Tag Archives: halo wars

Holy Hiatus, Batman

halo-warsMaking a series like TLW takes a crap-ton of time. So whenever we get a reprieve from the insanity of this absurd Counter-Strike: Source machinima, we tend to live it up. I’ve been playing a stupid amount of video games, particularly Halo Wars, Resident Evil 5, and some Killzone 2 for good measure. We even started up a game of D&D with some friends, which I’ve never done before. Nick is a Dwarven Paladin named John Smotetrain, Daniel is an Avenger named Cortez Cardinal, and I’m a Wizard named Tom Shanks. We are questers of the most badass sort.

However, all that free time is gone as of this coming weekend, as we kick up production on Episode 8. We’ll hopefully have a camera there filming the process as we move through some of the episode, and hope to release our “making of” video at some point in the next month or so.

Speaking of, do you guys have any particular piece of the TLW production process that you’re most interested in hearing about? Besides whether or not Nick’s Beard (it must be capitalized out of honor) hinders our ability to puppeteer. Let us know!

More Season 2 Outtakes

micSince Daniel was out of town this weekend, Nick and I did some general house cleaning in terms of production, so that was good. It’s really nice to be ahead this season, and you’ll probably hear me say that over and over again for the next couple of months.

If there was anyway to let you understand the amount of pure getting kicked in the nuts factor that last season’s workload caused for us, I would demonstrate it for you, believe me. But alas, these cursed Intertubes don’t permit that kind of data transfer.

As promised, here are the outtakes from Episodes 3 and 4 of the new TLW season. You know the drill. Us goofing around, messing up, trying to make each other laugh while recording audio, etc. Also, Daniel almost dies.


Enjoy! Right click and “save as” to download. And check out my Halo Wars impressions if you’re interested.