Tag Archives: the bag boy

Battle Shots

The holidays are almost over, and I am saddened that I will lose much gaming time. Been playing Prince of Persia, Fable II, The Force Unleashed, etc. But alas, the real world beckons yet again.

A bit ago, I mentioned the Streamys, which are still accepting votes/nominations. Feel free to submit Web Zeroes for the comedic categories, if you feel inclined to do so. Also, Hawty McBloggy is running a contest called the “Best of Halo Awards” for notable Halo machinima from the past year, and Bag Boy has been nominated! There are some other greats on the list as well, so browse, watch and vote to your liking.

I think it’s about time you saw the first glimpse of Episode 3 of Season 2 of The Leet World. In true Counter-Strike:Source fashion, our dudes are battling it out in Inferno. We worked hard this weekend filming, and I’m excited about the results. Here are some screenies:

tlw203_screen1 tlw203_screen2 tlw203_screen3


Halo 3: The Bag Boy

To squat or not to squat? A father catches his son in the act of a questionable post-battle celebration. Is decency a thing of the past? This is a short produced and captured at 720p using the Halo engine. If you’ve ever been the victim of the infamous “Teabag” on XBox Live, then you might identify with this family’s dilemma.

Remember, every Digg counts. Click here to Digg it!

There are other versions available for your perusal:

640 x 360 Mpeg4
HD Mpeg 4
640 x 360 WMV

Also, this isn’t the place for Episode Ten discussion- as we’ve stated in a previous post, it’s coming this week.
