Workin’ for the Weekend

Everybody’s doing it. Well, specifically, Nick and I are doing it.

Unfortunately, with Daniel gone, part 3 of the Finale is taking longer than it was originally going to, meaning that it’s going to get pushed to next week. With the three-day weekend because of Will Smith Day (some would call it Independence Day), we really want to take advantage of that extra time and make sure that this final video of the Season is the way that it should be. Anytime sooner and it just wouldn’t be up to par.

Believe me, if anyone is disappointed, it’s us, because we were gunning to get all three parts up when we said we would. However, all of that was said before we went down a man, and as Chet would say, shit’s changed. Sorry dudes. But know that the finale will be better for it.

For you fellow Americans, don’t get too crazy tomorrow and blow off any of your fingers.

86 thoughts on “Workin’ for the Weekend

  1. GunshyPigeon

    hey guys,

    you should take all the time you need,
    this finale is gonna be awesome, and if you rush it out too fast it just wont be like you,
    its more like you to care about it and release an amazing and fully finished and developed episode!
    so take your time!

    and as a guy from England I say boo to your 4th July!!(j/k) we used to own you, but now you own us! lol
    and all that tea you wasted out in boston! how dare you all!!! I love my tea

    p.s. go westheimer!!!!!

  2. Conor

    Sorry to hear this guys, but it will be awesome, I can smell the baddassery of the episode already, although I cannot see it. ๐Ÿ™‚
    Can’t wait, but atleast you CARE for us <3
    Much love

  3. TheDoctor

    Dude take your time man, as long it came out like awesome brow then we or me is like all cool!

    P.S. Go Chet brow! dXD

  4. Cheezville

    oMg i7 r =,(

    g0 w3s7y!!!

    Oh if the Ocho muertos win, i think I may piss on a grave and kick a dog named eddy. Just out of spite.

  5. Poison Angel

    No rushes SFF, you have our suppourt anyways for taking so much time into this project.

    But please enjoy your summer, and dont think about “What are we going to do with Season 2?”

  6. Murph

    Take as long as you want! please no cliff hangers =P

    nah really im sure it will be a leet and epic ending! keep up the hard work

  7. aussie pride

    im a aussie most of the time we cant wait

    but like the others add take ya time mate it

    is going to be a blast of a ep

  8. Torgo

    Nappa: Vegeta, what does the scouter say about the ending parts of the season finally?

    Vegeta: ITS OVER 9,000!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    hey mad props to you guys, take your time, no rushes. I got to say that I got hooked unto leet world with the first episode.From all the podcasts, and little outtakes, you guys put your blood, sweat and tears into this project………well maybe not blood……………..or did you >.>, anyways looking froward to the ending of season one. And if you even ended Leet World with only one season, it would still prove that your creative ideas also took roll in machinima history, matching the wit of RVB, and The closeness to Lit Fuse cinematography.
    So guys again take time, and plenty of, we know the ending is going to be epic, like master chief teams up with samus, or Indiana Jones and the Doom of Crystal Lake, we can wait………or can we *drives by Nick’s house*

  9. The13thRonin

    So how long are we talking? I’m an Australian so I’m not sure what you mean by ‘next week’. Is it like three to four days away or are we looking at eight to nine?

  10. The13thRonin

    How many more days until it is released? I’m not sure what you mean by next week (I’m an international viewer).

  11. Gforce

    For you fellow Americans, donโ€™t get too crazy tomorrow and blow off any of your fingers.

    But, thats the fun part! i like explosions, they make me feel warm on the inside. Now then give into our demands for an awesome finale or i’ll destroy your computers and steam accounts! mwhahaha!

  12. `*~-_-~*`

    [quote comment=”8192″]How many more days until it is released? I’m not sure what you mean by next week (I’m an international viewer).[/quote]

    1 week = 7 days.

    And take your time guys with making Part 3.

  13. Nexolate

    I think it’s obvious that we’re all really excited for the final part, and that we all would of really liked to have seen it out this week. But it’s as you said, shit changed. I think we can all wait another week for this awesomeness.


