The Turkey Day Short

thanksgivingWell, it’s Wednesday, and even though it’s Thanksgiving week for us, we still brought you some good old Web Zeroes content in the form of Episode 8, Happy Pottermas. I say old because many of you dudes have already seen it as part of the original run of Web Zeroes from the ancient days of 2008.

Because of the way Revision3’s release system works, however, we had to refer to this short as Episode 8, but it’s not a true episode in that sense. Either way, I hope you guys find some good humor in it, even though you’ve seen it. If nothing else, you can marvel at Nick’s short mane.

For now, hit the jump to see the video!

Feel free to comment when you’re done. We wish you dudes a happy turkey day, and be safe over the holiday weekend!

6 thoughts on “The Turkey Day Short

  1. Kuilui

    heh L4D2 beta came out. So true, so true. Anyway yea I remember this one from last year, still great though.

  2. jsoobob

    awesome just totally awesome. walked home from school in the rain today then found this on my browser home page. totally made my day.

  3. - Anonymous -

    wow not much action lately. Think I’m gonna cut down to checking every 2 days for something new about tlw rather than every day (sometimes 2 or 3 times)…but regarding the short, kinda disappointed that you made it an acutal episode. But other than that it was funny 😀

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