Tag Archives: zero punctuation

It is Nigh

Not the end. Episode Ten.

I know you’ve all been waiting for an update, so here it is: Episode Ten is coming very soon. Over the week, we’ve hit a few snags, so I don’t want to say exactly when it’ll be- just keep in mind that whenever that fabled release moment is, it’s soon.

The Bag Boy is receiving some solid attention, which is nice. Much thanks to Destructoid.com for giving us some face time. The idea for the video came about a few weeks ago. We wondered what it would be like if two guys were in combat together and one of them teabagged a “corpse”, as it were. What kind of reaction would that elicit in real life? I think the end result came out pretty well.

Some notable gaming links: Zero Punctuation’s GDC Special, Final Fantasy XIII in 2010, the 15 most annoying game characters, MS gets a red ring of death at GDC, tons of new Mario Kart Wii info, and Mario Galaxies on the SNES. The last link is actually kind of incredible.

The Valentine’s Day Trailer

It’s not quite candy and flowers, but it will have to do.

We try to deliver when we say that there are going to be some nice extras, so I bring a gift: a trailer for Episode Ten of The Leet World. Work on the episode is going well, with the bulk of shooting now complete. It should be out at some point next week, barring some calamity of the heavens. Which, if you’ve been around our “studio”, can (and frequently does) happen. In the meantime, there will be plenty of treats for you guys between now and then- our new short is on its way rather soon.

In addition, here’s some gaming news from the week: Is BioWare making a new KOTOR game, Zero Punctuation assembles some SimCity stuff, Pandemic supposedly making a Battlefield/LOTR style game, a ridiculous MGS 3 video, and a huge TF2 Valentine from Valve.

News to Abuse

Episode Six is nearing completion, and will be out later this week. What’s funny is that as far as production goes, this has been the fastest we have ever gotten an episode completed. Though it doesn’t appear that way from the outside, we are getting more efficient, and doing this in far less time- but since October was a month of hell (for me) and vacations (for Nick and Daniel), it has just taken longer to get the episode released.

Also- Episode Seven should be released in November as well.

And while you wait, check out some interesting video game news for the week: Call of Duty 4 Reviews are trickling out, South Park goes Guitar Hero tonight, Gray Fox ninjas his way onto SSBB, Zero Punctuation reviews Phantom Hourglass, and Super Mario Galaxies rocks.

Those= links. Check ’em out.