    Dude, don’t worry. we can wait, If I can wait so does the people around the world can…..I think so…….its just another week……its not like a year……….Im from Malaysia anyway……and if those who said “WTF!!! I DUN WAN TO WAIT MORE I WAN PLAYER!!!” quit bitching……..they are trying their best so chill…. GD LUCK GUYS and hope u guys have a great summer…….well i dont ofcourse its always raining here….

  15. I

    Take your time, right now i am redownloading everything because i wiped my hard drive. So take your time.

    I can’t wait until next season, it will be great! at least you can take a REAL holiday then. Have a great day!

  16. Eddy

    [quote comment=”8191″]So how long are we talking? I’m an Australian so I’m not sure what you mean by ‘next week’. Is it like three to four days away or are we looking at eight to nine?[/quote]

    Sometime between next Monday and next Friday. Hopefully closer to Monday.

  17. Crisdorya

    I will be epic and it will burn the servers when it will be released!
    Take your time! Just make it the best!

    BTW Happy Independence Day! ๐Ÿ™‚

    P.S. We are not disappointed! We understand what the situation is and real fans of The Leet World would be patient and not disappointed!

    P.S.S SORRY IF MY ENGLISH SUCKS!!!!!!! I am not fro US, GB or other English talking country!

  18. cortez

    i dont care about the time at all i would wait like 2-3 years beacuse i know thath cortez is on thath episode!

  19. Kill Nugget!

    guys u did so much for us over the year u realesed all the episodes as early as possible you made them so epic i cant believe it and you really keep us informed this is the ABSOLUTE LEAST we can do to repay you take as long as u need hell take 10 years if you want i will wait and if anyone is true to the leet world they will wait also you guys rock.

  20. Naoko

    Well, don’t worry so much about how long it’ll take. I suggest you worry about how awesome it’s gonna be in the end! Please, we fans have been unintentionally pressuring you to get the job done on time and since it’s the finale, I REALLY REALLY think you should take your time on this. I’m sure we’ll still be fans of yours even after an entire year of waiting for this ๐Ÿ™‚

  21. the_lunch_club


    OMG MY FINGER!!!!!!

    it sucks that it won’t be up sooner, but if waiting means better picture quality and epicness, go ahead, take your time, have fun.

    just don’t keep us waiting for too long…

  22. Daf


    Before I get flamed to death, I’m joking ๐Ÿ™‚

    <3 LW and tis right, take all the time you need, can’t wait – and the best of luck with production ๐Ÿ˜€

  23. xXx TehKiller

    I saw cortez on a bhop server yesterday ^^ well at least he was named cortez and said to be cortez ^^

    You guys should have a contest to win a meet & greet(over msn or sth) with your favorite leet world dude ๐Ÿ˜€

  24. Colt


    Player will get his hat wont he ๐Ÿ™

  25. Mkilbride

    You guys rule. A friend said he watched this and liked it, I was skeptical, but I’m a total fan now, I even plan to wait for the final episode, download it in HD, burn all of them to a DVD and show some of my friends. “Leet World: Season 1” lol.

    Also, Player and Chet must stay, if they are taken off the show, I will riot. I will f**king kill you.(Lol, I just love the way Chet says “F**king chill!” Player the ferret…ah, good stuff. All the others I’d miss, but those two are the real stars.

  26. xXGriffXx

    [quote comment=”8217″][quote comment=”8215″]thats just gay!!!!!!!![/quote]

    Who let this guy in the pool?[/quote]

    Lol… Pool…

  27. ClanFever

    [quote comment=”8244″][quote comment=”8217″][quote comment=”8215″]thats just gay!!!!!!!![/quote]

    Who let this guy in the pool?[/quote]

    Lol… Pool…[/quote]


  28. Trogador

    Next week? Oh well. Another week means the finale will rock even more! Take all the time you need, guys! ๐Ÿ™‚

  29. xXGriffXx

    [quote comment=”8263″]Next week? Oh well. Another week means the finale will rock even more! Take all the time you need, guys! :)[/quote]

    That’s my logic right there.

