Daddy Warbucks and Updates

Hola duders. If you’re here for Episode Four, scroll down, or check it out on our episodes page.

If you hadn’t noticed, we put up a donate button on the right hand side of the site for just that- handy donations. What would this money go to, you ask. Great question. A number of things, and none of them include lining our pockets with golden trinkets. Here are some of the things on our “wish list”, and any donations we receive would go towards any and all of these items:

1) Storage- if only you could store raw footage into some invisible, nebulous space with infinite capacity. Since the beginning of The Leet World, we’ve purchased much giga-bittage of hard drive, including external drives, massive internals, etc, and it’s just not enough.  If you’re curious, each episode, being filmed in HD after all, takes up close to 100+ gigs of raw footage.

2) Computers, aka “actors”. We can do the show right now with what we have pretty effectively, but it would be nice to add a couple of more computers to our “studios” for some of the larger scenes.  Right now, we have to be pretty creative.  You might say to yourself “well I’ll be an extra!”, but from our experience, that gets really complicated.  Especially when Daniel and Nick and I are arguing about a shot.  Or I’m being a jerk.  Etc.

3) Web server renewal. We’re going to be renewing our webspace and bandwidth fairly soon for the next year. It’s not free, unfortunately.

On a related note, you may have noticed that the site is running a little slowly since Episode Four’s release. It’s being worked on, and should hopefully be fixed shortly.

Anywho, all of those things are on our radar as far as things that we’re going to be putting our money on fairly soon.  We just thought we’d give you dudes, our awesome fans, a chance to participate in the show in a very cool way.  Like I said, the show can continue without donations, but they would certainly be awesome, and make our lives easier.  I figured I’d put up a little description of what specifically the donate button was for, rather than just saying we want some money.  It seems a little more personal to know where the money is going that way.

Episode Five is getting underway slowly, partially because we needed a break after Episode Four. Don’t worry, though, this episode will be fairly easy to do, and will return to true TLW form. Every time we have a challenge episode, expect the formula to be shaken up a little bit, and then we’ll return to the norm. We have some fun little storylines in store for this next mini-arc that we think will thrill some of you guys. Can’t wait to show you.

Thanks for watching, and keep spreading the word!  Please donate.

15 thoughts on “Daddy Warbucks and Updates

  1. Houck

    dude you might have heard this a million times, but I would if i could. seriously, I only get £30 a week from college. and it goes straight back to college with bus fairs, equipment, food and other stuff 😀
    anyway, keep up the good work 😀

  2. bRg_

    so, what will be for me , if i donate ? maybe donators will be published in CREDITS ? ^^
    so I wont argued if my name will be in CREDITS xD

  3. bRg_

    [quote comment=”556″]so, what will be for me , if i donate ? maybe donators will be published in CREDITS ? ^^
    so I wont argued if my name will be in CREDITS xD[/quote]

    sry about my english ;[

  4. JJ

    [quote]On a related note, you may have noticed that the site is running a little slowly since Episode Four’s release. It’s being worked on, and should hopefully be fixed shortly.[/quote]

    Our hosting provider claims to have corrected this issue as of today… the site is definitely running much better at the moment, but Nick and I will continue watching it closely…

  5. ricemoknkey

    there seems to be no problems so far on the site since yesterday
    how many episodes can we expect from tlw?

    keep up the great work!

  6. crazygamer0

    I would Donate but I cant decide whether to give my bioshock earned money on ebay or hack into my mom’s account and donate 50 bucks. Seriously i would donate.

  7. Houck

    [quote comment=”564″]I would Donate but I cant decide whether to give my bioshock earned money on ebay or hack into my mom’s account and donate 50 bucks. Seriously i would donate.[/quote]

    crazygamer, that will be the worst move of your life… seriously… also, I believe that goes under stolen money, which sorry to say, cannot be taken, if leet world knewn you stole it. so, next time just say, something like “i might donate if I can”…. geez, the more fans leet world get the more noobs they bring along.

  8. JJ

    [quote comment=”564″]I would Donate but I cant decide whether to give my bioshock earned money on ebay or hack into my mom’s account and donate 50 bucks. Seriously i would donate.[/quote]

    Yes, please please please don’t steal from your mother just to donate to us. It would definitely not be cool at all, and would cause more problems than you can imagine.

  9. crazygamer0

    Jeez guys, Chill, I wouldnt Hack into my Mom’s Account and Donate, That is Stealing, you guys are right, but i earned some money of ebay by selling Bioshock and donate that to leetworld. Btw If I Stole, I would go to jail and get beaten up, Crazy Out

  10. JJ

    [quote comment=”575″]its a shame its so hard to detect sarcasm on teh internetz. you guys are awesome.[/quote]

    Eh, i’m having a hard time reading it as sarcasm/a joke even now. Whatever. You crazy kids and your comments!

  11. Scott

    Did you try having Daniel and Nick turn tricks? They used to double-team business men on Harry Hines Blvd. in Dallas.

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