Det. Dawson, Case File No. 14113
This was pulled from the entertainment page of this morning’s edition of “The Daily Source”. Filed to archives.
After personally reviewing the surveillance tape submitted by Mr. Wolfe, it confirms that Westheimer was indeed at the TLW house as specified in the report. I thought it seemed too easy. Mugshot filed to archives as well:
Fuck yes. First. Hi fives.
As I suspected, Westy’s got something to do with this whole thing ๐
Who knows, maybe the evidence Wolfe provided was forged? Maybe Westheimer is the guilty one after all? Geepers, so many questions…
LEAVE WESTY ALONE!! Thank god he didn’t do it…?
The toilet… I refuse to let it go.
So the unknown fingerprints in the apartment matched Westy’s? Hired hitter for the producer? Star trying to be framed? Or propaganda for the show?
by the way…GEEPERS!
I call shenanigans
This is the producer like in Episode 9 he said he owns wolfe company his last name is Wolfe! That dirty turd! Cortez is better tho!
So westy’s gun gets stolen and used to remove Sizzler… but its not him. Though i cant imagine him doing the promoting stuff?
This has got to be something to do with the “test subject” mentioned at the end of the last season, who i firmly believe is Player… so was it him being used to remove sizzler?
But why link it back to TLW at all though even if it was?
My guess is sizzler is still alive and was taken for the Producer because he knows… something and was brought in by the test subject.
Its probably totally wrong though! good work SFF! (thought you guys were taking a break? :P)
Maxwell Wolfe!
Epic guys. Truely
Great job CSI: “Source”! Hew… What a relief…
Hey, wait a minuet… this looks strange… Westy DOESN’T sound like Westy… am I wrong?
way to sell out, westy.
i’m truly disappointed in you
Westy needs to sell out. He has not father or money all his life due to his mother ๐
Westy advertising?
OMG, what have you done?!
Next thing we know, we’ll se Cortez riding a horse dressed in black, like “The Zorro”
damn whats wrong in the leet world? first sizzler has a crappy ass apartment, then westy is put in a jail that he almost can’t fit in. Did anyone else notice how narrow it was?? Give the guy a real cell at least… and how can westy not look like westy, its just the plain ct. I think westy has something to do with it somehow though, westy and the producer never got along that well during the show. So who knows maybe it was cortez, westy, producer, and everyone else. And the government is in on it. So is the press. And the cuban doctors. And the err… other super cool guys. And the workers at area 51. So who wants sizzler you ask?? The aliens, they demanded him or the world would be blown up. MMMhmm only reasonable explanation right?
Haha… The Producer’s name is Maxwell Wolfe… Didn’t see that coming
Someone framed him of cause why would he leave hes gun and fingerprints all over the apartment.
Yah, you could see Westheimer selling out a mile away. I think Westheimer was at Sizlewski’s appartment and The Prod…, sorry “Maxwell Rolfe” is just covering it up.
This is little bit strange don’t you think?
Yaaaay it wasn’t him! I told ya’ll, I TOLD YOU IT WAS HIS GUN!!
westy’s been FRAMED! (insertangryface)
Whats Westy doing?
well, at least he’s been released w/o charges….
Me thinks Cortez has a hand in this. *Shields self from Cortez fanboys*
WAIT wuts exhibit B!!!??!
I thougth that would be westy.
Because of those “Hax” Ahmad used.
Maybe he knew that it was Adam Sizzler that was the one selling or giving the hax.
Who knows e’y.
That was very odd… why would westy promote Producers shit? … that doesnt sound like Westy at all.. something weird is going on O_O
[quote comment=”10416″]Hey, wait a minuet… this looks strange… Westy DOESN’T sound like Westy… am I wrong?[/quote]
Yea that does sounds weird :\
I’m not surprised that Westy is advertising for the producer. Remember at the end of the Season Finale, The Producer butters him up and says “Let’s talk merchandising” As for whether or not Westy really did it, I have no clue.
is this going to lead to a video?