  30. Nuginator

    [quote comment=”8191″]So how long are we talking? I’m an Australian so I’m not sure what you mean by ‘next week’. Is it like three to four days away or are we looking at eight to nine?[/quote]

    Well Houston is roughly 17 Hours behind us I am an Australian too

    P.S Have you got any thought of making a GTA 4 Short

  31. me

    don’t worry bout it guys. take your time and make it as good as it can be. can’t wait! ๐Ÿ™‚

  32. chess

    Im not disappointed at all, as long as we getting it, Im happy. ๐Ÿ˜‰

    Ppl stop spamming “AWWWW”, you guys not helping.

  33. Devil 5pawn

    [quote comment=”8215″]thats just gay!!!!!!!![/quote]

    Dude the only thing you succeded in doing was failing

    And SFF you guys are epic take as long as you need with this ep u guys are the growing superstars in the Machinma world keep it up

  34. 5AGA-M4N

    [quote comment=”8217″][quote comment=”8215″]thats just gay!!!!!!!![/quote]

    Who let this guy in the pool?[/quote]
    The gay lifegaurd?

  35. JJ

    [quote comment=”8274″][quote comment=”8217″][quote comment=”8215″]thats just gay!!!!!!!![/quote]

    Who let this guy in the pool?[/quote]
    The gay lifegaurd?[/quote]

    Not helping.

  36. ClanFever

    [quote comment=”8277″][quote comment=”8274″][quote comment=”8217″][quote comment=”8215″]thats just gay!!!!!!!![/quote]

    Who let this guy in the pool?[/quote]
    The gay lifegaurd?[/quote]

    Not helping.[/quote]

    My boyfriend likes gay people.

  37. Sir_Sushi

    I can’t wait.
    I don’t know what to say here.
    Well i can wait just playing guild wars checking the site often.
    I wish i could help.

  38. Ryoken

    When the video is releasing longer, the episode gets better…i think…
    Just take all the time u need…like every1 sayz ๐Ÿ™‚

  39. Gost.730

    dont worry i didnt blow any fingers of…but i did get in trouble with the cops last nite…..

  40. Fred

    you guys should like, take pictures of the equipment/room that you guys use to record TLW. I mean… i know you guys record in a closet… or something.

  41. me

    [quote comment=”8283″][quote comment=”8277″][quote comment=”8274″][quote comment=”8217″][quote comment=”8215″]thats just gay!!!!!!!![/quote]

    Who let this guy in the pool?[/quote]
    The gay lifegaurd?[/quote]

    Not helping.[/quote]

    My boyfriend likes gay people.[/quote]
    that’s absolutely fantastic

  42. Stefan

    Us serbs…dont really like independance day cuz it useless(excuse for ppl to get drunk) and + i live in canada. But the LEETWORLD ROCKS….how long till next part im dieing like hell

  43. franzcis066

    [quote comment=”8283″][quote comment=”8277″][quote comment=”8274″][quote comment=”8217″][quote comment=”8215″]thats just gay!!!!!!!![/quote]

    Who let this guy in the pool?[/quote]
    The gay lifegaurd?[/quote]

    Not helping.[/quote]

    My boyfriend likes gay people.[/quote]
    OMG and I thought you are a lil boy…

    Just checked on fpsbanana and saw the pictures of your airsoft gun..
    I think you’re a kid ^^..
    nevertheless eww..

  44. ihha1

    1 1 1 1 ….. ยตR (00ยฃ!!!!
    74|{3 7|-|3 71|\/|3 4|\|ร |\/|4|{3 17 4 (00ยฃ ฦ’1|\|4ยฃ3! B19 ฦ’4|\||\|!

  45. AlienFromHell

    Everybodyโ€™s doing it. Well, specifically, Nick and I are doing it.

    hmm? thats wrong…. Nick and I are doing it.
    are doing it.
    doing it.
    oing it.
    ng it.

