On Dragons

dragonSince we like you guys, we thought we’d bring you a shiny new episode. This one has dragons in it. Well, sort of. Episode 5 of Web Zeroes, Dungeons and Date Night, sees Nate, Alex and Ray trying to play a game of D&D on the same night that Alex and Diane are supposed to have a romantic evening together. As you can imagine, these two things do not mix well. Also, JJ makes an appearance in this episode as Max.

Like I said last time, this is one of the two episodes we knocked out on that big weekend that Jace and JJ came for a visit, bestowing upon us their awesomeness. It was much appreciated. Also appreciated were the responses to the last episode.

Episodic shows always take a bit of time to get rolling, and this show is no different. We were like a machine on the production of Leet World, and it took us nearly half a season to get there. This is a different animal entirely, and we like the steps we’re making. Some day, she will be fully tamed. At least, we hope. She might just trample us under her burly hooves.

But before that happens, hit the jump and watch Episode 5 of Web Zeroes!

To download the episode or see higher res versions, head over to Revision3, or subscribe to Web Zeroes on iTunes. If youโ€™re having problems playing the video, update your flash, or go to YouTube.

Thanks in advance for the feedback on this episode, we really do appreciate each view. I’m aiming to get some new TLW factoids up this weekend, based on the questions you guys asked last time. Looking forward to some of the new info.

Also, I’m probably going to spend the rest of my night reading Wheel of Time and playing Dragon Age: Origins. Yes, you should be jealous of my absolute nerdiness.

21 thoughts on “On Dragons

  1. moorsey

    LOVING all of the new Web Zeroes guys, glad you found something that works well for you guys. Hope this takes off and leads to more amazing things.

    Not watched this yet, just buffering it for later!

  2. anton1r

    Once again guys great job with the episode. Not really sure I get where the series as a whole is going but I do know by the time the episode finished I had a big grin on my face! keep up the good work!

  3. - Anonymous -

    Yay first! I think… CANT WAIT TO WATCH!
    And cant wait for TLW factoids, hope you answered my question ๐Ÿ˜›

  4. Kuilui

    Best episode yet I would say. The ending was unexpected yet awesome. The line at the dinner table about the old lady was hilarious and a few other parts killed me but I don’t want to ramble. Seems like your definitely getting into your groove even more so with the show. Looking forward to next weeks episode.

  5. koach2

    i just have to say….. LOL
    jaja el mejor episodio de web zeroes que vi en toda mi vida… sigan asi gente que van mejor que xanatos….. mucho mejor que xanatos… se nota que aora esta re pajero….

  6. Thetaman

    Stellar, keep up the great work.
    Most of the things that bothered me about this in episode one are handled, and you sirs have a good show on your hands ๐Ÿ˜€

  7. Nero

    Great Episode guys (not just saying that cuz i get to see the beard in action) Ty even in small comercials is a great actor he deserves a movie deal or something (as long as his character doesnt get killed of again ahem MendozaAsher)

  8. WasteOfSpace

    is it just me or are Diane’s teeth very intoxicating? like i dont know what it is, but i cant stop staring at them… and no its not a fetish.

    btw keep up the good work brah’s

  9. Zeekar

    Maybe you got that promotion you’ve been asking for! (you’re fired). Lol!

    Best episode ever. The humor and pacing was top notch in this one; Moreso than usual.

    Did you make the product placement more unobtrusive? I didn’t notice the obligatory “second advertisement” if there was one. All I saw was the Bobby King thing.

    Speaking of which, who the heck is Bobby King? It sounds familiar, but I could just be thinking of Rodney King…

  10. Xetrem190

    Good effort guys. I dont know whats wrong with the people from Revision3. But I think you guys are doing a good job. But just remember from common sense, a show will always have people who will like it and people who dont. Just remember, if people say they dont like it you can easily say “Why are you watching this then, genious?”.

    In short words. Keep it up.

  11. The Amazing Chris

    Hey guys. Funny as always. =)

    I just wanted to make… a request of sorts. I mean, this show is primarily you guys talking, and so I keep the volume pretty loud, and I don’t know if you really know how LOUD those middle bits are in comparison to your actual voices. Just saying. Keep up the good work!

  12. The Amazing Chris

    Sorry, I just realized “those middle bits” isn’t a clear wording. I mean the instrumental sections that you use to segue between scenes. They’re kinda loud.

    Sorry for the ambiguity. Keep up the good work!

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