I get what that bastard the producer has done, he’s twisted poor westy and brainwashed him! :O
Why Westy? that mean he will be never in seson 2? :'(
I’m calling shenanigans!
Westy Noooo!!
Like someone said durning the end of season 1 , that this limelight will fuck up Westys mind, so here is the proof.WEsty isnt like he used to be. He is fucked up by the fame . Mr.Wolf is probably manipulating him to clean his own dirty work. Les w8 for next article. Good work TLW crew.
i go on the right way
but still. he acted very strange. i won’t remove him off my suspects lists.
I have it all figured out, westy is a test subject in a CLONING experiment. So while one westy was in TLW the other westy was killing sizzler
in the last episode, or part 3, westheimer talked to the producer about “MERCHANDISE”.
[quote comment=”10416″]Hey, wait a minuet… this looks strange… Westy DOESN’T sound like Westy… am I wrong?[/quote]
ye we can all agree on that…whesty would never merchendise
[quote comment=”10448″]I have it all figured out, westy is a test subject in a CLONING experiment. So while one westy was in TLW the other westy was killing sizzler[/quote]
thats an idie we have to consider
k, k….listen up people…
How about…tanananana….BLACKMAIL
what about if westhy is being blaced mailed…
I dont know with what…but that would make sense…
“go kill sizlak, and dont worry ill give u an aliby…”
lol crazy idie , but at this point we have to consider everything
[quote comment=”10440″]Why Westy? that mean he will be never in seson 2? :'([/quote]
if u read the article it says he was free to leave without charges
[quote comment=”10448″]I have it all figured out, westy is a test subject in a CLONING experiment. So while one westy was in TLW the other westy was killing sizzler[/quote]
Hey that actually make perfect sense. That would explain the creepy lab thing at the end of the finale. Also it would make sense to clone westy as he won the final challange.
No need to comment 2 or 3 times in a row dudes. ๐
FFS, I said it at the start it was Cortez
That part about Westheimer’s comment, thumbs up, promoting Wolfe Corps. junk? It just doesn’t sound like Westheimer. Also the framing thing seems really suspicious, I thought it might be Cortes. But Cortes being the epic bad-ass terrorist and what I’ve seen from him through out the show killing someone just to frame Westheimer would really be a dick move seeing as how he only lost to him on a TV show. Not Cortes’s style.
[quote comment=”10455″][quote comment=”10448″]I have it all figured out, westy is a test subject in a CLONING experiment. So while one westy was in TLW the other westy was killing sizzler[/quote]
Hey that actually make perfect sense. That would explain the creepy lab thing at the end of the finale. Also it would make sense to clone westy as he won the final challange.[/quote]
i think u guys got something there =D
[quote comment=”10457″]FFS, I said it at the start it was Cortez[/quote]
It seems likely, yes.
if westy has a clone than hes a bad shot
LAWL! I wish they would’ve let me wear a mask when they took my mugshots!
And, mebbe gloves when they printed me?
That part about Westheimerโs comment, thumbs up, promoting Wolfe Corps. junk? It just doesnโt sound like Westheimer. Also the framing thing seems really suspicious, I thought it might be Cortes. But Cortes being the epic bad-ass terrorist and what Iโve seen from him through out the show killing someone just to frame Westheimer would really be a dick move seeing as how he only lost to him on a TV show. Not Cortesโs style.
westheimer promoting wolfe corp. products was discussed after the challenge in part 3 of the finale
OMFG Westheimer so close to life in prison thanks for that tape he is free
they stil need 2 sho exhibit B
I knew it! I knew it I knew it I knew it!!! What did I tell you all?! What did I…
[quote] Frame-job: No, I don’t think it’s a frame-job. There is more than one m4a1’s out there. Plus, as the Producer says in the series finale: “I have big plans for these contestents… an ISLAND of possibilities.” [/quote]
Oh… um.. oh yeah… *blushes and runs away*
It is definitily a clone because no one in the entire world is the same so it has to be a clone and at the end of episode 14 part 3 it shows some one talking to the producer and when he meant “no thank you mister producer” and if you look closey at the lab there is a tube big enough to fit some one so it has to be a clone
Producer (or shall I say “Maxwell Wolfe”) gots Westy’s back?!