  46. Aaox

    Like EVERYONE is saying, you guys shouldn’t feel pressured to release this thing. I think I speak for all of us when I say take the time to give this thing the finale it deserves! Oh, and that was MY ancestors tea. Your ancestors ROOND all that tea. Why? TEA IS YOUR… Sorry. Getting a little… Steryotypical… there. Heh. I’ma go now.

  47. greenbolt

    im rom england and i hate tea and also i have a fraind how satd i hate all americans so i pushed him down some stairs but still that hasent got any this to do anything but i like posting lol timez t0 upg2adez my bl0gz

  48. Andrew

    How long is the EP gonna be? If its super long, that’ll be awesome. Given plenty of time for the challenge and the challenge at the house. And that bomb in the death room!

    Im happy that Player saved ahmad though, that was nice. I guess he listened to chet lawl

  49. AlphaHawk

    [quote comment=”8217″][quote comment=”8215″]thats just gay!!!!!!!![/quote]

    Who let this guy in the pool?[/quote]

    You guys need to hire lifeguards too apparently -.-

  50. Scott of Warren, MI

    That’s OK, take your time, we all understand.

    Lazy assholes… (just kiddin’)

    Leetworld will be remembered and loved just like

  51. Christopher from SWAT aka Captain Christopher

    I wonder if there will be…cake.^^ It’s okay just try to take your time. I am barely waiting for PART 3!

    I started to like Leet World. Make more excitement!^^

    Hey the thing is, everyone will be kicked off because nobody wins.

    Cardinal Terrorists, you are not really a best squad terrorist I see. I think you are best in the past!lol

    Just…DO PART 3!Okay who ever make this shit, just complain, if can’t, just create it quietly make sure no Leet World member knows.

  52. ship_killer6666


    oterwise I will kill your family, then I will split your nuts in 2. and ask Mendosa to beat the tar ou of you after I did it myself

  53. Trogador

    [quote comment=”8384″]and ask Mendosa to beat the tar ou of you after I did it myself[/quote]
    Crap, you said his name. You’re screwed…

  54. xXGriffXx

    [quote comment=”8382″]I cut myself..just to watch the next episode.[/quote]

    I’ll kill a man. (and maybe a puppy)

  55. GainesWorthy

    You guys are dicks to the Smooth Few Film guys. They are doing this for fun do not rush them. Be thankful that we are blessed with such a fantastic series. AND STOP SAYING “ZOMGZ HURRY UP” If you want to be a good fan and have them make quality work then just shut up!

  56. Alman92

    [quote comment=”8425″]That’s what GainesWorthy was telling us, stop rushing them please.[/quote]
    I wasn’t trying to rush them. I was just curious if they were still annoucing them. In retrospect, I probebly could’ve worded it a little better.

  57. Adaminator1

    how long do you think it’ll take for you to release the season finale? Because if its in two days, perfect timing for my sixteenth B-Day ๐Ÿ˜€

  58. P3RLM4NN

    [quote comment=”8302″][quote comment=”8283″][quote comment=”8277″][quote comment=”8274″][quote comment=”8217″][quote comment=”8215″]thats just gay!!!!!!!![/quote]

    Who let this guy in the pool?[/quote]
    The gay lifegaurd?[/quote]

    Not helping.[/quote]

    My boyfriend likes gay people.[/quote]
    that’s absolutely fantastic[/quote]

  59. Cr4zyF4n

    SFF Take all the time you need.
    The final part of the SEASON FINALE should be the best one there is and the longest one though.GO GO GO ! ๐Ÿ™‚

  60. Shoe

    All the time you need guys! No hurry..

    Hugs from one of your brazillian fanยดs

    TY for the laffs!



  61. kULP

    Well ive seen all the episodes so far….amazing bro-s:D
    And sad to see episode one is ending….well can’t wait for second…tho i think it will take a long time….well because…it’s kinda a free time project you guys doing…i hope you bring there more awesome! humor:D

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