,……. What the Fuck!!!!”

    Keep up the good work!

  19. cod king

    looks rushed.but great! i like that you guys are mixing up characters (leeroy and ahmad)p.s my first post!

  20. Eddy

    Yup. We started using them an episode or two ago. I’m working on a credits page that has the location of the assets we use for this season.

    I’ve got to be honest, some of you dudes are freaks. I don’t know how you spot that kind of stuff.

  21. Craig Commando 21

    hey eddy, i was watching the web series dudes and Ray’s phone went off and it started playing TLW theme song…ive been trying to find the ringtone everywhere but i cant seem to find it…would u guys happen to know what site i should look at ?

  22. Anonymous

    l0l h0stges?? Good idea for next challenge…especially since challenge is at the house@!!1

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