My theory stays (for now) someone wants Westy framed, for revenge perhaps? …CORTEZ? COUGH! COUGH!
who knew westheimer said geepers?…. well… he did say ‘dumbledore’s wand…
Ahahaha that was good.
Hmmm, Westy sold out, but either thats not westy or the producer has brought westy to the dark side…..
Westy BETTER recover…..he needs a good dose of Cortes.
Hmm this might be in their new Law and Order series “Captain wants me to drop it” Maybe I will persue this avenue on my own lol how many times has their Captain wanted them to drop their case in Crime series
epic plot twist????
It’s all a big set up by wolf corp to get publicity for the show. Doesn’t it seem odd that already two people in the show are involved?
westy is being brainwashed by Maxwell Wolfe to promote his products! WESTY SNAP OUT OF IT!
since when does westy say “geepers” and “silly”
he’s defs Mr. Roboto!
It’s obvious that someone stole Westheimer’s gun while wearing gloves, than said person shot up Adam Sizzler. Duh!
whesty always says stuff like geepers, he lame. I think he sold out, I’m thinking the T team did it still. Lets face it ahmad cant do anything by himself, he would need help from cortez. Im thinkin Player has nothing to do with it, the thing with the door was weird yes. But no way would he plan out a way to take out sizzler. And maybe ppl were living with sizzler, maybe they were in on it though. The ps was handwritten so obviously the person who wrote the letter didnt write it. This clue really didnt help anyone get closer to solving the case in anyway, it just made whesty look like a sell out. I think we need B or the object of great regard to get an idea. I’m guessing B is coming next.
[quote comment=”10480″]It’s all a big set up by wolf corp to get publicity for the show. Doesn’t it seem odd that already two people in the show are involved?[/quote]
nah its too deep to be a pr stunt
Some possible scenarios?
1. Westheimer is whoring himself like a washed up 80’s celebrity. (Imagine him on The Surreal Life or Dancing With The Stars… eww.)
2. Westheimer is being held captive by Mr. Producer & Co., although I’d think less of Westy to be taken so easily, and Mr. Producer comes off as too, classy for that. He’s more nonchalantly devious than blunt and evil.
3. Other than “Geepers” and possibly “silly”, it almost seemed like that wasn’t Westheimer talking, along with the tension of Westheimer and Mr. Producer completely gone, could both of these occur, and it just be a coincidence?
Clone? Drugs? Westy found jesus hiding under a rock? Who knows.
Also, it doesn’t seem likely that any contestants on the show would go and hunt down Adam Sizzler, much less assist in a conspiracy with Wolfe Corp., does it?
T’s:Cortez can’t see the commercial nor would he know where to find Adam, Montrose wouldn’t bother, Ahmad = Epic Fail, Ellis probably wouldn’t bother either.
CT’s: Westheimer might’ve pursued to research Noonien extensively in order to stop this insidious hacking advertising but wouldn’t take action on his own (although pursuing the problem might’ve gotten him in this mess).
Play3r = Epic Fail. (Not the character, just at everything he’d try to do.)
Leeroy might help Westheimer if he was asked to, but I doubt he’d do something that would risk getting himself or Westheimer in trouble.
Chet might at most hold a grudge against Sizzler and Noonien for the trouble, but would probably call it case closed after people he knew personally weren’t being affected.
