Tag Archives: season 3

The Standoff: Leet World Season 3 Screenshot

Another screenshot from The Leet World Season 3. This time, Montrose finds himself in a rather precarious situation. Who are these masked CSGO baddies? What do they want? And just how is Montrose going to get out of this predicament? Perhaps his boots will have some part to play.

The world may never know. *

*The world will totally actually know, when the episode featuring this scene is released.

leet world season 3 screenshot montrose

“You think you can take on four men… all by yourself?”

First Look: Leet World Season 3 Screenshot

It’s been a long time since I’ve posted a screenshot of an upcoming episode of The Leet World. We’ve been keeping mum on the show as much as we can since it’s still quite a ways out, but we’re starting to hit that point where we can give you guys a few glimpses and teases. Part of that is due to the nature of working in a new medium — we’re still trying to work out some of the kinks of Source Filmmaker. And part of that is we want to do as much as we can to make the show still feel like Leet World even though the characters are capable of new things, like karate chops.

Speaking of. Episode 1’s got a few familiar faces in it, and Leeroy just happens to be one of them. He’s mighty concerned about something.

Leet World Season 3 Episode 1: Leeroy