Portal: A Day in the Life of a Turret

If a turret bitches about its job and nobody is around to hear it, does it make a sound? You bet it does. “A Day in the Life of a Turret” catches two turrets on the job during a typical day at the Aperture Science Enrichment Center, and the monotony that lies within. Enjoy!

Here are some download links:


(Please use the mirrors first to give our server breathing room.)

640 x 360 Mpeg 4

HD MPeg 4

640 x 360 WMV

HD WMV (coming soon)

IPod (coming soon)

Also, expect the first screenshots from Episode Nine in the next couple of days.

71 thoughts on “Portal: A Day in the Life of a Turret

  1. ToKeN2

    Nice guys!

    Can’t wait to the ep 9.
    See Cortez kick more ass!

    Wondring if he ganna recover from the blind XD

  2. Katana

    Nice! I hope the other guy (who made ADITLO Rage Cube) doesn’t think you stole the idea. They’re both pretty funny.
    And thank you for not making the video just one whole Still Alive re-singing. Like some people would do.

  3. Eddy

    [quote comment=”1958″]Hey guys… did you know if you take the time and Digg it Ep9 will come faster… it’s true…[/quote]

    You are perhaps my new favorite person. Sorry Nick, Daniel, Jeff… wife.

  4. Cake

    My nickname have been Cake since HL1 came, so don’t ask -.-

    Great work guys! I hope you make more of these, also I can’t wait for EP9 ๐Ÿ˜€

  5. thekodols

    There are so few videos I watch more than once, almost none. Even TLW episodes, which I of course very much enjoy, I haven’t watched more than once, but damn, this video is addictive.. I have seen it 3 times already and rofl’d every time.. Something is seriously brilliant about this video.

    Keep up the addictive humor ^^

  6. Pingback: Portal: A Day in the Life of a Turret ยป The Leet World « Hard answers to easy questions

  7. JJ

    Sweet holy mother of god, the comments form has been down in flames for hours…

    I’ve missed you, comments form. Come back to me!

  8. TekkenDevil

    Is the companion cube’s script a reference to domination guy from Leet World?
    Great stuff btw. But my heart seeks Ep. 9 more.

  9. Pingback: il sito dell’ale » Blog Archive » Un giorno con una Torretta

  10. Peach

    Dude that was some of the funniest stuff that I’ve seen in a while. Good job on the leet world videos too. You guys make me laugh no matter how shitty my day gets.

  11. Peach

    I also really like the reference to “WARGAMES” and “DEFCON” …How about a game of chess? Dude can’t stop watching this video.

  12. Pingback: Portal: A Day in the Life of an Aperture Turret - VideoGamesBlogger

  13. lala

    Id love to know if I can get the backing track of this “A day in the life of a turret” brillaian clip. Very funny. But the weird music’s brilliant. whats the tune called please and again, where can I find it (without the turrets voices etc)….

  14. Pingback: Vida de un Brero เฎ‡ » Portal: Un dia en la vida de una torreta

  15. Pingback: Does Portal’s Success Presage Game Industry Shift? - GigaOM

  16. Samura

    shiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit !

  17. Goten

    Hi guys,
    can anybody fill the gaps? These are the phrases I couldn’t catch.

    “You know who I _______ last week?”
    “The Companion Cube.”

    “It scares the ______ people”
    “______. Okay, I see you”
    “Ask her if she’s still there”

    Would be nice. thx

  18. Anime Reunion

    Can anyone give turret’s dialogs in 2.23PM scene…after

    “I’m piss!!”

    “About ___________________” untill

    “This never happen at Black Messa”


    “Did you see that android on the ______? Nice ass on that one”

    and Companion Cube in incinerator scene after

    “That’s gonna hot. I _____________ EVERYTHING!!! I WANNAAA!!!…………..”
    “I see you in hell cube”

    Pleasee!! Any help will appreciate.

  19. Goten

    [quote comment=”2680″]Can anyone give turret’s dialogs in 2.23PM scene…after

    “I’m piss!!”

    “About ___________________”


    “This never happen at Black Messa”


    “Did you see that android on the ______? Nice ass on that one”

    and Companion Cube in incinerator scene after

    “That’s gonna hot. I _____________ EVERYTHING!!! I WANNAAA!!!…………..”
    “I see you in hell cube”

    Pleasee!! Any help will appreciate.[/quote]

    Im pissed
    About the lst organic that God passed us?
    No, I just tried to access my facebook account. It said the webside was blocked.
    You didn’t see the memo. Facebook in my space are banned.
    WTF. My Jetman score was so good.
    I miss all my apps.
    This would never happened at Black Mesa.

    Not sure about that:
    Did you see that android in the lunch time?

    Cube scene:
    That is going hot. I’m sorry for everything. Oh my god.
    See you in hell, cube.

  20. Pingback: Living - MattSprinsky.com » The Archives » Will there be cake?

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