Heroes of Time

TriforceIt’s quest time, fools. We now present Episode 21 of Web Zeroes, Triforcers. In it, the guys are trying to assemble Amy, Bobby King, and the Hobo, or the three pieces of the Triforce, in order to fulfill their contracts with Revision3.

I’m very proud of this episode, and think it easily ranks among some of our funniest work. Really, the opening teaser is maybe the most accurate portrayal of me, Nick and Daniel’s friendship that’s been on screen yet. Similar conversations happen almost daily. As always, Jace kind of dominated the music stuff, and deserves muchos applausos. That means lots of clapping, for our non-Spanish speaking friends.

Hopefully you guys agree with me, and enjoy all of the Legend of Zelda references. Hit the jump to see the episode, dudes.

To download the episode, visit Revision3.

In other news, Daniel Nick and Jace had a small Web Zeroes meet-up in L.A., and I posted a brief excerpt of the story I’m writing. Check both of those things out when you’re done with the episode.


7 thoughts on “Heroes of Time

  1. Arctic Avenger

    Guys, great episode. I got no way of telling you, just how much I laught when Bobby got grabbed by Eddy. ๐Ÿ˜€

  2. Simon

    and i belive u guys can do more than this! keep it up!!!

    also iwanna see Ben….T_T

  3. theodoh

    Great episode guys, it’s much apreciated. I must agree this is one of the best episodes.

  4. - Anonymous -

    its been a while since ive commented because for some reason i cant comment on my computer…it doesnt work. So here it is…

    LOVD TEH EP!!1 Its one of my fav…prolly. Ive been loving the entire season so far. All of it is going great.

    Also thx 4 tellin about the css thing. Sounds interesting. Prolly get it.
    AND…LMFAO at the css death that cant be true…can it….is it…HALP!

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