Road Trip!

This weekend was kind of awesome. After staying up until 3 AM to release Episode 13, Smooth Few Films grabbed a highway gear and trucked out of Houston on Friday at 9 AM, bound for Austin, land of the wonderful and weird.

Why were we going? Several weeks ago we received an invitation from none other than Rooster Teeth, the creators of Red vs Blue, to come up for a visit in Austin, where their studio is based. We happily obliged.

Once there, we were given a tour of their place, talked machinima, movies and gaming, grabbed some grub and knocked back a few cold ones. I have to say that Rooster Teeth’s reputation of being nice, super-cool guys is spot on, and they were great hosts. As a long time fan of their work, it was cool validation for me that what we’re doing here on this site is worth the late nights and long hours.

Smooth Few Films + RT

I am bound to the obligatory rule of the internet, “pics or it didn’t happen”. Even when that picture makes me, Nick and Daniel look horrendous.

Pictured: Nick, Eddy and Daniel from Smooth Few Films plus Matt, Burnie and Nathan from Rooster Teeth. Not pictured: Jeff, Eddy’s Dignity.

In other equally awesome news, my brother Kerry, who plays Leeroy, graduated college this weekend. Congrats dude.

43 thoughts on “Road Trip!

  1. Nuginator

    Congrats to your Brother Kerry
    I hope you’ll get onto making more Leet World stuff ASAP

  2. Kyreo

    HOLY CRAP…you guys are gettin checked out by ROOSTER FRIGGIN’ TEETH…you guys must be pumped. Watch out though they might spy on yer work and like sabotage it. Wait did they say anything about their upcoming episodes?? and Congrats Kerry…its good to have college behind ya…what are ya gonna do now? And seriously way to go on the atention from RT that seals it that yer somebody…

  3. R3450N

    hahaha you guys look wasted man, but you aint the only one blazin. Grats on your bros graduation, i graduate friday, YEA BITCHES! SON OF BICH!

  4. Mr. Munchlax

    I’ve been to Austin a few times before, usually just passing by on my way to San Antonio. Last time I was there My dad, my brother, and myself went and visited the capital building. When we left there were some 911 conspiracy theory protesters outside. Also I get out of school next week, but there will be no graduation for me. I’m only a sophmore.

  5. Eddy

    [quote comment=”5709″]You all look stoned lololololol…[/quote]

    Ha, if by stoned you mean exhausted, then sure. At this point in the day we’re running on empty.

  6. lolcat

    that is soooooo uber i love red vs blue and i love leetworld

    rooster teeth has accnolaged u that is worth a big round of applouse and it means that u should keep going like this


  7. Dudea

    Nice photo and u guys look totally dead in the photo…nice job Kerry on graduation…Kepp up great works … not hastling but wen u thnk next bio up SIK PFOTO

  8. franzcis066

    Can someone telll me which one is which? I dont know where is nick.. I he the one on the last? Can someone straighten this out?

  9. HAHA

    [quote comment=”5736″]Can someone telll me which one is which? I dont know where is nick.. I he the one on the last? Can someone straighten this out?[/quote]

    Nick is the that looked like Peter Jackson…..if u dont know him well then the one withe most beard…..LOLOL just jking nick…no hard feelings

  10. HAHA

    [quote comment=”5736″]Can someone telll me which one is which? I dont know where is nick.. I he the one on the last? Can someone straighten this out?[/quote]

    Nick is the one that looked like Peter Jackson…..if u dont know him well then the one with the most beard…..LOLOL just jking nick…no hard feelings / sorry I spelled wrong just now

  11. ThunderBird

    Could someone list who is who in the picture naming them off from left to right? That would help. 😛 I hope you guys had fun traveling to Austin, and made the most of it. Congratulations Kerry, I still got another year of High School to do! *Thumbs Down*

  12. Sylar

    Nice Photo!

    By the way Eddy, I saw House Season finale today after downloading. Man…It destroyed me as well. Im gonna miss Cutthroath Bitch D:

  13. thundercleese

    I like!

    Good to see you guys making it further in the market.

    Tough bitch to crack, been laughing since ep 5, good to see some recognition for dry humour that’s not derived from what’s on tv.

    Player rules!!!111!!11!

  14. Den UK

    was about to say you should lable whos who but you said 😛 and grats kerry btw , leeroy ftw

  15. duglife

    i see, hanging out with rooster teeth is cool, but RT and other Doug, and this dug does not get a phone call

    i hate you guys

  16. Johny Tishamino

    it dosen’t make you guys look horrendous. it just looks like nick and dan are shitfaced drunk…which was probibly the case. congrats kerry!!!!

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