Lurking Under Bridges

We come to another Wednesday, which means that it’s time for a new Web Zeroes. I’ll keep this brief because I’m running a fever and feel like that triceratops in Jurassic Park.

Episode 17 of Web Zeroes, The Troll, is now up for you guys to watch. In this episode, we see what happens when the guys start to collect an online community, and the inevitable trolling that will no doubt occur. Also, Nate deals with his feelings for Amy.

Personally, I think this episode really shows off how much we’re starting to settle in to the making of this show, on every side. It was finely penned by our Web master JJ, who did a fantastic job. Mad props again to Jace, who is making me run out of ways to say that the music each episode makes me a happy gringo. Also, happy birthday to Daniel today. He is like eleventy years old. Wish him a good one.

To watch the ep, hit the jump. Or don’t, if you feel like being belligerent.

To download versions of this, check out Revision3.

Enjoy, and spread the word about our show.

11 thoughts on “Lurking Under Bridges

  1. Supremum

    Holy crabs, Daniel is eleventy years!
    Wish you the most awesomest birthday ever (except maybe the next one)! And don’t forget to get some cookies – these completely deserved.

  2. Headcrab Eater

    You guys just get better and better at this every time! Love you guys and your shows as always!!! 🙂

  3. Dave

    Nate: I’m full of love
    Ray: You’re full of shit


    Awesome episode. Loved it. Keep it up!

    Oh, and by the way, happy birthday Daniel (party)

  4. Xetrem190

    Good episode as usual. Love how the new season is turning out to be.

    Also I don’t know if this might of slipped your mind gentlemen, but shouldnt The Leet World Season 2 Soudntrack by Damn Dangerous should be out by now? I havent heard a word from it at all.

    All in all. You are making me hungry for new episodes as usual! 😀

  5. JJ

    [quote comment=”18032″]” LiveJournal FTW! ”

    I don’t even know anyone over the age of 16 that still uses their LJ. Epic episode, still![/quote]

    Hehe yes, that’s the point. Nate managed to dig up a post Amy made back in 2002.

  6. player

    Great episode you guys! You guys really know about the internets indeed. I have never seen a show where there was actually trolls like “Anonymous” or anything along those lines of that. You guys are awesome.

    Oh and happy B-Day Daniel!

    I bet the next episode of Web Zeroes will be Awesome-tacular!!!!!

  7. SargentPikachu

    “Is that ASCII porn?” Good thing I never had that problem.
    Great episode like always, guys. It was undoubtly awesome-tacular.

    One request: can the Web Zeroes title and credits music be up for free or paid download? I just love that intro music, thanks to Mr. Jace Ford!

  8. glebe

    Great Episode guys. I liked the subtle jab at people who keep going on about how you should make more machinima.If thats what that was. But i like how the shows panning out to create a crisis without a “bad” guy being involved, like Alex last season.

  9. 2Good2BeTrue

    “I sense a disturbance in the force!”
    Think this one of the best episodes so far, mainly because of the epic hobo=)

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