Tag Archives: guitar hero

Indecision Men

Now presenting Episode 2 of Web Zeroes: Writer’s Block. We filmed this a few weeks back, and have been waiting to release it because of the teaser for Season 2 of The Leet World. This episode deals with Nate, Ray and Alex as they try to decide the direction of the story for their new show. Unfortunately, idiocy and sheer confusion hamper their progress, as always. And maybe a little Guitar Hero, for good measure.

I have to admit, it’s still funny to see ourselves on camera after a year of doing zany voices for an over-the-top reality show in Counter-Strike: Source, but so far, we’re enjoying the Web Zeroes vibe. The reception so far has been awesome, so feel free to watch and comment away.

As Arnold would say, stick around over the weekend for an update on Season 2 of TLW. Also, make me some chicken noodle soup, for I am overcome with disease and illness from Daniel. Thanks, Daniel. And a real big thanks go out to our bud Alex, who once again did a sweet job helping us out with the sound.

View the episode after the jump!

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News to Abuse

Episode Six is nearing completion, and will be out later this week. What’s funny is that as far as production goes, this has been the fastest we have ever gotten an episode completed. Though it doesn’t appear that way from the outside, we are getting more efficient, and doing this in far less time- but since October was a month of hell (for me) and vacations (for Nick and Daniel), it has just taken longer to get the episode released.

Also- Episode Seven should be released in November as well.

And while you wait, check out some interesting video game news for the week: Call of Duty 4 Reviews are trickling out, South Park goes Guitar Hero tonight, Gray Fox ninjas his way onto SSBB, Zero Punctuation reviews Phantom Hourglass, and Super Mario Galaxies rocks.

Those= links. Check ’em out.