Tag Archives: splinter cell

Audio Hilarity

Well dudes, things have been going great since the release of Episode Seven. Work on the next episode is progressing smoothly, though it’s a little daunting since this episode will have some complicated elements to it.

Some quick gaming news- IGN has released a “Top 100 Games of All Time” list to feed your fanboyism or your ranting. In my case, it’s both. It’s missing a few notables such as Counter-Strike, Tekken, anything from the Splinter Cell series, and the Sims for example. I’m not sure how MGS2 made the list but not MGS3. A few games were rated pretty low, too, I thought. It’s definitely worth a read though. Click here to discuss it in our forums.

Since I was feeling very generous, I put together a present for you guys: audio outtakes from episodes six and seven.


Enjoy, and please donate.