Thanks for all of the feedback on Episode 1 of Web Zeroes. We’re looking forward to the release of Episode 2 on Wednesday. It’s hard to believe that we’ve already shot 7 of those things, and I’m writing the 8th for this upcoming weekend. The whole thing has been a crazy learning process for all of us at SFF, and hopefully you guys stick with us through it.
I was thinking the other day about The Leet World and doing a bit of reflecting on the Counter-Strike machinima that was, and I remembered some cool pieces of commentary that I’ve been wanting to share with you guys. Normally, this kind of stuff would come up in a podcast, but as we haven’t had any time to ourselves lately, I thought it’d be good to go ahead and post it.
Here are some lost TLW factoids for you to nom on.
- Player was originally going to be a girl. Yes, how very Spriggs (and Red vs Blue, come to think of it) of us. I’m not sure when the decision was made. Somewhere in the middle of making the first episode, we felt that if Player ever got a voice, the voice would have to be funnier than what he already was. We decided we could never top him as he has always existed in the show, so he stayed voiceless and male-ish.
- Asher’s original name was Jenkins. As many have surmised, Leeroy, the World of Battlelore player extraordinaire, was named after Leeroy Jenkins. As even more of a nod to the classic video, we were going to name Asher as “Jenkins”. We eventually changed this idea so that people wouldn’t start assuming that Leeroy and Asher were twins, seeing as how they shared the same model. Asher’s actual name is a reference to Ash, the android in Ripley Scott’s Alien.
- Westheimer was going to be Chet’s father. This is one that I’m still kind of sad we ditched. For whatever reason, we chunked it by the end of season 1, but Westheimer was intended to be Chet’s father. This adds even extra humor to Chet’s lamentation in Episode 5 about never knowing his father.
- Ahmad’s original murderer? The Producer. After Asher detonated (inside the warehouse instead of outside), the gang was going to leave the burning building behind, assuming Ahmad’s demise was inevitable. He is eventually found by the Producer and some Noonien soldiers. Ahmad reaches to the Producer for help and is shocked when Prod pulls out a silenced pistol, executing him amidst the rubble of de_nuke. The Producer simply walks away, ordering the soldiers to “Clean up this mess”. As awesome as this would have been, it was just a little bit too brutal and far less heroic for our lovable noob.
There are plenty more where those came from. Feel free to send in your questions about The Leet World, I’d love to give out more information like this. And come back on Wednesday for more Web Zeroes!
What was Mendoza going to say before being killed by Westhiemer in Episode 14 of Season 1
“Your friend the Producer is-”
I know its a small thing but I was always curious what he was going to say. Just wondering
LOL first post
Wow that would have been funny if player was a chick, its cool how there are so many different ideas for parts of the show
Cant wait to read more of the!
During season 1, I had this thought, “You know, it be pretty funny if Player turned out to be a girl.” And as the season went on, I started to suspect more and more that player would be a girl. I have to admit I was a little disappointed when I first found out he was a robot, but I eventually liked the idea. But I swear, I was telling a few people I know, “Player has to be a girl.”
Other than that, the rest of these seem like they would have been pretty cool ideas. Though I think it would have been cooler if Westheimer was Leeroy’s father, but that’s just my opinion.
I always thought there might of been a connection between Westheimer and Chet, maybe that’s why in E1S1 Westheimer calls Chet son – something that to my recollection he doesn’t do elsewhere? correct me if I am wrong fellow TLW fans
Player would have being a girl, to be honest, would have been really cheesy if the story went that way. Unless he was still a robot and like a Freelancer, like Tex (Red vs. Blue).
Westy being Chet’s father, that would’ve been sortta touching and very funny.
As for the Producer shooting the poor noobito, that would have been awesome and “24”-ish, as the season was very dramatic around that point anyways. Though the other way, where the cast go to see Ahmad, was also good.
(By the way, was Ahmad’s headbobbing while he was on the dying, in that episode, Garry’s Mod? Plus, how’d you get Leeroy’s computer’s voice?)
yeah can u tell us what Mendoza was gunna say? Rofl-target said it previously and now i wanna no!
I knew Leeroy had something to do with Leeroy Jenkins!
Anwyay, I always wanted to know who won the challenge in Episode 9 of Season one?
The Producer says,
“The winning place goes to….. Where’s Ahmad?”
