A close look at the first screenshots from Episode Eleven will more than likely reveal the location of the next challenge. Thought you guys might like the answer to that particular question. We’ve been excited about this episode for awhile, and we really think you guys will have fun with it. From our website statistics, it’s apparent that Episodes 4 and 8 are the most viewed, and we’re guessing it’s because of all the shooting and explosions. Rest assured, you will have plenty of those in our next installment.
Screenshots are below.
Video game news from the webz: LitFuse Films releases their new short, Valve shows off Left 4 Dead, the April Fools “Lego Halo” game, Team Fortress 2 is updated, and the coolest website ever- a list of the top 100 NES games– click on one and you can play it in your browser!
cs_militia, much?
lol, train.
So pro! I didn’t guess it.
I’m scared; all I had to do was look at the toilets and i knew which map it was 🙁
swwet cant wait for the chalenges…I want to see how awesome Ahmad is now
That’s what I’m talking about!
OMG!!!! MONTROSE HAVE THE BOMB WHAT WILL HAPPEN NEXT!!?cant wait for episode 11…….though it be really cool if got some zombies…
m0NTr0S3 h4V3 TEH b0MB Y3Ah!!!111! AhMAd th!S StUPId H4xX0R!1!1!!
Can’t wait. You’re the masters. 😀
OhMy. . Train ftw?
I’m lovin’ LeetWorld. =]
Dust2Dust is one of my Faves.
Although I think I’ma find that all the challenges are my Faves. =p
Train baby!
Wouldn’t it be funny if one of the leet world challenges took them to zombie mod? 😛
Or gun game. 😀
BTW: I wanna hear a character with the voice used for the C-Cube. I thought that voice was halarios!
cant wait for it 🙂
oo ahmad got a bad map for his spdhack.
Lol, I dont like ZM myself, but it’d be hilarious to see LeetWorld take on a ZombieArmada.
OMG!!! you know what would be sweet, a hide nd seek episode!! idk if yall have played that mod but its deff SWEET!!!
I think 10 was fun to keep watching. NUB NOT NOOB NO MORE NOOB FAST.
lollllll it would be funny if ahmad used the speed hack and hit the train…
ahmad a noob i can kill him with my awp with a flick shot
awweeeeesome de_train @___@
It’s good to see TLW getting some well-deserved publicity! But, don’t forget about those of us who downloaded the series. I watch at least one episode every day, and the out-takes…well, I got a Playlist. At the end of a boring-ass day at school/work it’s always a pleasure to dull-down and relax. Keep it up guys, yer really ripping it up. 😀
it will be intresting hov AHMAD will run into the walls :D:D
tRAIn!!!!!! epic lulz w/ ahmad’s hax… n’ of you get it? he will fail even more when the trains is in his way. he’ll be a big n00b anyways 😀 but i luv him <33 x)
Can’t wait!
huzzah another chalenge! ep.4 was d best so i cnt w8 4 dis one
I like the fact that people think that Ahmad will “fail”. I would agree with them, but… you never know what the boys at S.F.F. have planned. XD
Love the show guys. 🙂
eyy its de_train isn’t it??
I agree with idiotic:
“ahmad used the speed hack and hit the train”
It would be really funny if in the last round his “powers” kill him in some ridiculous way.
Hehe, like, he runs too fast and can’t stop before a fire.
This will be awesome, i hope player gets his revenge on the sneaky bastard.
Sweet, can’t wait for next episode. I love the challenge episodes!
I can predict someone falling off that one particular edge, that usually awpers camp on :))
a lot of camping under the trains?
train isn’t one of my fav maps but i’m sure this episode will be good 🙂
you got quite a bit to work with when you change maps.. “clean canvas”
when is it gonna be released
Love the show. sateyd up till 1 last night watching them all. and i ended up rofl so everyonewoke up lol. would u maybe be able to give us a rough date on ep 11? PLAYER FTW
P.S i think terrorists will win cus armahd’s hax but then get disqaulified meaning ct win? ne other ideas?
I want next part (and iam from Czech repablick in Europe (its mean the Leet World is popular)
i hope he auto-shotties ahmad in teh facezor