84 thoughts on “Stranger in the House

  1. ty103055

    3rd, i knew there were gona release it at 10 or 10:30 my time, and i was right! ( i think, mabey they did at 11 my time)

  2. Mr Leet

    Fourth! WOW ZOMG, i totally knew that was asher speaking in mendozas voice. Can’t wait for the new challenge – but the next episode is going to FREAKING RUUULE BRA!

  3. ty103055

    mr leet, you were 5th πŸ˜›

    and im soooo mad at youtube! D*mn them and their 10 min rules πŸ™ these vids are just too short! πŸ™

  4. DustEater

    Something about noobito. From 8th episode he has got a FAMAS not MP5. so it should be changed in intro πŸ˜‰

  5. Es3

    Wow.. amazing job, they just keep getting better. The amount of suspense you guys have put into 8 and 9 is absurd. It keeps me wanting more; so many more questions have formed now.. Why does asher want to kill cortez? Who is asher working for? it cant be mr. wolfe because he cut comm. with him and was being short with him. what is ahmad doing with the computer? what kind of info. is on that computer that ahmad wants to get? Gahh.. the anticipation is going to kill me until episode 10.. great job again

  6. sashkod

    WOW im so glad that its out πŸ™‚
    im not from your country but im a big fen of those series.Ive watched them 3 times and they keep on comming.I cant wait for the next one πŸ™‚


    Woah, I think I know what Asher, or the comrades are doing. It’s one of those “Gather ’em up” traps. And at a “Nuclear” plant, “Nuclear”. *hint, hint*

    I noticed how you dudes amplify Asher’s voice to a more mechanic voice. But didn’t see the voice changing trick coming. D:

    Well, anyway. Great episode as always.

  8. PlAY3R

    OMG! where did the nubito go?!

    is asher really gonna kill cortez?!

    or cortez will get to kill him first?!

    OMG!!! me so excited!!!

  9. Infamous

    I had a feeling it was Asher.. And now he is getting the Counter-Terrorists to go to the Nuclear Plant too. However…

    5 Humans (Cortez, Montrose, Ellis, Westheimer & Chet).
    1 Cyborg (Player).


    1 Other Cyborg (Asher).

    I think, the others will find out about Player, soon enough, as he might save them?

  10. sameertulshyan

    awesome episode guys, really, the effort you put into each second is evident. The story is really getting interesting, with just the right amount of confusion to compliment the suspense. feel sorry for player: obviously feels insecure about Chet reacting to him being a robot…

  11. PlaystationFreak

    Infamous said:

    “5 Humans (Cortez, Montrose, Ellis, Westheimer & Chet).”

    What about Ahmad?

  12. sashkod

    PlaystationFreak said:
    What about Ahmad?
    Ahmad isnt here.He went to get the things that the computer told him.

  13. DaNub

    ohhhhh nice and exciting !!! will cortez die??… omg cant wait…
    plzz dont let cortez die his the >bad_ass< over all bad asses…

    (sry for bad spelling?!…:) if i made a mistake!!?… )

  14. DaNub

    hehe…! but nice worke though and yes i think player wil grow into a transformor and blow the shit out of asher!!….:) …or not…!

  15. Infamous

    [quote comment=”15319″]Infamous said:

    “5 Humans (Cortez, Montrose, Ellis, Westheimer & Chet).”

    What about Ahmad?[/quote]

    I did not include Ahmad, as you should remember; he didn’t go with the Terrorists to the nuclear plant/de_nuke.

  16. Aessari

    So…so many questions…what, how will it look like in the end…what will happen…I need…I NEED MORE…MORE Leet World!

    ps. Awsome!

  17. duby

    Ok So I just figured something out today. Tell me if I’m right TLW guys. Ok Neunian presumably built Asher cause he is an android right? And the guy who made Player worked for Neunian, named Dr. Soong. Ok so Dr. Neunian Soong creates player……………………………………………………………… aka Data!

    Star Trek: TNG referance FTW! Or am I totally off my rocker?

    So Player= Data, and Asher= Lore?

  18. UnKnoWn PlaYeR

    Whoa wtf?? mendoza is alive??!?!? i’d say lerrory n mendoza will be in the next episode, so does the actual ocho murdoes. i think asher is actually good. but he’s being brain wash by the comrades. Coz whenever they appear to him, he like… system rebooted to obey them. @_@

  19. iwillbringdomination

    interesting episode.
    i dont suppose anyone noticed mendosa mentioning that the guy obscessed with domination lived in the season 1 finale? perhaps there is a relation between him and asher?