Who Won!?
AWESOME! And lol at chopper, you weren’t first.
Thank god player wasn’t a girl. HE wouldn’t have been as awesome and loveable lol. And thank god for not naming Asher Jenkins. That woulda been….well…gay. Asher is pretty sick. And Jenkins wouldn’t have given him that dark sinister look.
If Chet was Westys son, it woulda been touching, but a little too much. Cortez has a brother, Player has brother, then a father. So Chet and Westy, IMO woulda been a lil much. But the Ahmad thing, THAT WOULDA BEEN EPIC AS HELL! But it wouldn’t have been as touching and sad as the way it did happen. I was shaking, almost cyring:P
Please release more and answer the questions about Mendoza’s last words and the winner of episode 9 if you can. Kthxbye.
i nvr comneted wen the 1st web zeroes came out, so this seems as good a time as any.
1. Lovin the new intro vid
2. good to see dianne has a bigger part(sorry not sure how to spell her name)
3.great seeing new jokes and old jokes remade
oh btw id say mendosa was gonna say about the producer being dead maybe
What happened to those russian guys? The ones that hacked Asher, or at least programmed him. Did they have anything to do with the producer or was he just there to kill LTW contestants?
Fascinating… really!
Whatever happened to you guys giving us the Outtakes? Those went the way of the dinosaurs, but I loved em, and I have every one on my Ipod.
Also, I SUPPOSE ontopic, I know you guys had to chop the balls off of the plot to wrap up the story for the finale, but can you summarize how TLW would have gone if you had gone through with the TLW Movie?
[quote comment=”17375″]Whatever happened to you guys giving us the Outtakes? Those went the way of the dinosaurs, but I loved em, and I have every one on my Ipod.
Also, I SUPPOSE ontopic, I know you guys had to chop the balls off of the plot to wrap up the story for the finale, but can you summarize how TLW would have gone if you had gone through with the TLW Movie?[/quote]
Ha, I love that phrase “chop the balls off the plot”. Nice. The outtakes, we just ran out of time if we wanted to get things done on a schedule. As to your other question, if it ever becomes absolutely certain that we can never re-visit some of these things, I’ll divulge that stuff then 🙂
As a fellow Houstonian, I have to ask..
Is Westheimer name after Westheimer Road?
Is Montrose named after the area where a ton of gay and rich people live?
I want to ask some thing to Eddy, are you dub any character on TLW? I see that Ray are dub for eillce, Nick dub for Chet(and he dose like”hangout with friends..”),but i can’t hear your voice are supporting any one in TLW ,right? And, is other guys dub for TLW in Webzeros? I really wanna see those guy like Westimer,Leroy,and the rest of the T, Webzero is gotta be way better with those guys…
Simon, a lot of your questions can be answered in our FAQ.
I do the voices of Westheimer, Montrose and Cortez. The other dudes (Leeroy and Ahmad) don’t really want to be on camera, so they probably won’t be showing up in Web Zeroes any time soon. Ty, the voice of Mendoza and Asher, is Bobby King from the Netflix ad, who will be making many more appearances in Web Zeroes. And not just in ads.
Actually, I suspected that Westheimer was Leroy’s father. Becouse Westy caried Leroy much then anyone else in his team.
[quote comment=”17363″]What was Mendoza going to say before being killed by Westhiemer in Episode 14 of Season 1
“Your friend the Producer is-”
I know its a small thing but I was always curious what he was going to say. Just wondering[/quote]
I was wondering it too, but when Leroy said that The Producer has dead for five years i guessed Mendoza tried to say something like “Your friend The Producer is dead, almost for four years.”.
There is something I still can’t understand. Ahmad said when they kidnapped Adam Sizzler, he had no idea about who is Ahmad. But Cortez said to Leroy that they kidnapped Adam and made him tell every thing about Nunion. How is that possible? What did you guys think about that? WHO THE F*** IS ADAM SIZZLER?
aahahaha i remember on like episode 3 i posted a comment where i was like, “You guys should do a filler episode where player finally gets a mic and it turns out he’s a girl.”
What program did you use to make Leeroy’s computer’s voice?
Since you didn’t make Westheimer Chet’s father,is that the reason why you guys made the kid with Chet’s voice and the father with Westheimer’s voice in the small ep. bag boy Just for fun, is it 😕