Gears of Production

I’ve been playing Gears of War 2 like a madman all weekend. Seriously. I believe it is affecting my day-to-day interactions with those of hume kind. I am like a raving lunatic, curb stomping all in my path and demanding that random passersby get out of my way while I take mad cover. I’m a little into it. Maybe because I’m an absolute video game nut, but I guess you knew that.

If you have an XBox 360, I’d recommend getting it just for Horde mode, which is probably the crowning jewel of the title. Great stuff. I’ll be doing a review for GamerSushi sometime in the near future, so that’ll be fun.

Filming marches onward, and I wish I could show you some more, but we’re trying to guard Episode 1’s secrets like some ancient guild. You’ll see more soon enough.

In the meantime, a new episode of Web Zeroes is on the way this week. Should be up within a few days.Β  Happy Waiting. And if you haven’t bought the TLW Season One Soundtrack yet, something is wrong with you.

17 thoughts on “Gears of Production

  1. LotsofLuck

    Just bought the soundtrack. Thank you Smooth Few Films and Damn Dangerous for making such a kick-ass show!

  2. DPbg94

    Holy…and I was thinking that you guys were not doing anything lately…guess I’m a little jerk and an idiot to think that…how could I even doubt u guys youre the best….Cant wait for those eps hope no problems pop up unexpected…Keep up the great work and sorry for my doubts…Again you guys rule!!!!!:D

  3. BritishAreBest9312

    can’t wait for new episodes but I too can’t stop playing gears it is an amazing game. Horde is sooooooo coooool. take your time and enjoy the game to the full.

  4. Cortez

    :/ Yes somting is wrong whit me i cant get soundtrack
    becose my parents dont let me get a creditcard and they dont letme use ther creditcards πŸ™

  5. hl2lover14

    LOL WTF?! i must have forgotten or didn’t even know you guys were working on a new web zeroes ep. so yea that news surprised me a bit.

  6. 5aga-m4n

    This is definitely some good news. πŸ™‚

    Oh, and don’t worry,
    I’m totally still jammin’ to Let It Bleed, The Producer, Challenge Activated, etc…

  7. Maxxef

    me? something wrong? nawwww…
    the only reason i haven’t bought it is… well… i dont have a credit card… paypal be damned, will other methods of payment ever show up?

    [quote comment=”12332″]This is definitely some good news. πŸ™‚

    Oh, and don’t worry,
    I’m totally still jammin’ to Let It Bleed, The Producer, Challenge Activated, etc…[/quote]

    well said, saga man.

  8. Mr. Munchlax

    [quote]And if you haven’t bought the TLW Season One Soundtrack yet, something is wrong with you.[/quote]
    Or you spent all your money on Fallout 3 and haven’t been able to get anymore since. πŸ˜‰

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