  20. marTy

    I think terrorist will be injurned or killed and noobito(Ahmad) will be the only terrorist on his legs …

  21. Spinal


    BTW awsome intro and definitly awsome episode
    and the ending really is a cliffhanger greatjob keep it up

  22. sskilla8

    when mendoza died and when the bald scientest shows up and talks of (possibly)a cyborg (fake mendoza) because he spoke of how advanced he was, so when whe ni heard his voice i was like holy sh!t lol only asher…

  23. Trogador

    The song at around 7:30 is the best song I have ever heard in relation to this show. You guys going to release the season 2 soundtrack, right?

  24. Stefanus Lie

    wow… that’s some deep sh*t going on in the house…
    Btw, this episode is really fast, too much information in one episode… You can make 2 episodes out of this… But still, nice job guys!

    I really like Ahmad the Lion Heart, he’s so brave to shoo Asher to that extent.. I think Ahmad will represent the Ts in the challenge and Asher for the CTs. I think Asher wants to “settle things” with Ahmad, that’s why he’s trying to trap these people together and lock them…
    I wonder what’s Ahmad up to… Even the Ts don’t know where’s he going…

  25. m4Ssakar

    Great Episode again,
    but did you ever thought about a the leet world audio book?
    I think it would be awsome and you could sell it.

    Keep your good work up!

  26. Storm


    I’m just guessing again, but I think that Andre is really Leeroy in disguise and reprogramming Asher, as a way of contacting Cortez. Can’t wait for the next episode! Keep up the great work.

  27. sgtpepper

    awesome dudes

    I had the most amazing feeling today. I totally forgot about TLW for about 2 weeks, and then today when i was bored and browsing the net, i remembered!!!

    And there too great me was this. Usually i am counting the days down but that kinda stops when your busy.

    Awesome stuff – have a good holiday

    p.s when will it be ready for iPod download? No pressure, just wondering

  28. UnKnoWn PlaYeR

    whoa, wth much! i posted a comment about wat i think is gonna happen next, and the admin remove it! it didnt contain anything offensive or such, just a guess wats coming up! I think IM RIGHT!!

    sorry guys, i tried posting many times but the admin keeps removing it

  29. Eddy

    [quote comment=”15379″]whoa, wth much! i posted a comment about wat i think is gonna happen next, and the admin remove it! it didnt contain anything offensive or such, just a guess wats coming up! I think IM RIGHT!!

    sorry guys, i tried posting many times but the admin keeps removing it[/quote]

    Nobody removed your comment, it just went into moderation because you posted like 3 times in a row. Post too much and WordPress automatically flags you.

  30. lol402

    LOL KNEW MENDOZA WAS ASHER. i got a feelin that ahmad is gonna build a super weapon

  31. Beast

    wOw i did not follow that 1 but AWSOME! the only thing im going to say Cortez buttttt Leroy can not be gone HE KNOWS about the produser and WILL let them know some how or another and take them down from the inside

  32. Anonymous

    WOW! NICE!!!
    A few things I think…

    1)Asher is setting up all the t’s and ct’s to get ambushed by Comrades but also wants to kill Cortez himself.

    2)T’s left Ahmad behing (which Asher/comrades didnt expect) so he’s gonna get Leeroy and they’re going to save everyone.

    3)Asher going to die. (By Cortez, Westy, Leeroy or Ahmad).

    I got really “in the zone” when I heard Mendoza’s voice, he so cool…:P

  33. Eddy

    [quote comment=”15392″]can you put up the downloads please?[/quote]

    Sorry, we had some technical difficulties with the downloads. They’re up now, except for the wmv. That’ll be tonight or tomorrow.

  34. Anonymous

    iwillbringdomination made a good point and it made me think…

    remember when the producer said “(the domination guy) he never got a chance to participate on the show…”, and when Mendoza said “Why was I not informed that the one who spoke of Dominaton lived on, I tought he was killed in battle?”. Well..Since Mendoza shot domintion guy a few times…he probly almost died but scientist worked on him to make him cyborg like. Now the producer programmed him for TLW and called him….Asher.

  35. ty103055

    If someone actually guesses it right, will you guys remove it or will you keep it up here?

