Tag Archives: web series

Vote Web Zeroes for the Streamy Awards!

Smooth Few Films needs your help!

The first season of Web Zeroes is nearing an end, and it happens to be right when the annual Streamy Awards have started back up! The Streamy Awards honor the best shows around the Web and we are asking for your guys’ help with voting to see if we can be one of the official nominees for our work on Web Zeroes. You can vote once each day between now and the 15th of January.

Votes can be made on a “series” or “individual” basis. Here’s what we’re asking for your voting help on:

SERIES (linky)

Best Comedy Web Series
Best New Web Series

Please go to the series voting page and submit “Web Zeroes” for the series name and put down either www.smoothfewfilms.com/webzeroes or www.revision3.com/webzeroes as the series URL.


Best Directing for a Comedy Web Series- Daniel Miller
Best Writing for a Comedy Web Series- Eddy Rivas, Jeff James
Best Editing in a Web Series- Nick Comardo
Best Sound Design in a Web Series- Alex Adamitis
Best Original Music in a Web Series- Jace Ford

For this one, please head over to the individual voting page and submit all these fine dudes for their hard work on this show. Use either www.smoothfewfilms.com/webzeroes or www.revision3.com/webzeroes as the URL. Remember, you can vote every day for the next month!

Thank you guys so much for taking the time to do this! It would mean so much to us for you fans that have stuck it out with us to vote and help us get more exposure.

Please vote for us!

The Golden Arcs

l4dFebruary is kind of a weird month, as different people are out of town on different weekends, but we’ll do our best to manage. That’s how we roll.

Been doing some solid TLW work this week, both in Hammer and with some script-writing. In addition, you guys should have some audio outtakes at some point this weekend from the last two TLW episodes.

I’m kind of excited about this. Yay Left 4 Dead DLC and its zombie goodness. When I’m not working on SFF stuff, I’m playing it, or Valkyria Chronicles for the PS3.

When we released Episode 4, I mentioned that this season is being developed in 3-4 episode arcs. Basically, we are making one arc at a time, and trying to stay ahead that way. It’s essentially how we made the finale, as one gigantic episode split into 3 parts. Thinking about this, it made me wonder what everyone’s favorite “arcs” were so far in The Leet World. So, vote and tell us!

This poll is now closed.

Weekend Warriors

Been a busy weekend around these parts. Spent some time shooting the third episode of Web Zeroes, which was a good time. Also, Nick and I spent most of the shoot singing Werewolf Bar Mitzvah. By the way, 30 Rock is maybe the funniest show on TV.

Not only have we filmed the next episode of Web Zeroes, we’re finishing out Episode 2 of Season 2 of The Leet World. I’m thinking you guys will enjoy this one, and it certainly feels more like a normal episode after the tumultuous ride in the premiere. Should be up in the next couple of days.

Be sure to watch the Spike Video Game Awards tonight. They’ve been lame in past years, but hopefully they’ll be a little bit better tonight, along with some cool trailers for new games.

Oh, and TheDuoGroup has added a new short. Watch and enjoy the Halo 3 goodness.