All just my opinions, don’t take them personally fanboys/fangirls/fanpeople/fanetc.’s ๐
I doubt that it would be anyone from season one. It would probably be a set up for season two… for a new villian.
i already know what season 2 plot will be, but since i am good person i wont spoil it ๐
and if you want to know, figure it out for yourself ๐
don’t believe me ? you don’t have to
[quote comment=”10490″]i already know what season 2 plot will be, but since i am good person i wont spoil it ๐
and if you want to know, figure it out for yourself ๐
don’t believe me ? you don’t have to[/quote]
ooh he is just so smart isnt he ? lol omfg
i think noonien corp is a secret underground group that is controlled by wolfe corporation to sell illegal goods, such as hacks (ahmad). after the first season the producer probably thought to erase or destroy the noonien corp to keep his hand clean (i just read dune)about the fact ahmad got hacks and etc… since (if this theory is correct) noonien corp is a puppet of wolfe corporation (and possibly nonexistent) the producer prolly thought to send a message to adam sizzler about cortez possibly coming after him to question him, since he was in the commercial that spuured ahmad to get hacks and the same company that was thought to be the base of the ocho muertos… realizing the threat from cortez, instead of just warning adam sizzler the producer probably thought to have sizzler killed by westheimer’s clone(linking with someone else’s theory that the producer cloned westy)….
episode 12 6:18-6:20
hax adress is 1223 noonien!
sizzler gone after epiode 12
Lol he had a Limo waiting for him.
No way, THE Westheimer did it!
That guy is my favorite character, no way he would kill someone for no reason!
Someone is framing him. I’m about to get my own Colt M4A1 and set this straight!
I know who did it. It was f*cking OJ. That sonuvab*tch.
[quote comment=”10448″]I have it all figured out, westy is a test subject in a CLONING experiment. So while one westy was in TLW the other westy was killing sizzler[/quote]
I’m with this person…
The test subject=another Westy
That’s my theory anyways.
Turd in the toilet…
๐ Nice… Hope see some more clues soon. Ok where did i put my coat? Dr.Vatson where is my coat?
Poor Westy! :<
And…geepers, you guys got me really excited! Can’t wait to see what’s coming up!
Aaa, a lot of people are misunderstanding this… Westy’s fine! Just look at the news article there ๐
…I know. But he has been interrogated ‘n stuff! So still…poor Westy!
No, I don’t believe it! Westheimer must have been framed!
lol my cloning idea was more of a joke at the time i wrote it… but it kinda makes sense maybe ill stumbled upon something big
This is my therory cortez framed westy because he thinks he killed the real “mendoza” but that mendoza, acording to the vary end of season one, was a “test subject”
the doctor (avatared as Dr. Cliner) even said so. or was he refering to westy? dout it.
i still think he was framed, but by whom, i’m not entirly sure. I’m leaning for cortez, but still…
thats why i think, proabably wrong ,but hey, i’m new at this “CSI” stuff,
I think this would be players thoughts
” TeH Bu7LeR dID 1T “
[quote comment=”10519″]lol my cloning idea was more of a joke at the time i wrote it… but it kinda makes sense maybe ill stumbled upon something big[/quote]
I think you hit something hard! That REALLY makes sense! That’s why they are doing all the competitions, to find who’s the best solider in the world, so they can clone him!! :O
Its cool hearing all these theories but please just stop…..anything couldve happened we’ll have to wait godzzzzzz!!!!!!11!!!1!1!!!1!!!!][]\
xD xD xD
Methinks this case and its evidance has been tampered with, where the hell is exhibit B? this investigator sucks
All of that certainly makes sense, but you never know. And I can totally see a ton of people next season or whenever this is all solved saying “Oh dudes, I totally knew that but I wasn’t gonna say anything to ruin it.” Also, there’s so many theories going around, and one will eventually be used, so it’s either one on this page or not – Leet World has certainly brought us a ton of surprises. And if you tried to guess how the rest of the season went off of episodes 1-3? You’ll never know what will happen until it does. Nice theories though guys, some of them sound pretty good and almost like you’ve been doing as much research as Mr. Dawson. Good luck SFF, I hope you can bring in some more surprises as we go along. And Westy selling out? Ugh, I barely imagined the voice in my head.
Uhhh…. if Westy is here, who is watching the CTs?
Time for Cortez to become a CT
OMFG westys clone