  36. Rachinator

    No that’s wrong. Mendoza thought that he was killed in battle fighting Cortez in episode 8, when he escaped after regarding Cortez as superior to Mendoza. When captured by the Ocho Muertos, Mendoza killed him for his betrayal. Sorry the domination man is dead and buried. Shot in the face by Mendoza in Episode 13. And why would the domination man be wearing a full body suit and go to what Asher is wearing?

  37. Anonymous

    oh yeah you’re right rachinator… but he could’ve been a normal guy under that suit (super special ultimate suit) and then used CT equipment. But forget I said that. I’m dumb.

  38. Eddy

    [quote comment=”15402″]If someone actually guesses it right, will you guys remove it or will you keep it up here?[/quote]

    We’ve never removed anything that someone said because they were right about things in the past. In fact, I wish I could congratulate people when they have been. That being said, nobody’s ever fully hit it on the nose with theories and guesses. While people are sometimes right about somethings, they’re still wrong about a lot of important details and plot points.

  39. UnKnoWn PlaYeR

    no? but i press once.

    Anyway, i was saying, that in the next episode, cortez might actually die. leerory will then might come back n join the t as the t are short of one fella. It cant be that TWL would suddenly remove one of the most important characters like that. and the fact that asher has his own theme in the opening song might actually confirms my theory. So, dont be disappointed if cortez actually die. coz if u think of it, he should die coz it will reach to a real high climax which is good since this is the last season.

    Or, ahmad was happen to be in the nuclear plant scavenging for parts and so happen to meet them there n save cortez. I dont know what the ct will do once they reach there but the 1st person they are gonna confront should be montrose and then ellis. If cortez died, they should find cortez dead n asher missing.

    I was right about the fact that asher was some kind of robot and that the Comrades arent some sub characters.

  40. sashkod

    hey a friend asked me how much time takes you to make a episode?
    im just guessing but i thought that its 15 days.
    i dont know why but i think that its 15 days.
    am i rite?

  41. heavy2190

    Hiiii, this episode is the gate to the true warr, action, shooting, suspense and most importantly… DRINX πŸ˜€

  42. marTy

    Anonymous said:
    May 19th, 2009 on 5:03 pm

    iwillbringdomination made a good point and it made me think…

    remember when the producer said β€œ(the domination guy) he never got a chance to participate on the show…”, and when Mendoza said β€œWhy was I not informed that the one who spoke of Dominaton lived on, I tought he was killed in battle?”. Well..Since Mendoza shot domintion guy a few times…he probly almost died but scientist worked on him to make him cyborg like. Now the producer programmed him for TLW and called him….Asher.

    ][_,[()]][_, , Domination Guy was protect Cortez then why you think hes attacking to Cortez in Ashers body ???

  43. chris

    i doubt it, the domination guy was shot 3 times in the chest then shot in the head after he said mendoza’s name.
    that guy on the tv appeared to be one of the original t’s, the russian guys. this is getting better every episode >.>

  44. RRCM


    Another great episode. Looking forward to the next!

    Any chance of a WMV video file for this episode? Or for the second Leet World Xmas short and especially the “Know About It: Spring Break” short?


  45. sashkod

    why did ckicken cross street?
    pew pew pew i shot him πŸ˜€ πŸ˜€ πŸ˜€ πŸ˜€ πŸ˜€ πŸ˜€
    that killed me πŸ˜€ πŸ˜€ πŸ˜€

  46. Neroseth

    This asher is fucking creepy guy =/ In start of the next episode i see three possibilities :
    1)— I GIVE 50% FOR THAT Cortez will be f***ed up but still be alive.
    2)— the rest of Ocho Muertos will set a trap on the nuclear plant for T`s & CT`s which working together for the last ones.
    3)— Somehow Ahmad after upgrading computer will be able to get access into communication system to reach Leeroy & get news from him.

  47. Lopito

    OMZGG!!!! that was totaly asom! i knew it was Asher that son of a b1TcH! i love ur vids but i hate that leeroy had to go !! great vid

  48. sashkod

    i watch the episodes every day and i still love them πŸ™‚
    cant wait for the next one πŸ™‚

  49. NINJA375

    omfg i think leeroy and ahmad are gonna save them but….
    some1 is gonna die in that episode πŸ˜€

  50. sskilla8

    OMFG!!!! I was watching the first episode of the second season and now i know who andre is! he is one of the european comrade Terrorists! ‘oly sh!t eh?!!?!?!? i thought they were dead!!!!

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